mfw i'm already on my way to become an ethereum millionaire
mfw i'm a super NEET and wagies depise me because I'm balling
maybe i'll hire you for my DAO one day, wagie
mfw i'm already on my way to become an ethereum millionaire
mfw i'm a super NEET and wagies depise me because I'm balling
maybe i'll hire you for my DAO one day, wagie
Other urls found in this thread:
what's ethereum?
nice bait
Where did you learn how to troll? r9k?
Tell me that there will be no politics amongst DAO users, it will fall down in a second you shilling whores.
BTC succeeded because of USA not some AIDS Russian
He sold 25% of his Ethereum to buy into Lisk.
Now Bill Gates will probably also buy Lisk.
Dude looks malnourished.
Bitcoin-Silk Road-Drugs-Crack-Malnourished-Ethereum.
LISK=just makes sense
STFU, Vita-man only sold to secure funding 5ever, it would be retarded not to.
He sold less of his ethereum than i did
Whenever I read posts like these anymore, the only thing that comes to mind is '13yo'. Cause I just can't imagine an adult talking like this. I picture some little shit. This is the typical etherm vibe: little shits, talking shit.
We're supposed to take this seriously? uhhuh.
Prove it, or your mom will get AIDS.
Vitalik told to several journalists that there is a 85% chance LISK will take over Ethereum from what I understood.
Vitalik already spoken to LISK devteam to become their advisor as LISK has more potential since it it is not illegal in the USA China and Russia.
Ethereum is punished with more than 4 year sentence in those countries.
LISK just makes sense
I'll have some of what you're smoking.
owning LISK is a sure sign that you have the faculties of a teenager
Check out Microsoft Magazine!
Azure will be integrated on top of LISK
>LISK just makes sense
I like how LISKies are going full on attack mode right now. It warms my heart to see such passionate willingness to do whatever it takes for the cause.
On the other hand, eth shills are truly intolerable little shits, no matter how you look at it.
>intolerable little shits
LISK 4 Life!
Ethereum 4 Eggs
it's fart captured in a lightbulb
Ethereum has already been available in Azure for some time now familam. They also have several others.
>ITT: People that missed out on butt coin
smell ya later!
You do not understand LISK will be where everything will be built on.
>Check out Microsoft Magazine 6 page article with Bill Gates talking about LISK
So what's your current net worth then, if you're 'on your way' to a mill?
This amount of BS is phenomenal
You don't truly believe enterprise apps will be running on javascript as a server side language. I mean seriously, do you?
Guaranteed he has never seen a line of Javascript.
Not sure if you're being ironic here but a lot of enterprise applications are actually running on server-side javascript.
I can tell by the way you used "my" that you don't even know what a DAO is.
I'm not convinced by these pages you have dug up.
The environment for running js on a server is called node.js and is very popular, just look it up.
So what? That doesn't prove "a lot of enterprise applications are actually running on server-side javascript."