There are junglenigger nomads

>There are junglenigger nomads
>There are horsenigger nomads
>Even desertnigger nomads.
Question: how come no culture became boat-nomads? It's literally ideal for nomading.
>Fish for food.
>Sail away from trouble.
>Be badass sea-fighters & pirateniggers

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Vikings is the correct answer

>Question: how come no culture became boat-nomads?
Literally who are the fucking ancestors of polynesians & island Southeast Asians.


Vikings, Greek, Phoenicians, not quite nomads, but for sure they came around on their boats

Polynesians, you dumb cunt.

Probably because you can't live off of a fish only diet and you would have to land to make repairs.

Being able to construct a boat that you could live on would require some sort of permanent settlement anyways, so what would the point be?

more like pirates.


There are literally places in Southeast Asia where the word for "boat" and "village" is the same.


they probably lose out because more industrious civilizations end up building better boats

>Being able to construct a boat that you could live on would require some sort of permanent settlement anyways

Their knowledge of the sea enables them to live off its fauna and flora by using simple tools such as nets and spears to forage for food. What is not consumed is dried atop their boats, then used to barter for other necessities at local markets. During the monsoon season, they build additional boats while occupying temporary huts. Because of the amount of time they spend diving for food, Moken children are able to see better underwater due to accommodation of their visual focus.[6][7]

Some of the Burmese Moken are still nomadic people who roam the sea most of their lives in small hand-crafted wooden boats called kabang, which serve not just as transportation, but also as kitchen, bedroom, and living area.

They sort of exist afaik,around Indonesia and SEA but they don't move that much,it's just that they live on boats

I wasn't fucking asking for them you dumb cunts.

Industrious civilizations can build ships alright, but can't build small fast boats to save their lives until very recently.

There's a reason why native boat designs were still in use in the Philippines under Spanish rule, for example.

The Bajau are actually massive headaches for Philippine/Malaysian/Indonesian governments since they regularly cross maritime borders and consider citizenship to be secondary to their family ties.

This. It's actually pretty bizarre how shitty European small boats were, considering they were the only ones making decent big ones.

Fresh water seems like the obvious stumbling block, as well as repairs. Scurvy, too.

I think it's because it became secondary to them. In Yurup, most small boats are owned by poorfag fishermen, who will just fuck around near the coast and then go home.

Meanwhile SEAsians and Polynesian small craft have to cross large distances and over choppy seas. Even if it was just a two man canoe.

>how come no culture became boat-nomads?

>Inb4 why do they sometimes form semi-permanent settlements during winter?
To repair the fucking boats.

what happens in a typhoon?

Yeah. Typhoons only affect the North Southeast Asia. This is why Philippines and Vietnam gets their shit fucked up.

Bajau tend to scoot away from the Philippines when the strom season arrives. Which is usually June-December.

Kill yourself OP, your question was based on a false premise, and you were corrected like the bitch you are


Drinkable water

The majority of small ships in Spain were in the mediterranean coast (fustas, Llauts, Jabecs), and were quite useless outside it. The northen part prefered big ships than could travel great distances or were merely little fish-ships.

>why doesn't thing exist?
>but it does exist, such as etc
>no fuck you, explain to me why it doesn't exist