Was Hanibal black?
Was Hanibal black?
doesnt matter
>We wuz conkerers
>Punic Wars
>Derived from Poenicus/Punicus, meaning Phoenician
The Carthaginians (at least the old families and the nobility) probably resembled modern Syrians or Lebanese. Even the underclass and commoners were North Africans, who were not subsaharan African Blacks. The closest you got to "black" in ancient Carthage were some of the Berber tribesmen (pic related, Riffian man from early 20th century).
History Channel said so
>nigga lips
to the trash it goes
Probably was an ethnic hroup that does not exist anymore
if the historic record supported that thought I would be fine with it,
how ever it does not
please kill yourself
That trailer for HATG was so fucking hype.
Yeah what this user said. Hannibal was Semitic, Carthaginians even worshipped a god related to the Canaanite god Ba'al.
He was of Levant origin with maybe a bit of Berber.
Neither are subsaharan black, both are moderately dark skinned.
>Hence the fucking name hanniBAL
he was a nordic aryan like all members of the ruling class in antiquity.
I don't know shit about Hannibal, but all this Veeky Forums memes make me want to learn about him.
How do?
>Was Hanibal black?
Skin color wasn't a factor worth mentioning back then, social caste was how you would be judged.
>Was Hanibal black?
Does it matter?
No hannibal was an ancien't turk from mongolia.
>probably resembled modern Syrians or Lebanese
>moderately dark skinned
pic related
Assad has blue eyes
name an arab with blue eyes
Medium rare kek
God bless /twg/ memes
There are lots of North Africans in my country. Their skin is quite fair and they are obvious caucasians.
They still behave like subhumans though.
Crusader rape baby.
No. The only point of contact between black sub-Saharan Africans and the ancient mediterranean world was at Nubia. There was no cross-Saharan travel because there were no camels.
Shes a samaritan
If there are italians and greeks who look like her why cant there be semitic mediterraneans who look like her?
We wuz generalz an shit
When I first saw the trailer I was outraged, I thought they were trying to portray carthage as sub saharan black when in reality it was a former phoenician colony that would be North African and Lebanese (maybe some Syrian, but maybe Lebanese).
Then I realized it was mainly only Hannibal and his brother they were portraying as black, if you pay attention most of the army in the history channel special is white or arab. When I saw this I shrugged the whole black thing off and enjoyed the show.
And I mean the carthaginian army, not the barbarians that assisted Hannibal.
That was just a regular Rome 2 trailer. The HATG trailer was different.
Ain't all this "blacks were romanz and shiet, kangz an generalz" memeing getting a little old?
Yes, it lends credence to afrocentrist theories as a whole, and fuels racism by creating a phenomenon of historical appropriation and antagonisms based on race.
No. History channel is just sucking up to the SJWs and uneducated Afrocentrists who believe all of Africa = black.
The only thing about Hannibal they ever did was that decisive battles thing that was clearly meant to cash in on the 300 craze. The events were true but the whole visual bit was hyper stylistic.
Yes. It's now stale. It used to be better when it actually made posters react to it sincerely. We've already seen this over and over and now it's like static noise.
No, my dude. It hasn't even begun.
>positive discrimination
The race war can't come fast enough.
Then read
>tfw have tickets to see him in July
>Then I realized it was mainly only Hannibal and his brother they were portraying as black, if you pay attention most of the army in the history channel special is white or arab. When I saw this I shrugged the whole black thing off and enjoyed the show.
why be upset at the idea of their portraying carthaginians as black but not at the idea of the carthaginian nobility being black?
I remeber the butthurt that caused in facebook and youtube because he was "white".
But that's even worst? Not only it's a lie, but a bad and unconsistent one?
Thanks user, I have now learned he was a black moor warlord who defended melanindom against the scions of Yakub! You learn a new thing every day!
Funny thing is i have never heard this kind of historical revisionism outside of Veeky Forums shitposting.
Its mocking an idea that very very few people actually subscribe to.
did you not see the op pic?
Holy fuck kill yourself retard.
>Not knowing shit about one of the most famous generals of antiquity.
Alexander, Caeesar, the Scipios, Xenophon and the Pyrric dude are basic desu. He was the greater along Alex to me, the merc army than he maintained with Charisma alone is a feat in itself, than he beated the Romans in they home turf one time and another and was only stopped be a dude than was a genius obsesed with him is quite a feat.
The enlightened history channel has him as black
most likely would have had a very arabic looking face, like the rest of modern day tunisians.
no, Carthaginians were a Phoenician offshoot, phoencians were basically semitic, so more arab/jewish in appearance
Carthage was in Africa, and Africa is black, so yeah.
>people actually believe this
Camels are domesticated all around the Sahara.
Fun fact: Hannibal didn't cross the Alps with Elephants. They used the 1964 Impalas with spinners. Also, Hannibal was not defeated by Rome... He was killed whilst drinking a .40 on the steps of his apartment building. So much is lost in translation.
/twg/ is the best general, by far.
Now. Not in the 3rd century BC.
This is the Barbarians Rising "documentary" mentioned here a few weeks ago, where it was discovered hannibal would be played by a black actor.
As wrong as that is, i am far more pissed off at the typical leather biker gear bullshit armour we well see, as proven by this image.
So what the fuck is he wearing? Leather wrist bracers for absolutely no reason, Hannibal wasn't an Archer. Some sort of strange leather Cuirass. He would have almost certain worn a bronze or even iron muscle cuirass or at least a very ornate linothorax. His helmet looks like a really cheap plastic toy, but it seems to be invented entirely. I'm guessing its inspire by the statue supposed to be hannibal, but it looks more like a later Roman cavalry helmets. He should be wearing an ornate version of a typical Greek helmet like a Thracian or pylos.
Overall from this alone i can see that this will be quite the terrible production.
I'm a professional historian. I can vouch for this.
It's more common than you think. Though in my experience it's not so much a concerted effort by most people to push it as part of a political agenda, but rather that they think that it is one way and act accordingly.
For instance, everyone in Africa = black, black = sub-Saharan West African, and they're all just one amorphous blob with no distinct or separate cultures, histories, etc. so Egyptians and the North African Roman Emperors are black sub-saharan West Africans, is the standard one that I come across. These people wll assume Hannibal was black because he was from the continent of Africa. Of course, these people will usually have never met a North African in their lives.
Carthaginians did encounter sub-saharans and thought them to be animals.
Or it could be the other way around, I don't mean to sound racist.
That's exactly backwards. They encountered apes and thought they were people. Hanno encountered loads of "Ethiopians" along the way, some of which he regarded as friends, others as barbarians.
But the Gorillae "tribe" is described as having hairy skins, climbing quickly, and defending themselves via biting and clawing.
Even females being more numerous that males matches gorilla troops.