So I have a conference call every Wednesday for my company’s volunteer chapter with a bunch of the older big wigs and the topic of the call is usually something to the effect of, “why are 90’s kids so lazy and never show up to our volunteer events unless we offer to pay them.” I usually sit quietly but this time I’m going to try to go with a “we grew up in a much tougher economic time than you guys did, so we don’t have time for your unpaid bullshit” angle. I’m looking for more quotes like this one (see pic) to back me up. Help me out here? Or are we just lazy?
90s kids and the economy
a little bit of column A a little bit of column B
Tell them that some believe that the anti communist and pro capitalism of the 1980's influenced the youth via movies and tv to see volunteering as socialist and taking away jobs.
Ye m9, looking in the wrong geographical area. Let me lay this on you:
In SJ, SF, NY, NJ, and many other populated places your houses are going to run you in the triple digits for a shack. Back in the 70s, your dollar would get you a mansion in those same places. While that maybe true, you're not factoring in the extensive population growth in those specific areas in the recent decades. Have you even looked into the surrounding areas? For example, in areas of NC in 2016 you're looking at houses that are 3 bed 2 bath for 60k - 80k easy. Although with the growth of the capital, prices are starting to increase significantly.
Whether this generation sees it or not, we're in a period where MONEY is FLOWING in the streets, information is abundant, and technology is as advanced as it has ever been. Problem is that this generation is lazy to a certain degree. Ya, I'm Gen Y and I'll say we're lazy cucks to a degree. But that's brought upon by parents not teaching discipline. What gets me is they'll complain, yet they're the ones that raised em'. That's besides the point though. My point is, money and opportunity are all around us - but we take it for granted.
> I’m looking for more quotes like this one (see pic) to back me up
You think a bunch of unsourced Facebook rants are going to give your argument any strength?
fucking 90's kids
80% of millennials are in credit card debt. They should honestly all get gassed.
Im a millennial, but i think millennials are lazy and entitled.. I used to manage a small team, and millennials are always late or absent for work. I ended up covering for them, it sucked
Im now my own boss and would never work or hire with millennials again
There are many problems that could be solved by just killing large groups of people.
For example kill everyone over 60 in the US and suddenly 20% of the GDP is freed up because medicare/medicaid gets drastically slashed.
But we can't actually just kill people... right?
if only it were that easy. The blacks and the poor make up about 90% of crime. The disabled, the old and the sick leech billions in taxes due the care they need and expect the government to provide. In an a moral 100% effecient society we would eradicate them all and use the billions in extra revenue to automate all laborious jobs so that the middle and upper classes could live freely in a society with barely any crime.
disabled provide companionship for families tho.. theres alot of middleclass families with a retarded offspring and they are perfectly happy with them
criminals and niggers tho, i have no problem gassing
You underestimate the value of criminals in the US. For profit jails are the worst thing to happen to the world morally but financially they're the last bastion of production in America. Pennies on the dollar production lines. Why do you think America has 2% of the worlds population and 20% of the prisoners?
Also disabled are costly, but no where even close to the numbers of the elderly.
do criminals actual produce? i thought they just lift weights in the courtyard and watch TV in their cells.. Isnt prison just a babysitter for naughty Tyrone and Jamals?
Suggest that the volunteer events are likely wrong. Why would I donate my time for a cause I don't necessarily believe in or agree with??
No, for profit Prisons place you in mandatory work placement.
Military Attire and Battle Gear are made in prisons. Starbucks coffee is packaged in prisons. Braille Books. Office Furniture. Victoria's Secret Lingerie. Police Training Gear (The fucking irony). Circuit Boards.
That's just the shit I'm willing to google. They make a lot more.
never thought they produced so much.. all prisons should be for profit
if they dont wanna work, gas them
The guy in that pic (Reece) is retarded and I can't tell if this is trolling or not since no one here corrected it.
$35k @ 1970 equals $120k @ 2016
due to inflation and capital appreciation
If we are to take that as true, as he suggests, then the man's entire argument is bullshit. He is claiming $120k @ 1970 would be worth more, which follows directly from the previous premise, but then he goes on to compare $120k @ 2016 to $120k @ 1970, in complete contradiction to what he already said. OF COURSE $120k would be a high amount back then, because inflation and capital appreciation on that house hadn't taken place yet.
Look at it this way, we're in year 2060. Reece's grandson complains, "Oh my god, you millenials had it so easy. Your house was only worth $120k. Well now that house is worth $1.6M. Like, oh my god, how could you have gotten a mortgage for $1.6M back then. LOL no I don't think so. Like OMG."
