How do I acquire this look?

I want a fit that will make the master race proud, what do you guys recommend?

go back in time and impregnate your mom

German here. Fascist always look like shit and should die

Glad to live here where race doesn't matter. Fuck you fascist scum. I hope you die in oain

>triggering the so alt-right beta cucks

I like what you are doing :^)


uncultured shithead doesn't know famous movie quotes

>cultured from watching movies

ask /pol/

>make the master race proud
There is only one answer for that.


it's Karl Diebitsch

neonazi style a shit

Wasn't this show basically out right nazi glorification?

Sure, they show some bad aspects of the nazi, but the aftertaste is that it's the good guys, hitler did nothing wrong.

Russians, is this show allowed in the Russia? What's the buzz about it in the Russia where nazis are seen from almost Jewish like prism.

Also, that music was very obviously copied from a classic Soviet tune.

Something simple

Fetal alcohol master race

Ugh, the fucking Hugo Boss meme.

Neo-Nazi's are just sore losers who won't go away. They dress themselves in offensive symbols for attention. All they want is to feel like they are a part of something because they are social autists and don't fit in anywhere.

How do I acquire this look without actually acquiring this look?

Is there a subtle/casual way to pull of a uniform?

Fuck that's a genuinely good fit for terrorcore. Too bad about the shitty tats.

>sore losers who won't go away. They dress themselves in offensive symbols for attention. All they want is to feel like they are a part of something

Activates the almonds.

>mfw pol is still affected by the red scare

I'm sorry, is mass murdering regimes good or bad?

Your tumblrites can't seem to make up your mind. It seems you only really object to which logo does the slaughter.

>mass murdering regimes

>/pol Litterally praising hitler


Somehow you still failed to in any way condemn the communists and the people who support them openly today. Even though they murdered even more people than the nazis. Why is that?

When you're doing this soul searching, ponder why the communist supporters can walk around colleges praising communism, wearing the faces of communist thinkers and murderers, hell - even a lot of the faculty will be communist supportive in many colleges. All without any problems. Nobody is censured. Nobody is reported. Nobody at risk for hate crime charges.

Why do you think it's okay to support mass murderers who wave a red flag?

your point on murdering more people is illogical. if the nazis had won world war two, and systematically murdered the entire gypsy, homosexual, jewish etc population of the world then they would have killed far more people. also fascism "in essence", involves belief that one race/nation is greater than all others, which logically leads to belief that all others are inferior ie racism/extreme prejudice must result from fascism. on the other hand, communism "in essence" is about redistribution of wealth and breakdown of class barriers to make everyone in the world equal - which is far more palatable than fascism.

also you're at least being incredibly hypocritical when using the mass murder argument against communism when, as said, /pol/ literally praises hitler

"Superior genes"

>your point on murdering more people is illogical

It's a point about consistency. The fact that you spend an entire paragraph trying to confuse that, STILL refuse to distance yourself from communism and engage in mental masturbation to try and remove the massacres from the communism, is just showing how fucking delusional you people are.

You want to make a point about /pol/ while fellating an ideology that's killed MORE people? That continues to murder to this very day. That has not a single positive fucking feather in its cap despite dozens of attempts at it.

At least nazism only happened once. At least that's politically toxic.

People like you aren't constrained to one board on Veeky Forums. You and your apologism for mass murderers is celebrated openly on normal political forums. You have a fixed place in western academia.

Yet all you can do is cry about nazis. A powerless diaspora of internet retards who primarily shitpost. That's what you're "concerned" about. Communist regimes exist today, right now. They're still murdering people. And stooges like you defend them and try to give political cover for their actions.

"True communism has never been tried".

>Even though they murdered even more people than the nazis
[citation needed]


is Veeky Forums more leftcucks than Veeky Forums, I thought we /pol/acks ruled Veeky Forums.

Just say you were inspired my Michael jackson

"True Communism has never been tried"

FALSE! True Communism was tried under the Repubblica Sociale Italiana under direction of the eternal DVX and Niccolo Bombacci with great success (not for example effectiveness of Socializzazione without constraint of crown and pulpit unlike during the KIngdom), until that regime was put down by roves of Moscow-backed thieving bandits and a gaggle of Wall Street judaeofinancialist Yankee Imperialist legionaries with their mafiosi lackeys, their pockets brimming with usurious reserve notes issued from the hellish belly of moloch himself!

how can i look like a nazbol?

R u defending communism rn? Cause I'm not sure what ur doing. user isn't praising hitler, he's calling u out on hating with the poplar thought. Fuck hitler, but fuck the commie pinko faggots too

Why does pol have to always come and shit this board up?
I just don't get it

Think outside of your containment board for once

>the hammer and sickle is offensive

I guess there are a lot of bourgies on this board.

it literally always works at the start while there's wealth to throw around, then goes to shit

wealth produced by capitalism, by the way

off yourself you piece of shit, your ideals are literally murderous

Monotonic development of the economy is inherently unsustainable and is ideology of cancer, the modernist paradigm must be done away with for a sustainable, social economy grounded on sustainable values that eschew the excesses of jewish international high finance capital. The level of economic activity and average welfare will undeniably deteriorate but that is what you get for the excesses of man since early capitalism, the masonic revolutions, and the industrial revolution.

