Is biking Veeky Forums? What kind of clothes are well suited for getting around on a bike? Don't want to rip some well fitting pants.
Is biking Veeky Forums? What kind of clothes are well suited for getting around on a bike...
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Yea biking is fa BUT only on those hipster bikes not the ones on your pic.
Old school road frames are GOAT. Just get some pants that have spandex or some stretch to them. Don't spend too much money, they'll wear out fast. Wear whatever top you want. Just remember if you're putting in any effort you're going to be sweating. I usually tool around in stretchy pants and loose fitting rayon or linen tops.
>spending $350 on a shitty fixed gear bike
>being fucked this hard
>being this retarded
Holy fuck, are there people who actually think like this?
If you're going to shit out that much money on a bike for "muh aesthetics" at least get a fucking Klein or Fat Chance, that has some quality and beautiful design
But that's cheap. You're gonna have to pay more for a "better" bike that looks hideous.
Shitty meme fixies are easily over 300, are you saying that's cheap?
I'm gonna have to agree with about old steel road bikes being better, in both aesthetics and price, costing as little as $40 for one that isn't all rust, especially since they can be converted to a fixed gear anyways for about $10 and 30 minutes of work, that is without any proper tools.
Pic related, literally found one of these for FREE
is this bike effay?
it's cycling you cunt
thinking of getting one of these for uni [spoiler] is Aalto effay[/spoiler]
finland is effay as fuck
it seriously is not
eh i've never been
is it not like denmark and shit?
Let me make one thing clear. Fixies are NOT Veeky Forums
Build your own 5 speed imo (derailer on the rear wheel, one chain ring on the peddles) Only have a front brake (rear brake totally unnecessary) and take off the kickstand. I used to build bikes all the time so I could go into deatail about what's cliche and what's actually Veeky Forums in biking
what a faggot
OP: biking is effay. look into tech brands like mission workshop and outlier
Hows this?
Man you fools know nothing of effay
$350 is nothing for a bike. You clearly live in poverty and squalor.
>I can go into detail
Please do user, I love autistic details in niche hobbies
>Only have a front brake
Don't do this. While you should be slowing/braking with your front brake predominately, in an emergency you'll want to throw both, leading with the rear if possible, so you don't get launched over your handlebars. Less of an issue on a smaller bike, and possibly some heavier cruisers, but on a road bike, it's a bad fucking idea.
The rest of this post is spot on though. The brake thing makes me think you used to be a BMX or downhill rider.
>front cargo rack
that's pretty cool desu.
Any suggestions on some cheap ass bike shorts to wear when I wanna go on a longer ride? I've been biking longer distances but after about 3-4 miles my dick starts to get pretty fucking uncomfortable
Buy those padded underwear things and wear whatever shorts you want. Also your dick shouldn't be in pain after a few miles. Maybe adjust or replace the seat.
this. $350 for a simple and light bike that lasts forever is a good deal. plus it's fashionable
Not necessarily in pain, I just get a lot of chaffing and wedgied in that area.
I'll look into it, thank you user
I got a beach cruiser for $20, but some nog stole it. I don't even live in a bad neighborhood.
Maybe he was just passing by.