>mfw my professor says the romans were white
Romans were black
everybody in europe was black
white people are a social construct
Hol up
>not black
There are literally photographs of him!
>southern europe is basically touching africa
>ancient southern europeans weren't black
lol. most of europe was black up until a few hundred years ago. look it up.
I have evidence about this
I dunno, these guys from the 14th century look pretty white...
And these guys from ~50 B.C. have a pretty fair complexion...
really makes you think
they're either modern forgeries or originals that have been altered by albino revisionists.
Lotta good that did them.
Oh well if we're just gonna say nothing is anything then sure Spain was just the Songhai a few miles North and Detroit is a direct descendant of Ethiopia aka the greatest empire to have ever conquered the moon
>whitey gets hysterical when confronted with the truth
what a surprise. the kubler-ross model was stolen from black psychiatrist by the way.
I... I think you're appropriating my culture.
A hundred years ago, they wouldn't have been considered white. Similarly to how the Irish and Italian immigrants weren't considered "white."
>mfw prussia doesnt even exist anymore
Yet those germanfags will defend this
In the US you mean.
And two hundred years ago they would have been considered white in the US too.
that doesn't really mean much. german and swedish immigrants weren't considered white either.
Threads like these, ironically or not, remind me that Americans should be banned from practising history teaching.
well they are snowniggers.
For the few people who actually care about history rather than throwing dank maymays at each other, this is Saint Maurice, an Egyptian Roman commander who was marytred in Switzerland.
what no r u stopid
Take a look at Ariana Grande. She is a perfect indication of the average skin color of a strong majority of Romans. Some were lighter, some were darker, very few were black but there were those, too.