Rothschild has spoken for days ago.
Family that owns 500+ trillion USD.
>pic related
>at 4:46, 19:11, 29:15 , 39:30
Any thoughts ?
Rothschild has spoken for days ago.
Family that owns 500+ trillion USD.
>pic related
>at 4:46, 19:11, 29:15 , 39:30
Any thoughts ?
>family owns 500 trillion usd
Thats quite a lot, considering the GDP of Europe and the United States combined is 40 trillion.
If only we had realized le jewish banking man was real.
The total value of everything currently owned on earth is only about 250 trillion. I didn't know he owned mars too.
so what ?
they own Federal Reserve
Print as much money as they want and borrow it to US government with interest and laugh at us all
If i owned the world id also be so happy
Actually Rothschild seems to say the more growth the less jobs the more socialists
This is what's wrong with Veeky Forums. No matter what every board ends up being just porn and alt right bullshit. This belongs in either /pol/ or /x/
I thought rothschilds and bankers were a leftie obsession? this is the core of Veeky Forums these guys
whats wrong with hard facts
if you still believe you can influence the US elections.
>pic related
>Rothschilds and Clintons
I assume this was posted by a socialist i think. Only lefties pathologically hate these guys.
First question from the crowd
>Muh female agenda
Second question
>Why did capitalism and men ruined the world
third Question
> wheres my third world handouts?
what a fuckin joke!
I actually like these guys!
this confirms my belief that socialists have fucked the world...not these guys.
plot twists: according to many, these guys funded socialism
I think you mean Billion. I also think you mean 'four' not 'for.
The derivatives market in the US alone is more than 250 trillion in value. The worldwide derivatives market is worth about $1.2 quadrillion. Google it faggot.
>pic related
>Clinton and his cat Socks
Guess that cat is worth 500 trillion and also owns the fed. At last I truly see.
>I thought rothschilds and bankers were a leftie obsession?
I said ALT RIGHT. Alt Right is well known for is hatred of wall street and capitalism
duh elections are rigged but the rothschilds are hardly relevant today. The fucking Saudi prince has power than them
more likely a conservative "democrat" living in kentucky or some other "blue collar" state
>I said ALT RIGHT. Alt Right is well known for is hatred of wall street and capitalism
Stop posting any time
yup, my bad about the spelling
btw can someone repost the vid on yt as rothschild interview so it gets views
Doesn't know what alt right means. Given that you're an ethnocentrist who believes bankers have too much power, I'd say you're alt right
For the record are you with ALT RIGHT and if so what IS their stance on the Rothschilds Bankers etc?
What could you possibly even do with that much money? I imagine you could buy a lovely house in each timezone, purchase multiple modes of transportation between each house, construct a fallout shelter beneath each one, hire a staff large to enough to take care of everything, and still be sitting on enough money to keep you in the top .2% and make you enough each year to put back to where you started.
Try top 7 billionth percent. 500 trill is more money than there is on the planet, so either it existing would crash a few economies or nations wpuldnt acknowledge it as real.
I was going by 500 billion - a few posts up OP corrected himself
yup sorry
see the problem is, once you have so much, others start to disturb you, hence the new depopulation policies by rockerfellers.
Post the facts then. When exactly did they buy the entire world?
„The Vatican’s antiquated view about money meant that it did nothing to encourage fiscal growth or industrial development in the Papal States. The economy stagnated, and over decades tax revenues steadily declined.31
By the time Gregory XVI, the son of a lawyer, became Pope in 1831, the situation was so dire that he felt compelled to do something remarkable: he borrowed money from the Rothschilds, Europe’s preeminent Jewish banking dynasty.32 The £400,000 loan ($43,000,000 in 2014) was a lifeline to the church.33 The Rothschilds had a solid reputation when it came to bailing out distressed governments. They had steadied Austria’s finances after the Napoleonic Wars and provided enough money to squash two rebellions in Sicily.34
James de Rothschild, head of the family’s Paris-based headquarters, became the official Papal banker“
from gods bankers book
from God's Bankers
>There are times when [your banking family] is at the top of the mountain and there are times when you are in the dumps.
David Rothshchild is so based. I like how he admits that the banking industry fucked up a lot of peoples lives through the mortgage crisis.
>Therefore, in high-level relationships, which is what investment banking is about in fact - meeting people, talking to people, and gaining people’s trust - this represents a key strength.
nice, he admitted banking has nothing to do with math or finance as we learn today
Straight-up schmoozing the rich folf - yup
All us plebs are furcked, doubly so if you're a NEET.
this meme is tiring.
No one person is worth over 150 billion USD at the moment.
And if there was one, there would be no possible way to realize that wealth.
i notieced its cause their family is about 100+ people now, so I guess combined it would add up
some people get really mad.
>pic related
Where else do you get the money for a war dickhead ?If i had the money Id play the games as well so would you.
Who funds the climate change movement probabaly rothschild
who funds the mining and oil companies probably Rothschild thats what a banker does
>Family that owns 500+ trillion USD.
where is the proofs
>rothschilds and bankers
Do not equate legitimate criticisms of banking and absurd Jewish conspiracy theories.
The Rothschilds running the world has always been right-wing /pol/ shit. Nothing to do with the left.
Do you have a single fact to back that up
Oh in that case
>moar power to BARON De ROTHSCHILD
I'm a fascist conservative capitalist. I don't care how a nation makes money as long as they DO!
>the Rothschilds own the federal reserve
>the fed prints money
How 15 are you
How do you know that?show me?
Thats a cop out because YOU can't cope with it all bro.
pic related.
they own FED and Bank of England up until today
wow that went full retard after funding nazi
>use centuries old quotes of dead people as proof of current financial situation of a power family
"BANKERS ARE EVIL" basically
>implying they have the majority votes in any of these institutions and public companies
i guess the author needs to pick up that finance book again
care to elaborate why the saudi prince has more power than the rothschilds?
im lazy to give you all down here, but e.g.
"The Economist Group is owned by the Cadbury, Rothschild, Schroder, Agnelli and other family interests as well as a number of staff and former staff shareholders."
500 Trillion / 100 = 5 Trillion per person.
You think this is plausible?
I thought this is common knowledge.
Anyway, good intro book:
"Wall Street and the rise of Hitler"
>pic related
>I don't know what a derivative is
> Its articles of association also state that no individual or company can own or control more than 50% of its total share capital, and that no single shareholder may exercise more than 20% of voting rights exercised at a general meeting of the company.
>The rights attaching to the trust shares provide for the continued independence of the ownership of the company and the editorial independence of The Economist. Apart from these rights, they do not include the right to vote, receive dividends or have any other economic interest in the company.
Doesn't mean shit for Rotschild
Is Rothschild & Sons a good place to do an internship?
just an example:
>Standard Oil, owned by Rockerfellers, had an exclusivity deal of proving Oil to the Nazis during all WW2
>he believes Forbes magazine it's all
This ain't /pol/ this guy doesn't worship Satan, Christ.
Just research the information. The derivatives markets are much larger than the vast public knows about. People who have real wealth aren't listed in magazines or polls for reasons which may not be obvious to some people.
So what? someone has to finance human wars Im glad they do. I would like to wage war on the EU actually. do you think the baron would lend me some coin?
Lets make an offical request to him
>sourceless picture with a bunch of bullshit on it
is /pol/ literally retarded? I mean, it has to be satire right?