/thinspo/ - Thinspo General

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>post thinspo
>make america thin again
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Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:

>MyFitnessPal: "Veeky Forums friends"

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Why do my cheeks become sunken in and I get facial folds when I get down to BMI 21.5?

How are skinny people have such normal faces?

good thinspo for guys on this blog


anybody know why myfitnesspal's servers never work? Ive tried signing in for a few weeks striaght. is there like an age restriction?


worked just fine for me

try deleting it and reinstalling

Marcel Kittel, German cyclist


i did, and i ment the website too.
And i dont know who eats that much calories a day. 800 is ideal

Hello, it's me again.

myfitnesspal told me that im eating too little. then why am i still fat?

heres picture

because that's still unhealthy restriction. ofc mfp is gonna tell you you're eating too little. how long have you been at it?

lol first time trying it

>tfw alcoholic
>need 1600 cal a day just to function
A-at least I beat coke, r-right?

>reposting because old thread is a kill
How do you IFers keep away from food. I used to just wake up right before classes started but now its summer break and i'm home all day around deadly food.
How do you not eat until the evening
>pic unrelated


i saw this post and meant to respond!

what i've been doing is drinking coffee in the morning to sedate my appetite a bit. Also leaving the house and walking around to kill a couple hours a day.

it's a bit of a struggle to make it to 4-6pm with out eating

but since my sleep schedule is so fucked by going to bed around 2-3am if im lucky i will wake up around noon

yeah. I've been trying to stay up later so i sleep in, but that really isnt a help if you just shorten the time before your fast instead of after. I dont know how those 2 days off 1 on people do it.

im gonna do my first line of coke on monday. is it really that bad for you?

What are some low calorie snacks I can eat? What I've been doing when I get hungry between meals I just eat bowls of salad with vinaigrette and it's about 40 calories, but I'm getting kinda bored of it.

tangerines r good. They're ~40 kcals a piece

Black coffee, tea, or water
Also you just get used to it, like everything your body adapts to it and you just won't be hungry

0% fat greek yogurt, quark, skyr, any mostly fibrous and watery fruits like apples, edamame

Do I have to do cardio to lose weight, or is calory deficit enough? Really wanna get thin legs and I feel cardio works them out.

You don't need cardio per se, but it's a welcome incorporation.

I've been munching on raisins alot lately. Not super healthy in large amounts but it's a lot better than candy/chips etc.

i love this

is this you? height?

>live with parents
>garbage junk food everywhere
>grandma shoves food in my face all day
>resorts to getting fast food when I refuse whatever she cooks

I gotta get a job and move out already. Its damn near impossible to stick to a diet when there is so much temptation around me

Marcel is like 190 hardly thinspo

same thing happens to me even when im not even that low bmi. my cheeks are very high and wide and my face just looks gaunt. oh well fuck it.

snap peas

its not that im hungry its that i want to eat because food tastes good

how did i do

Ask them to buy more healthy stuff, but that's more difficult with a family since everyone isn't on board. Since my mom is a vegetarian and I only with my mom it's easy to ask her to buy different kinds of foods.

It looks like you work out twice a week, but don't lift heavy. You're not thinspo or fit, just kind of in between.

what if i told u i deadlift 180kg

Do I need to lose my period before I'm considered thinspo?

you would also be a liar


What is an effay bmi? I'm only 167cm and male so I don't want to be too small, but I do want to trim down to 65kg at around 8% bf




Thank you.
Yes. 5ft 11.

It isn't that bad for you it's just easy to get addicted if you have consistent access

I'm a white male.
Wavy hair
Not so pretty: kinda 5\10

Do I have chances to get a gf?


lel i have literally the same 1rm deadlift with garbage form and look 5x better than you. Although, my arms are short as fuck so my leverages are much worse i suppose.

how much do u weigh

around 182lbs. Lowest ive gone is 167lbs. Im 6ft

Im not thinspo at all.

