Those 'pants' are 1500 fucking euros
wtf is this shit this is not fashion this is a ducking black curtain being sold for thousands of dollars who the fuck wears this stuff
Those 'pants' are 1500 fucking euros
wtf is this shit this is not fashion this is a ducking black curtain being sold for thousands of dollars who the fuck wears this stuff
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sour grapes
Not you, poorfag
Fashion (runway fashion/mainlines) are typically more for art and concept.
Rick for example, has DRKSHDW, the more streetwear style line, which is more durable and intended for daily wear.
This isn't an every day garment. This is art, dipshit.
>togas for pants is now considered art
Truly advancing our culture to unfounded levels
I'll shit on a glass and sell it for thousands of dollars, and people will apply it by pouring it in their faces, and you, poorfag, won't be able to afford it. Don't say it's bullshit because it is art and probably too complicated and abstract for you to understand.
Btw I recommend wearing the shit with some supreme and an iphone as an accessory
>let me pretend to know about fashion
This piece is shit and anyone and I mean anyone who wears it will look like a complete and utter tool.
Don't embarrass yourself any further.
>I'll shit on a glass and sell it for thousands of dollars
Then do it. Prove us all wrong.
Piero Manzoni actually did this. he shat in 90 cans and called it "artist shit". one of the cans was sold 10 years ago for almost 100,000 pounds.
omfg it's just a pair of baggy pants, chill out. I assume these are some kind of silk blend by the looks of it, but seriously, if you can't even figure out a way to wear these in your imagination you should probably ease up on giving critique?
But he's right
What you're saying is irrelevant because it's not meant to be worn, it's meant to be looked at. Runway clothes, for the most part, aren't suitable to be worn and often look odd because they belong to a larger concept.
You must be really new.
>because it's not meant to be worn,
yes it fucking is you humongous dick swallowing pleb
it's sold at stores, it's a fucking READY TO WEAR show, it's by every fucking definition of the word meant to be worn
Oh I'm wrong then that's horrible
>Runway clothes, for the most part, aren't suitable to be worn
are you fucking kidding me?
all fashion, no matter whether it's pret a porter or haute couture is meant (and thus suitable) to be worn. the difference is that haute couture usually is not concerned with practicability so the products can be designed with as little limitations as possible, making them more radical.
I am so sick and tired of this board
Why are you not worried that some 300$ pants looks exactly like 20$ h&m pants?
It's totally normal that 1500$ pants looks different. I'd rather spent money on those than on normal ones.
That's what I meant tho jokes on you
>I probably should've went in depth
Nigga you can get a black trash bag, put it arround your legs and it'll probably look better than this.
>who wears these
People that are deep in the fashion scene, have their own style and know how to pull them off. Not 98% of /fa.
reminder to all the newfags that we are being raided by the grade a under a, taskforce
75% of people here would defend rick if he started selling JNCOs tomorrow
The man puts out some amazing products but he's not infallible.
Every so often he'll put out a stinker just to mix it up
You're just a jealous poorfag who can't afford nice pants, have fun wearing your cheap h&m jeans for the rest of your life, cuck.
I was speaking hypothetically. The pants op is bitching about are hard to pull off but I like them.
but I stand by my point that rick isn't infallible, but fanboys would never admit that he fucked up and just say that any critics are poor and motivated by bitterness
bicc boy pants over rammies is cool as shit honestly
how NOT to wear mastodon pants
Is this completely new to you? If you don't like it, you're free not to buy it. Stop giving credence to the postmodern dipshits who spend money on shit, the whole point is so they can call you "poorfag" and pay to be cultured, and you can sit back and call it crap. That's how this works.
As expected of a mobile poster
Lol rick is 100% made for muscular people