What is more fashionable than being a famous rapper?

What is more fashionable than being a famous rapper?

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Being a good rapper

Rap music will never be Veeky Forums


Hello /r/streetwear

I'm not white if this is what you're trying to allude to

being in a famous late 80s/early 90s punk band

Rap music is for the tasteless



being in any band desu, hip hop is pleb and 'rap' is niggerwockey

Having a job which doesn't revolve around gloryfing criminal degenerate behavior.

having taste




>only talent is writing rhymes
>compensate by being 'fashionable'

you make it sound like its easy. why dont you do it and become rich and famous?


travis is mah nigger only him and kanye is fashion fuck all those others lil niggers


carti looks like a literal monkey good music though


The fuck happend to post malone man

because he doesn't have the background or pal mob to make anything of himself in rap music and that's 90% of what matters for success in this genre

Achieving notoriety only after your untimely death

Rappers have incredible technical skill in delivering their rhymes synchronized with the instrumental track. Rap lyrics aren't published like poems, it's a performance



Please don't touch my Raf (please don't touch my Raf)
Please don't touch my Raf (for what?)

Being white

is this bladee

Being a soundcloud rapper

bladee is a god. he's /our guy/


rock star in the 60s and 70s

Literally every thing. Rap music is the least Veeky Forums genre of music

bladee has gotta be the corniest thing out there since yung lean himself



h8erss gon h8

Not being a famous rapper

Being a designer duh


being merceniary
being actual range rover/e63 driving stone island wearing roadman

he just doesn't care desu


i have whitearmors set aswell if you want

>implicatoring that flacko isn't faaf

Literally anything.

bladee is a leader

This is now a Bladee thread


player.vimeo.com/video/85426739 bladee was shooting for some brand with ecco

Being a famous musician.


id shirt?

Dunno, but he wore it a few times


yes or being the other semi-famous indie boy to date Sky Ferreira