i'm looking for some new glasses that go well with my face but i want something effay
>pic not related
i'm looking for some new glasses that go well with my face but i want something effay
>pic not related
Other urls found in this thread:
Here is a pic of me with my current glasses, i feel that they don't go well with my face. Any help?
Pic with both
you need a better haircut when using glasses
Which one would you recommend?
Hair cut and glasses like your first pic would be good. Long hair on top with it shorter on the side and round(er) glasses to contrast an angular face shape. However you could just comb your hair back, but it down like that does not look good.
You look like Jason Schwartzman's character from Scott Pilgrim
Those glasses look great. Get some from Oliver Peoples and go for the full Bateman look.
These are bad. Your face is already a slight droopy/downcast, you need something straighter or round. Don't do rectangles. Stay away from thick black frames. Your hair is dark and your eyebrows are thick so it'll make you look like you have a unibrow. Do the free try on of these. I think they might look great on you.
Why does everyone keep using this picture?
It's basicaly a 9/10 male model chad with glasses on
And im pretty sure 95 percent of this board dont look like male models
Oh shit finally a thread to ask this. I'm going to get some prescription glasses so I'm fucked. What type of glasses would you recommend to a big nosed guy like me?? I want ones that obviously do not make my nose stand up that much.
All the glasses I've put on look horrible on me, but mostly due to the fact that they had very wide frames. Could something like pic related (not exactly that same model but you get what I'm saying) look good on me??
Get a rounder frame, something by Tom ford. Square frames with sharper corners like that don't compliment your face. Your hair is parted weirdly which is why people are telling you to cut. Part it one inch more off center and you'll look better
You look like you used an app to clear up your skin, drink more water. Thicker frames and tortoise shell will be probably better
Pic unrelated, just a beautiful bag.
the glasses don't even fit him, it's literally a handsome guy with shitty glasses on
he would look better without them
They're wire frame round glasses? If you look bad in them, it's not the glasses fault. I know two people that have these and they look great irl
Sieg you don't know shit about glasses. I doubt you've ever found a pair actually engineered to fit around your obese meat plate you call a face
you look like a roman statue
oh boy glasses thread
what kind of glasses should I get? I'm due for a new pair, the last ones I got were way too round
ignore awful mugshot picture
When I first got these people wanted try them on and literally everyone who wore them suited them
Best filter ever senpai, plus my acne problems are not really that bad, just wanted to get rid of those two pimples.
That's the second time someone has told me that, very nice!
Ughh I like them but I feel like they really wouldn't look good on me; like I said the frames are too wide and for some reason that makes my nose look even more huge :(
Those aren't wire frame
Not a flattering photo but a very good photo to work with. You'll want solid black frames, probably not metal and a little thicker to make your nose seem less large. A bit on the square side and not hyper circular as to work with your face shape. You should try to lose a bit of weight (like 15 lbs) and drink lots and lots of water. It'll give your face better definition and clear up your skin
The NHS.
>at what age did you grow out of metal, Veeky Forums?
>lose weight
no thanks I'm already too skinny
also my skin is permafucked because high school me didn't care about it, water won't help
Your face is perfect for the sort of round glasses like in the OP.