Could've been worse.
what am I looking at here
What we should've done to Germany to ensure WWII doesn't happen.
Cut both balls, and the shaft, and burn the place they used to be.
where can I get a set like this?
We had this thread not long ago
If I remember correctly not a single good post was made back then
No, it's basically Lebensraum adopted for Russians and Poles.
>Pista Contenta is a Hungarian-born artist residing in Uruguay. In 1999 he abandoned his beloved homeland due to ideological reasons, giving up a prospering career in trade and customs.
>He settled in a little town called Punta Del Diablo on the shore of the Atlantic Ocean, and attended courses at the local University of Art. He majored summa cum laude in product design, animation direction and shamanism.
>The Hungarophilia project was inspired by his homesickness and his love of Hungarian lore. The exhibition is open until the 22nd of August 2016 at Gallery Anda Que No, Montevideo.
You can still catch it actually. I thought it was over by now.
Too much land remained.
>let's attack other countries and expulse the natives :)
>oh fugg we lost
>why are they expulsing us from their own countries? literal genocide :((((((
Henry Morgenthau was right.
>you killed my mother so now I can kill your mother too
It's better than that.l
>someone killed my neighbors mother in your name
>so now I can kill any of the people like you, like the one who killed my neighbors mother
That's the justification for most wars for most combatants.
Considering how they claim land to be theirs as soon as there are Germans living there, the expulsion is justified to prevent another German invasion of these territories.
Germany wasn't like Austria-Hungary though. It was no multi-national Empire. Even if you had taken the political entity apart, the nation would have continued to exist. Even if it had been taken apart, it would have just been founded anew, and nobody would have been willing and able to do something about it.
Basically this. Start shit, get hit.
No, they should have exiled all the Germans to the Sahara.
No it fucking wasn't, "Germans" (who barely had any connection to the actual Germany) in Hungary and Transylvania were all there since the 12th century, they mostly assimilated, most of them had Romanian or Hungarian as their mother tongue.
It was a genocide, they had no connection to Hitler and the nazis, some of them may collaborated but not more than the 'actual' aboriginals of these countries.
I know this, my Great-Uncle's family was taken away, he was living South from the Balaton close to the Mecsek, and he could only return in the 70's, 20 years later. They could barely speak german, and all his crime was that he was enlisted in the army.
Fuck communist.
>le ebil genociding
When a nation starts two world wars in 25 years, you just don't want them around anymore. The Germans lived in peace in Eastern Europe - they even had their own autonomous republic in the Soviet Union. But after ww1 and ww2, and all the atrocities, it was enough. Of course, innocent people were expelled too, but you can't do the right thing without collateral damage sometimes.
So yes, completely justified.
Separating Austria from Germany was a success. It's not really impossible that Bavaria, Hanover, Saxony... could have been made independent states.
Also, even if Germany itself continued to exist, it could have been even more decentralized.
Austria and German Proper divide isn't forced though, it has always been a thing.
Also of all the German states only Bavaria is seriously plausible because those cunts have always felt more Southern German a la Austrians as opposed to the autistic North.
In 1914, it was a multinational empire, with more Germans than other nationalities. German was an 'international' nationality, always was really, and still is.
In 1939, it was an ethnic German state, but they were happy to have other nations within their borders, while being unhappy to allow Germans live in other states.
It was ethnic cleansing, but it was "justified" because they were all ebil nazis, by extension the same reason is given for the massacre and cleansing of other ethnicities who may or may not have aided the Axis war effort (Chechens, Crimean Tatars, Ukrainians, Hungarians etc)
The difference is, other ethnicities didn't go autistic about muh Lebensraum and "the largest divided nation in the world".
Did the Germans agreed with annexation of Poland and the Czech part of Czechoslovakia?
Did Germans protested against expulsion of Czechs from the borderlands or did they welcomed it?
How many of these Germans protected locals against the Hitler's regime?
Fuck of naziboo fag
Obviously you are not familiar with Hungarians
>So yes, completely justified.
No it was fucking not, "Germans" living in Romania or Hungary had nothing to do with any of the world wars, they were a separate entity, hell separate ethnicity from the actual Germans.
They were deported only because the new commie governments got this order from Stalin, Romania did it gladly because it got rid of a powerful minority in Transylvania, Hungary did because the commies are cucks, and they saw the old Empire in the "German" minority (who were barely german, they were mostly assimililated Hungarians by that point, hell fucking Sopron, a majority german city choose Hungary instead of Austria in 1920).
So fuck off, It was justifiable in Poland, because they really got raped, it was kiiiinda justifiable in Czehslovakia, but not anywhere else.
But they are divided, literally every neighbor country has a significant hungarian minority. Just sayin'
Time for round 2 of mass deportations, then.
They are emigrating back on their own so stop memeing.
Szekelyland should get autonomy tho
They wont be glad that you aint getting more of your land taken away haha
Germans are still THIS butthurt because of that? kek
>Austria and German Proper divide isn't forced though, it has always been a thing.
It is actually forced. Austria legally cannot merge with Germany thanks to international postwar treaties.
Of course. They could have been completely and utterly exterminated.
The crowd in that Joseph Goebbels speech were literally actors, he admitted it
>Separating Austria from Germany was a success. It's not really impossible that Bavaria, Hanover, Saxony... could have been made independent states.
Austria wasn't separated for long, because WW1 made Austria believe in a common German cause. A German unification would have happened either way after WW1.
>German was an 'international' nationality, always was really, and still is.
Not really. There are areas, most of them located around modern Germany, which are inhabited by ethnic German majorities but aren't part of Germany (most prominently Switzerland and Austria), but most Germans have always lived in Germany.
Treaties are only as good as the guns to back them.
>it's another "those germans didn't comply to our ridiculous, embarrassing, and completely arbitrary demands so we fought them and they're the bad guise!!!11" thread
lol anglo butthurt never ceases to amaze me. While the anglos were deserting their own soldiers and failing in the Western Front in WW1, Germany was successfully fighting a war on two fronts. While the anglos cowered on their island and begged for the US to save them (again), Germany had taken over most of Europe.
>"If the British Army landed in Europe, I'd get the Belgian police to arrest them."
t. bismarck