Is SLP dead? And if so do you think now is a good time to cop a few pieces from grailed or are they gonna get cheaper later?
Is SLP dead...
as long as fashun skellies and not so skellies are keen to pay $700 for fake welted glued soled shoes and $600 pre ripped jeans, slp will never die
It's not as hyped up as it used to be, as all the Instagram hypebeasts have already move to other things, like Gucci. Also I noticed that prices for things like Wyatts have been steadily going down on grailed. I just bought a suede pair in mint condition for $400, which is pretty low compared to what they used to sell for. Hedi's Dior stuff is pretty cheap on grailed rn though, wonder if SLP will be similar 10 years from now.
this is now an SLP inspo thread
this bloke used to lurk here. hi.
yeah, anthony is an awful designer
he's just making versus under the saint laurent name
SLP stuff won't hold its price because its all 'fashion' - there are many timeless pieces. super skinny fits are of the time
>Is SLP dead?
Yes. It's now called YSL.
Wow this one looks really great, I love the pants
SLP the brand is dead, Hedi's rockstar aesthetic will live on, it may fade away for a while but it will never die.
Also all the coolest SLP inspo pics aren't even SLP.
will never die
hedi is going to revive chanel menswear in a couple of years.
there's never been a chanel menswear
there's been custom pieces for some men, more so recently than ever, but no
chanel menswear is not a thing
tfw not unhealthily skinny and tall
glad this brand is dead. tired of seeing emaciated faggots, fat fucks, ugly gooks, nigs, low test fags with wide hips, incels with knock'kneed and manlets trying to dress like british rockstars from the 60's
this brand is literally costumes for autists
Love you Tim, never forget.
SLP is fine really. But nobody cares about YSL anymore. Primark is more popular by now.
this, i guess in theory slp can look good if youre 6' 120lbs. God only knows what possesses these little chubby guys from even trying
I know that being famished is super in right now, but does anyone else feel like skellies wearing slp looks kinda goofy? I always felt like the slp rock and roll aesthetic looked best on folks who aren't anorexic twinks.
That style of clothing is supposed to represent the "outsiders", and how can you be a rebel if you look like you get beat up by high school girls on the reg.
Like don't be a fatty, but wearing super femmy shit and being low T looks silly.
Who's this model?