Techwear General

Last thread had some good debate and vitriol, so time for another Techwear General.

>Is X techwear?
It can include but is not limited to a number of aesthetics and brands:
• Tech Ninja/Cyberpunk (ACRNM, ACG, Guerrilla Group, Y-3)
• Activewear (NikeLab, Adidas, Gyakusou)
• “Gray Man” (Unobtrusive) (Veilance, Outlier)
• Outdoors (The North Face, Patagonia, Arc’teryx)
• Military (Arc’teryx LEAF, Triple Aught Design, Surplus)
Post news, inspo, and fits. Start flame wars, berate each other anonymously and have fun.

>Techwear Discord link:

>Techwear guide (link to the brand spreadsheet inside the guide):









Please, stop.

Stop what? :^)

Stop posting images without saying anything.

>stop dumping images
are you new


unpopular opinion time:
nike acg is fucking garbage and they are jacking the shell designs from UEG which has been putting out more interesting shit for ages
Adidas is putting out more interesting stuff with their collabs and lines, lab 84, Day One and White Mountaineering collabs are better than what nike shits out.

nike with these fresh as fuck original designs


Are button up shirts allowed? I'm so bored of t-shirts

Outlier do some technical button ups

ACG, White Mountaineering, Prada Sport, Outlier, Triple Aught Design, etc etc all have technical button up shirts.
You just have to look around for what suits your needs and fits the look you want



huh, never knew the ACG cargos came in that colorway

>never knew the ACG cargos came in that colorway

You can just type color, be more accurate and save letters. Why are you fucks embracing corporate marketing lines to this extent?

'Colorway' is just simply more accurate in our modern world where garments are not just simply one single color

>'Colorway: Noun. Any of a range of combinations of colors in which a style or design is available.'

A shoe can be black but also be black with white and gray or black with red. Getting butthurt over the evolution of language is asinine.

I like the shoes

Anybody familiar with Hong Kong that can tell me where I can find shops with brands in OP or similar? Found Stone Island and ACG at Lane Crawford but the selection was tiny

>corporate marketing lines

3/10, graduate from high school kid

Boxwood = faggot

>Boxwood = faggot
this desu ^ namaste

What are some good tech shoes that a really grippy in the rain?

Can someone please remind me of the story behind this jacket

No story, just an old old old jacket, think errolson made it before acronym was a thing

>errolson made it
kill yourself. please

>not knowing errolson worked with SI and Burton before Acronym was a thing
wew lad

That jacket is a Levi's x Philips ICD+ and the lead designer was Massimo Osti you fucking retard LMAO

this dudes 36 looooooooooooool

36 is the new 23

i know you little dumb asses are not shitting on based jah
dude defines the techwear game while bustas going invis on they accounts or just deletin like that thief 1000deaths and karl the filo
check this summer tech heat yall hater bitch

just bought these, looking to get some slimmish cargos to make a tech/milsurp kind of fit. Have been looking at the acg cargos in black, should i get these, or save some money and just buy BDUs?

Summer techwear inspo like this please?

Do prestos need to be a collaboration to be good quality? Pic related, going to cop if they're made well.

>Do prestos need to be a collaboration to be good quality?
lolwut you are just paying for the name with 'collabs', the quality doesnt change too much

>being this pants on head retarded

to be fair raf did it many years before. UEG is top tier though

Thanks, didn't know if they used better materials or something like that

Not a great summer shoe desu, unless you're a Southern Hemisphere fag

Good luck getting any quality from Nike at all.

T. Also owns air presto utilities

Mfw Techwear is just an old meme and people actually fell for it..

mfw it's the only interesting thing on Veeky Forums right now

Really makes u think

Depends, if you care about going full techwear, then no because there's absolutely no tech in these. They fit the "aesthetic" tho


Yeah I doubt Nike would use better quality material just for collabs

Mfw Rick is an old meme and people actually fell for it..

How do I techwear in 90 degree weather I need something to keep me Cool and Dry

There are quite a few options for clothes that are breathable and moisture wicking for hot and humid weather.
Nike, Y-3, ACG, among many other brands, offer things like Climacool. Even Uniqlo has some really nice Airism/heat tech stuff.
Look around and see what you can pull off. Summer techwear is an underappreciated and underdeveloped part of techwear in general.

dude needs a buzzcut

fucking shit
this. fucking so much this
he is balding hard

Is he actually 36 or is this just a meme? If it's true that's pathetic.









Just because the summer aesthetic of techwear isn't your techninja shit doesn't mean it's underdeveloped. The brands you listed are all great examples of how a simple top can have tech qualities. If you're looking for the techninja look in the summer, just get a light jacket or shirt that has sling straps and wear that

So I'm kinda new to this whole techwear thing, and looking through my closet I found out that I have a pair of pic related, are these any good for techwear?

No, new england
Shit, already ordered. did I fuck up?

what should i check out in tokyo

hoping to do some shopping. non-techwear also welcome but no americana menswear shit that's so popular there nowadays

>Just because the summer aesthetic of techwear isn't your techninja shit doesn't mean it's underdeveloped.

That's exactly what I'm talking about you fucking mongoloid. I don't even wear that techninja trash, I rather hate it actually. That, unfortunately, doesn't mean that it's not the majority of the community.

Hiking shoes can be, just depends if you can pull them off in an interesting way with the rest of your fit without looking dadcore

Yes, these are definitely techwear. Ignore the wannabe ninjas in this thread will tell you to buy prestos or some other trash that will fall apart.

I know they aren't Tech but I live in a rainy city and was told they grip nicely. Could these still maybe work with a Techfit?

What are some good tech joggers that I can find on grailed for under $110 without coming off as too mall ninja'y?

This is just a kids style. If you are wearing this over the age of 19 you need to get your head examined.

got them from stockx at retail price, hella pumped
i dont really have the money for an actual tech fit, just looking for something that will look cool

Nice shootercore outfit

he is only 25 dickhead

I liked them up until the honeycomb on the toe. That's where ya lost me

25 - 19 = 6
6 > 0

25 > 19

I think that's the "Vegan" part of the shoe.


This guy has some sick fits but I hate his fucking face, mainly his hairstyle

Can I get a fit check?

id on jacket?

Yeah, fuck, that hair is fucking infantile.

are you trying to look autistic?

He's most likely a brony

different pose needed; silhouette looks off, pants to baggy for narrower shoulders. maybe feet together would look better.

where to find techwear look book

Anyone seen the new Reebok Alien Stompers coming out next month? They black ones could be tech, I think. I really like the ridiculous yellow ones tho.

What are some good Tech bags?

>They black ones could be tech
Why? Why could only the black ones be "tech"? Is there anything technical about them?

I was thinking more I'm terms of aesthetic than actual functionality. As far as I know there's nothing technical about either colorway, but I just see the black ones as being easier to wear.

>Is there anything technical about them?
There is nothing tech about any shoe posted in these threads, basically people just want a "futuristic" looking shoe

>B-but they look like anime shoes and they're black!!

Any way to make a Bomber jacket look good in a tech-ish fit?

Check out Xeoniq's tumblr or insta, he uses bombers in a lot of his fits.