If /mu/'s userbase are /mu/tants, and /b/'s userbase are /b/tards, are we Veeky Forumsggots?

If /mu/'s userbase are /mu/tants, and /b/'s userbase are /b/tards, are we Veeky Forumsggots?

Only the poorbois, rest are Veeky Forumsscists

fucking newfag summerposters

fascists are pretty Veeky Forums

All bullshit aside, a lot of you dress like you enjoy a good anus thrashing.

Try dressing like men, you fucking faggots.

Yeah because this baggy clothes wearing fuck is pretty fashionable.

go back to your hole u you fucking robot

yes you fucking melt, did you think you were the first person to use this term?
you newfags are giving me an aneurysm, end your life if you can't cope even here

Veeky Forumsgs
Veeky Forumsggots
Veeky Forumsscists
Veeky Forumsiries

All of these are most prominent throughout the years, though Veeky Forumsscists and Veeky Forumsiries have declined in use. Take your pick.

How new are you?

Straightfag detected

op, you're a genius!!! this is epic, i'm posting this to r/Veeky Forums right now hahaha :)

That's communist, not fascist, dumb fuck.

Can't wait for juchecore to become effay.

Identifying yourself with a board on a Tibetan egg farming site is not Veeky Forums

Veeky Forumsshionistas

don't ever use the term "we" on this board after making this post

Fucking freshcunts

Yohji Yamamoto

Jesus fucking Christ do people who browse /mu/ actually call themselves /mu/tants? That's so sad.


fuck off libtard americunt