Dumb ass millennial
Yeah, and a lot of them produce their own products like the clothing they wear and the trays they eat off of, sheets, beds. It helps keep running costs down.
The downside of it all is that it creates an system where they need prisoners so they can keep the system running which means that innocent people will be jailed for petty shit that shouldn't really be a crime.
That has a huge social cost. Like, why are so many poor people on welfare? Because the main sources of income, men, are in prisons. So yeah.
>80% of millennials are in credit card debt. They should honestly all get gassed.
They can't repay their debts if dead. Better to leave them to their inevitable slavery.
Lol on 20k a year it would take 30 years to pay off the average 600k shack, if you threw literally every penny toward it and were charged no interest. Assuming you put only half your income toward it, 60 years. With interest factored in, 120yrs at least. And this cunt wants them to work for free.
BTW if you think that $20k a year figure is ridiculous the median personal annual income is around $24k
Can you even read? He is saying house bought in 1970 for 35k is priced at 650k today, or 120k in 1970 dollars. I don't care if his numbers are made up since you are a retard with below 4th grade reading level either way.
M8...that's $10/hr, literally any college grad makes double that starting
I would just start with a simple "Because there are plenty of opportunities to work for free. Those who can afford it can also be picky; respect and appreciation from the organization we volunteer for is the bare minimum. And you clearly have neither for my generation".
Then I'd just quote him. The impossibility of taking time away from paid work or lack of value to volunteers may come up, but he's looking for your perspective in a way that brings value to him. He doesn't care about modern times or how tough other people have it, and he shouldn't have to. He just wants to know what he needs to do differently, and he hired you to tell him.
I don't think every millenial is lazy. I'm one and although I know many with 4$ in their bank account, there are some smart and creative ones.
Millenials just want to be more efficient with their time. They don't get assigned much work to last them throughout the day and usually slack off a ton because there's nothing to do (atleast in the public sector where I'm at)
I think the current 40 hour work week system we have is kind of outdated. I don't know an alternative system that would except for maybe a day or two to work remote/at home.
Maybe if we shifted to a 30 hour work week with higher pay or a 10-hour/4 day week, it would help people a lot with fatigue and feeling overwhelmed
Enlighten us
Boomers are just butthurt because they cant into computers. There is no reason to wagecuck 10 hours a day with modern technology.
>lived in house share
>housemate is 26
>earns minimum wage
>40k of credit card debt
>thousands on various store cards, she can't even remember what she owes to whom
>overdraft permanently maxed out
>goes drinking and shopping every weekend
>all of her friends are in similar situation
i meet people like this all the time. however i do wonder if previous generations would have done the same if they had credit available on this scale as well.
>Any college grad
>what is capital appreciation
This is a thing after uni?
it's a typical thing for most working age post-grad normies in expensive areas of the UK, yes.
i did it myself to save money for a deposit on my house. it's cheaper than getting your own place, bills are typically included and you can make friends in a strange area.
>not inflation
Bernanke pls go
To be fair that was in 2005. Now it's about $28k. So 50% of Americans earn less than 28k a year.
>50% of Americans earn less than 28k a year.
but 99% of Veeky Forums users earn $100k+
It's actually worth noting too that that's $28k net compensation (including benefits like employer-provided insurance and perks and/or wellfare)
So basically middle-america earns $13.46 per hour if working full time.
that's pretty terrible
average salary here is around 25,000 bongs
The average here in the prison colony is $58k or so, apparently.
Omg wtf, inflation is real? Holy shit I thought that was just a myth. That explains why millenials are so lazy for sure.
Probably wouldn't be an issue except that wages haven't kept pace, even as productivity skyrockets.
OP you are going to look like an utter fucking idiot if you rehash this butchered Econ 101 technobabble.
Oh how tough it must be to ride on the backs of people who worked their entire lives. Unless you were either starting in the workforce in 2008 then the boomers grew up in even rougher unemployment rates than you.
Like fucking hell OP, talking back to your boss for the stupid reason of "They dun don't understand mEEEE!"
Oh fucking boo hoo, they called you lazy. At what point did you realize you're retarded.
You don't pay a computer or machine a salary. Must be so hard to not do work done by a machine better than you could.
It's pretty normal in the US, especially if you live in a city.
An apartment near my job in Houston is easily $900+ (just for rent), and we're a relatively low cost of living metro.
Right now, I pay $600 all bills paid to rent out a room in a nice house some 40 year old asian dude owns. Helps him pay the bills, and I get to live in a nice area for cheap.
