>+30 IQ boost
>$10,000,000 USD
Pick one and only one
why is this board filled with shitposting niggers?
not an argument
this is a serious inquiry on the value of intelligence versus wealth
Already got $3m and an IQ of ~140.
I'll take the money and donate it to some charity.
Take the IQ please. I need a genetic resequencer. Please!
I have an IQ of 90. With money I'd never have to worry about anything ever again, however the intelligence would significantly improve the quality of my life.
I'd go with the money.
>Get money
>Fuck Bitches
>Hire someone to think for you.
Ignorance is Bliss and money solves your issues. I like the cut of your jib.
I'll take the money, money grows exponentially at the 10m point and more IQ would probably make me depressed.
I don't even know what my IQ is... So yeah I would just take the money.
10,000,000 thanks. I'm already decently smart. 10 million would have me set for life.
I'd go with +30 IQ boost, life satisfaction should be greater, and I should find more ways to make money.
I'm not sure.
The return on IQ seems to diminish quite substantially; I'm not sure that adding any more once you reach ~140 makes much difference.
On the other hand, $10m isn't very much money. It would be enough to live comfortably on for a long time (potentially indefinitely), but it's not anywhere near enough to live an exciting life. It would certainly make it easier to start a business, though; in particular, it would be useful for covering advertising costs for the software startup I'm working on. We could have a very strong EMEA and North American campaign for a year on that.
I guess I'd take the money. Raising my IQ by 30 points would probably only really benefit me by giving me the ability to be some sort of theoretical physicist or a professor of actuarial science. I'm not really interested in doing that.
$10,000,00 USD if it's today, or any time prior. In a year, I'm not so sure.
I would use it to buy tangible assets. A robust house, an affordable car. Gold. After that, I'd divide it up to get full insurance in case the banks die in the financial crisis, and then buy the dip when it came. When stocks rise again, friends will call me a genius when really all I did was buy at a good price.
>genetic resequencer
China's working on it. If the US still exists by then, the wealthy elite will have access to their superior version (not for the goyim though), otherwise I'm sure you can pay a gold bar's worth of renminbi to get fixed up bargain-basement style.
Hey, you'll make it.
>life satisfaction should be greater
I doubt it. You would just realize how fucked things are, and if your IQ was already high to begin with, how futile existance itself is.
>I should find more ways to make money
I seriously doubt it. Intelligent people don't make money, smart people do. Get it? You need some intitiative/moxie or what have you, hard to define character traits, to really make it. Sure, you could work as a programmer or something and retire just fine. But you wouldn't be one of those billionaire success stories. You can't calculate your way to that, it requires a bit of "you", it's not a pure numbers game.
What's stronger in the long run, interest of having the money now or whatever 30iq gives you?
I already have an iq 130-140 so I take the money, but half of it away and use the other half for schooling and starting a software company.
>130-140 IQ
>types but instead of put
>however the intelligence would significantly improve the quality of my life.
>life satisfaction should be greater, and I should find more ways to make money.
End this meme. Having a higher iq makes your life harder because you see more of what's wrong with the world and get really easily depressed. If your iq is already 3 digits then just take the money.
>120-130 IQ
>2 standard deviations more intelligent than average.
>Society as a whole would be composed of people comparatively retarded.
>Still be a socially awkward poorfag, but now with a total inability to comprehend how people are so dumb.
>Could make things, yes, but can't afford college for research positions, and likely won't have any interest in things that a normalfag would discover as massively marketable.
Yeah, nah. I'll take being a slightly clever multimillionaire over being a poor genius any time.
definitely the money, i have more than enough iq
I'm a retard and even I would take the money
>IQ boost of 30
literally fucking worthless.
Luck is worth more than intelligence, just look at notch, who made 1 billion dollars with an iq of 70~.
It'd be considerable if it was +150 though. And I don't mean online bullshit tests. I mean a straight up larger brain with more nerves and caloric allocation.
Ironically even that would be useless until you got a neuroscientist to measure it.
>$10,000,000 USD
comfy life without worries, fantastic traveling experiences, healthy and tasty food every day and the hottest bitches
>+30 IQ boost
Spend the rest of your life trying to invent something for humanity because you need to justify not taking the 10M, major depression if you fail
Pic related, he picked IQ.
>giving me any happiness
I wish. If the +30 IQ tangibly improves me and restores at least SOME of my braincells, then I'm taking it.
I've been dead inside for several years as a result of having a horribly failing memory and progressively worsening ability to think, even if I could only be me again for ONE month, I'd take it over the 10 million dollars in a heartbeat.
IQ. I'm at Mensa level already, this will make me a genius.
Ever heard of the expression fat, dumb, & happy?
It's not fat, smart, & happy for a reason.
>mensa level
>requirement for intelligence to be at or above the 98th percentile of the entire population
>using Cattell scoring your IQ score needa to be at least 148
If you're at Mensa level you already are considered a genius, you fucking retard.