>tfw cant be a cute skinny boy who wears raf simons.

lookin good but im pulling the same 1rm at like 40 pounds lower body weight hehe

i need to eat more

yeah mang. I find that guys with longer arms get great leverages on the deadlift, which gives them good numbers on the deadlift, which gives them strong as fucc legs and spinal erecters and propels thier lower body lifts way ahead of bench or OHP.

eat to get ur upper body there mang. Then cut down to look aesthetic/thinspo/whatever.

what country you from? You look nordic but lighting tells me UK

can you homos head over to Veeky Forums


can i eat less than 1000 cals a day and still lose weight or are the soccer moms on the internet right when they say it damages my metabolism and makes me store fat (aka gain more weight)? thus far i've lost like 3 pounds in a week so its not like im dying or anything

they're poo poo heads
yes, you're fine.

Do I have what it takes to thinmaxx?
Or should I gymcel and grow muscle instead?

could ask fit but would never get a serious reply

could i pack on muscle by not eating much and not gaining fat?

i used to be swole 90 kg but havent worked out for 3 years and is just really skinny now 6,2 and 70 kg maybe

i dont want to eat a lot of food and drink shakes and have lots of body fat again. it was tiresome and i see nothing wrong with my skinny frame

Oh Shit...


A whole 1kg watermelon has around 330 calories in it.

Eating a quarter of one would fill up even a normal person.

thanks, do you have any other good male inspo blog?

To any males who browse this thread: make it your goal to avoid looking like this kind of thin

isnt this just skinnyfat?

you aren't meant to be a skelly

do you guys wear slim jeans? my legs look like two sticks when wearing a more skinnier jeans which look ridiculous with a parka on

He, actually looks like trash! I wonder what he looked like before fasting or calorie restricting...

this one is a mix of aesthetic/fashion but occasionally has some male model thinspo


he's just ugly lol

why is his face so fat but the rest thin af

today i had 2 pieces of grilled chicken breast, a handful of broccoli and a small baked potato. is this alright or did i fuck up with the potato.

A regular sized potato has like 100-150 calories in it, so you're good as long as you didn't drown it in olive oil.

i did add a tablespoon of olive oil. fuck.

You think that ugly bitch knows either?

It's just another 100-130 then. Not a huge deal

Because some people just naturally have big faces

He's also a tranny

Me rn, 18, 5"11, 52kg

your body shape doesn't really look great. you should just go ottermode or something.

Is he really? That might be why he doesn't have shoulders

>eat 1,200 cals
>tell my self it's fine ill just fast tomorrow
>give in by noon and eat something
>rest of the day downhill from there

rinse, cycle and repeat.

fasting is easy as fuck. just make sure before you fast that you hide your food/keep your food away from you, and don't even think about it. read a book, watch a movie, play vidya, do anything to take your mind off of food.

thank u :)

>skinnie jean

>referring to men and women as males and females
why is this so reliable for identifying /pol/ posters?

woman or gay? either way is shit, I mean you're hair, nice body though

sure being thin is aesthetic sometimes but is it really satisfying? don't you get tired of being weak and also all the girls thinking you're gross? I do, I don't even have to try to be thin.

i feel so good when my stomach feels empty. im addicted to it.

I don't go on /pol/.


I always look pretty unhealthy when I'm losing weight. When I take a break and eat enough to maintain weight I look really good and finally get to enjoy my progress.

Fuk inspo

how the fuch do u want us to answer to what you're asking if you don't post a pic of yourself?
do you even use your brian buddy

5'6 manlet here
I'm down to 105 lbs
Have I made it yet?

Not sure but either way I wanna smash

I would say so

Post pic

What are some techniques you do to stop yourself from going over your calories budget after you have reached it? I no the obvious answer is just don't eat it, but what are some things you do to avoid eating?

I know drinking water is one.

I write or play a game. Writing down my food journal and seeing I was within my limits is satisfying and encourages me not to ruin it. Do something that will take all of your attention.

If it's towards the end of the day I take a couple of melatonin and go to bed.