>oh you're into the stock market, user?
>you must be smart and rich!
>tell us something about the stock market, we don't really get what it is...
Oh you're into the stock market, user?
Let me tell you about the Jews...
It's neat. You get to own a piece of a company. If the company goes up in value, you make money. It's really simple. Come over sometime and I'll teach you a bit more if you'd like, or over drinks.
then fuck off back to /pol
We respect Jews on /biz
me neither! i just go onto this "business" board of an anime discussion site and pretend to be knowledgeable. mostly i just spew a lot of maymays. maymays are funny.
Sup, JIDF? How's cucking season going for you? Are you keeping up with your bull prepping quota?
>kicked out from every country we've ever lived in
>Everyone else is the problem
fuck off jidf, gas yourselves. You're not white.
>We respect Jews
Speak for yourself, Chaim.
I remmember iHaz was asked a question back in the day what he thinks about your types - and the answer was that you're nothing of importance.
This board was crap, but better before losers from /pol and /r9k decided to shit it up.
The only advice I have for you gentlemen is:
1. Kneepads
2. Vaseline
3. Get on it. $1 per pop will make you a millionaire in no time.
what does that have to do with finance and business? why do you talk about jews like every single one of them are a part of some evil autononmous hivemind? why do you /pol/ shitters shit up every board you touch?
>Implying I'm a poorfag because I don't like jews
Enjoy your toyota celica faggot.
I'm ok with individuals, but I use race like guidelines.
Dune coons are generally shit people, but I love the friendly ones.
Jews are generally greedy and super racist towards none jews. I had a good principal though and half jew friend though.
Whites can be shit, but let's be honest. I'd rather be with rednecks than fucking niggers and spics.
Asians are thee most racist people.
They give no respect to anyone
They defecate in the streets.
They crash their cars in the streets/
Fuck em.
Most of us here are Jews retard.
The whole Jew hate thing is a meme from /pol/ which came from south park originally.
>he thinks a car is an asset
>on /biz
How many more $1 pops to go till you get that 2nd hand 328 kek?
You are an idiot.
Cars aren't an asset, they're a display of wealth and transportation.
Daily reminder Rolls Royce are the goal, Mercedes are the minimum.
If you drive an asian import, I don't hate you, but we all know you're poor.
>Daily reminder Rolls Royce are the goal, Mercedes are the minimum.
"the goal"-meme. Tesla is the goal rest is dogshit. Thank god i dont live in america where a car (money drain) is the goal.
What an autistic 19 yr old.
Go back to your first yr of college faggot.
It's like the biggest online-game in the world, and we all play for keeps. You've gotta be really smart, but if you get good at it you'll be set for life.
What the fuck are you talking about kid?
It's understanding the value of a company, purchasing a portion of that company in the form of a share, and profiting from the growth of said company. This is done with multiple companies in various markets to be able to grow your money over time across the entire economic field of not only the US but the world.
Also I'd tell them to put it all in penny stocks
This kind of showboating of wealth is useless. It achieves nothing but to play an endless game of cat and mouse.
My finance professor who worked as the senior vice president of roadrunner during its prime drives a Toyota because "they're cheap and easily replaceable".
So go ahead and blow a bunch of money on a wireless toy to impress others but just know that excess money you spent could have been making much better returns being invested in something that appreciates rather than depreciates as soon as you drive it off the lot.
Sometimes a company stays the same price on purpose too. When they do that, they pay you several times per year to hold onto ownership of them.
>we respect jews
No we dont? FUCK KIKES!!!!
I hate everyone, but I hate them equally. Except whites because I'm white, and being a redneck is actually really fun. Also, Africans are awesome. I don't get half the reasons they do the shit they do, but they're rowdy people, and I'd party with them any day of the week.
success breeds success
You're not wrong, but you're still a faggot. Try living and working in America for a year, and you'll see why cars are a necessity. Bonus points if you still bike to work rather than calling in sick when the temperature hits -30.
Ranking the races
1) whites
2) asians
3) spics/pajeets
5) sand-niggers
>combining niggers and Africans
Shiggy. They even hate each other.
You don't need to be /pol/ to hate the Jews user.
Way I look at cars is it should be nice if you deal with clients and drive them around. If you don't, why the hell would you waste money on something more than you need?
>hating Jews came from South Park
Everyone laugh at this one
This, hitler stole the idea for Mein Kampf from South park
>came from south park
top fucking kek
you have to be 18 to post on Veeky Forums, bud.