This desu.
OP I'm going to give you some real business advice instead of the jerking back and forth over economics rest of thread is happy to engage in.
This is just the older people in the group bullshitting with each other and it's a kind of signaling to share with the other elderly that they have a certain worldview (the kind that goes along with "lazy kids these days") since they can't openly discuss anything more specific.
It could just be harmless groaning, which a lot of office airheads make a career out of, but even if they are reinforcing each others' regressivism, here is the key: YOU WILL NOT CHANGE THEIR MINDS. It's not actually about young people doing company volunteer events. It's deeper, and they are more set in their ways than you realize, if you yourself are still new to the workforce.
If you need your job or your salary, probably the best thing you can do is just listen and not say anything, yes-man it a little if somebody who's bigwig enough asks what you think. If it stings a little, remember, companies are dictatorships, and you are not going to engage on a battlefield of ideas, you are going to get relegated and shitcanned.
If you actually need the income that's the best thing you can do for yourself. Work on improving your skills, financial situation, and marketability so that you can get better, more niche jobs where either you're the bigwig or you're sufficiently irreplaceable so that you can skip the soul-deadening stuff like the meetings you're describing.
The only people with rougher unemployment rates were the greatest generation. Fucking Xers, thinking having to work for a living is worse than not being able to...
you think that's bad? have you ever wondered how much baby boomers and gen-Yers love credit cards and their precious debt? you wouldn't even believe it if I told you.
source: analyst at a bank
You should spend more time looking at your "hard workers" to. Most people that say they work hard actually just work for about half of the day and spend the other half staring at the wall or bullshitting at the water cooler, or running there mouths in a line acting like they are waiting for something.
It is part laziness but 98% of people don't understand time management. If you pay attention to how productive they actually are it is uncomprehensively low. It was almost disassociating to me when I started paying more attention to thins.
Do people actually pay off loans or is it more a matter of creating more and more debt throughout there lives. The latter is what it looks like to me but, I am only exposed to a certain group of people.
people generally borrow up to debt ratios of what banks will approve for whatever type of financing they are applying for. mortgages are the the easiest example. there's some loan programs that allow up to 40-50% debt to (gross) income ratios to get approved for a mortgage. obviously the recommended debt ratio is in the 30%s, but a lot of people toe that line if they can. once they start to get their financing applications denied by the underwriters, it then becomes a real, tangible problem to them, and they can start paying enough down so they can keep borrowing.
also, while this might seem like it keeps the problem in "check", it really doesn't because credit guidelines and secondary market investors buying up the debt have not tightened up their policies over the years, they've loosened them
Boomers at times had worse unemployment rates than now in 2015.
Millennial, 22 y/o.
I work hard af, never miss a day of work, work over-time whenever needed. I also attend classes in the evening.
Don't tell me I'm lazy, I've given up my youth and happiness to become a wagekek.
I think that guy is working under a completely wrong assumption that kids worked for free ever.
Yea, So from what I see and what you are telling me. The problem I acknowledge is
The banks are giving out more money than what covers the assets they "own" or would be able to sell if in the event of defaulting.
Yet, The banks don't seem to be giving out enough money to support other demographs.
I do understand what you're saying as. They need better policies mitigating who they give money too. (well that's not what you're saying but I get you)
I do know that the formula used to calculate unemployment has recently changed
.Generally when management suggests that an employee does something for free a peer or legal guy should stop them for one of at least two reasons.
I will never, ever give to charity or volunteer for one. They are almost universally ran by old cunts who just want to flaunt the social status it gives them.
Yell out
it's less about assets and more about (monthly) income. you can live paycheck to paycheck and still get financing as long as there's enough money in your accounts to cover any down payments, they don't care if you have $1 left to your name after the transaction goes through, as long as your credit report and pay stubs say you will be able to make the payment next month, in theory. the problem is people's ability to keep their jobs and continue growing their income, if that falters, then they will default. there's also so many government sponsored programs in place now, almost anyone can get financing if they tried hard enough.
it's a two-pronged problem. the banks give slightly more than they should (a 40% debt ratio is bat shit insane to me), and the people borrow slightly more than they should (because that's what people do). and the government programs/subsides are only enabling it to keep getting worse, because "anyone should be able to afford a house" etc etc.
Is this from a movie
Just patronize them in a hilarious fashion. Works great with old timers.
The real lazy one is that derpy boomer in OP's meeting expecting some volunteer to do his work for free.