As Dugin notes in 4PT:
"Marcel Mauss, a well-known French sociologist, criticized the monotonic process as well. In his book, Sacrifice: Its Nature and Functions1 and especially in his essay, The Gift2, he showed that the traditional society paid great attention to the ritual destruction of the surplus. The surplus was seen as excessive, likho, usury. Likho personifies evil, usury is the interest charged on borrowed capital, and excess is that which is obtained beyond one’s need, beyond ne- cessity. For instance, surplus crops were seen as disastrous in tradi- tional society. The ancient worldview was based on the belief that an increase in one area translates into a decrease in another. Therefore, the surplus had to be destroyed as soon as possible. For this purpose, the community organized an orgy, a feast, a sacrifice, consumed all the additional food, choking, or gave it to the gods, handed it out, or destroyed it. This is the origin of a special ritual – the potlatch, which constitutes the deliberate damage of personal property. It pre- supposes the destruction of the surplus3. Marcel Mauss proved that the belief in the destructiveness of mo- notonic processes lies at the foundations of human sociality. The society remains strong only through the rejection of the monotonic process and by turning growth into a cycle."

Blood and SOIL not "Blood" and Usury ok.

enjoy your culturally enriched semen enema

kys ahmed



>tfw I have similar eyebrows and facial features to the new meme fascist guy

It's hard to wrap my head around that the Nazi will be this tasteless when it comes to establishing an infrastructure. Albert Spear's Germania is breathtaking. This is just a dumb kike's idea of what the Nazi's had in mind.


You're just going to
drive her right into
his arms.


Fuck your sister and then fuck whatever retarded child that retarded child produces and then fuck the retard child that the retarded child born from the second retarded child produces.

But you're already a fucking retard, no need to propagate your genes.

This is why I'm cool with eugenics.

>white trash

My family is from the Boston. My great grandfather owned some sort of boat company and from that made a bunch of money and set my family for life.

White trash is just as stupid as niggers who think democrats and "black leaders" care about them.

We'd like to wipe your fucking bloodline off this earth too along with the niggers, Jews etc. People of a lower stock period need to stop trying to align themselves with those higher. Inbred lowlife southern fucking hicks don't need to feel better than anyone when you like in some backwater shithole and can hardly read.

That goes for so called urban nigger wannabe whites too.

>My family is from the Boston.
>People of a lower stock period need to stop trying to align themselves with those higher.
It's adorable when micks think they're white, especially burger micks

>low iq non-white not knowing what /natsoc/ is

>systematically murdered the entire gypsy, homosexual, jewish etc population of the world
do you really think they wanted to take over the whole world lmao

They are Americans. Their uniforms are tasteless too. They are evidently left with some autonomy by the German occupation.

Talking about Hitler = fascism
National Socialism there completely different in almost every way. The way they draft public policy how they organize workers, relationship to the means of production and their views on expansionism and integration. Also, different core beliefs and ideological history when it came to the evolution of their ideology as well as different people

I bet you are American since you seam rather incapable of original thought.

this thread does belong in pol now doe

pic unrealated

That's pure bullshit. Natsoc was built on the fascist principles. Natsoc views nation and race as linked while fascism looks at racial discrimination as another form of social division. That's the only fundemetal diffrence between the two ideologies.

German here. That is untrue. Also, what do you mean by 'fascist'?

If only you knew what true fascism was you would be begging for it.

Money must be the servant, not the master.

w2c jacket???

Part of their political strategy. When some lonely angry autist stumbles here for the first time, the frogposters need to appear to be a much larger group than they are, which is why each and every single "alt-right" virgin spends hours each day spamming Veeky Forums and well, every other public forum.

noun: fascist; plural noun: fascists
an advocate or follower of the political philosophy or system of fascism.
"he went to Spain to fight against the fascists"
>a person who is extremely right-wing or authoritarian.
"fascists made death threats against immigrants and asylum seekers"
>a person who is very intolerant or domineering in a particular area.
"I'm a bit of a spelling fascist, but still have blind spots over words like ‘privilege’ or ‘separate’"

You think you're disproving anything. Dumb kid.

You're as big an edgelord as the chodes in that photo

What's that pouch thingy assemble he's got going on?

thats the flag of prussia. Whats neonazi about it

No it s the reichskriegsflagge.
Prussias flag is the eagle with black and white background. At the left top corner is the flag of the german kaiserreich(germany until 1918).

your incorrect

no its not

dump pouch for magazines

Yeah the """"""""Resistance""""""""" are a bunch of fucking faggots
way worse than the Nazis