Some dog followed me home.
I called the owner but shes not picking up
. She keeps eating EVERYTHING but I kicked her out to the garden but there shes pooping everywhere.
What am I supposed to doooooo. My parents are getting home soon
Some dog followed me home.
I called the owner but shes not picking up
. She keeps eating EVERYTHING but I kicked her out to the garden but there shes pooping everywhere.
What am I supposed to doooooo. My parents are getting home soon
Not sure if my dogs are liking her
Give her a good home, user. She deserves it
There's only two rooms in my house and no money
Is this r9k?
Oh my god wrong board let me go kill myself
Your dog must be pretty damn racist to stand up straight when it sees a brown stranger.
Delete the thread, dumby.
Keep the dog in the backyard and tell your parents it followed you home. Unless it's eaten something it shouldn't, I wouldn't worry that it's eating a lot. If your parents accuse you of lying about it following you, point to the collar. Push comes to shove it goes to the humane society/shelter. You won't want to hold onto it because you can get in trouble for theft. Also note that dogs are frequently microchipped, so most can still be found without the collar.
Also this belongs on /adv/, not Veeky Forums.
I don't know how to I am sorry I didn't mean to post here help someone delete my thread ;-;
shoot it
eat it dummy otherwise it is a waste of proteins
Just return it.
I like how despite being posted on Veeky Forums he probably got better more reasonable responses
Why is this thread not being deleted
Best thread on Veeky Forums all day
what's the best historical doggo?
my vote is for the Newfoundland that saved Napoleon from drowing. He was a good boy
Is Hachi a historical doggo?
>Jurassic Bark actually happened
thanks for ruining my day user
>ywn have an original water dog
If the dog survives until it's 25 then it'll become worthy of discussion here robot.
Stop typing like a 14 year old girl for one, jesus fucking christ
Keep calling the owner.
Guys guys it's been gone for an hour now, a lady was looking for it
Meant this one
I know, what that dog did is the twist ending of the Futurama episode Jurassic Bark, and I didn't know it was based on something until now
My apologies, I just do that when I post on r9k to be able to identify with the rest of the board.