The New Chronology is a fringe theory regarded by the academic community as pseudohistory, which argues that the conventional chronology of Middle Eastern and European history is fundamentally flawed, and that events attributed to the civilizations of the Roman Empire, Ancient Greece and Ancient Egypt actually occurred during the Middle Ages, more than a thousand years later. The central concepts of the New Chronology are derived from the ideas of Russian scholar Nikolai Morozov (1854–1946), although work by French scholar Jean Hardouin (1646–1729) can be viewed as an earlier predecessor.
New Chronology General
Quand tu apprends que Jean a écrit l'Apocalypse en 1486....
> Do you even into comet dating bro?
This is map of Global Horde which is actually Russia in the II, VII and XVIII centuries.
Tu lis le Francais, James?
Thats retarded and obviously comes from a time before proper archaeological methods which immediately blow it out of the water
This is Russian mathematical New Chronology. See how we can prove that >H >R >E was actually da jews.
I like his paintings, but in historic research he kind of troll, insane or both.
>New Chronology
We wuz Byzantium and shit?
So both of you like the classic:Jews wuz and are everything?
Fomenko is a supporter of drastically revising historical chronology. He has created his own revision called New Chronology, based on statistical correlations, dating of zodiacs, and by examining the mathematics and astronomy involved in chronology. Fomenko claims that he has discovered that many historical events do not correspond mathematically with the dates they are supposed to have occurred on. He asserts from this that all of ancient history (including the history of Greece, Rome, and Egypt) is just a reflection of events that occurred in the Middle Ages and that all of Chinese and Arab history are fabrications of 17th and 18th century Jesuits.
He was more than that. Basically his modus operandi is to claim that if here was one Bush who invaded Iraq and another Bush who invaded Iraq than it was actually the same guy. Historians somehow doubled them up because maybe some retarded mistake or very spooky conspiracy. He created huge real time line by destroying all such mirror double one by one. He daring everything by a comets because astronomy is a real science, I guess?
You do realize that Christianity was invented in 1350?
He also claims that Jesus lived in the 12th century A.D. and was crucified on Joshua's Hill; that the Trojan War and the Crusades were the same historical event; and that Genghis Khan and the Mongols were actually Russians. As well as disputing written chronologies, Fomenko also disputes more objective dating techniques such as dendrochronology and radiocarbon dating.
Tous les édifices cultuels, après le déferlement de la catastrophe, ont mieux résisté que " les
hommes et leurs mémoires ".
Car si l'Inquisition peut "effacer" les souvenirs - ou pratiquer un lavage de cerveau, si l'on peut
massacrer ceux qui se révoltent, les bâtiments bien construits, eux, restent en place malgré les
déchaînements de la Nature et des hommes.
C'est très vraisemblablement en ces époques de grandes catastrophes, de disettes et de perte des
consciences nationales préexistantes, que les langues européennes actuelles sont nées. Les langues
« latines » proviendraient plutôt d'une forme ancienne de roumain ; les langues germaniques, celtes
et slaves, quant à elles, tirent leurs origines de parlers régionaux. Le latin, avant de devenir la
langue de l'Église, était celle de l'administration romaine, même si l'élite parlait plutôt grec.
>Genghis Khan and the Mongols were actually Russians.
I'm surprised he didn't say that Khan was a misspelling of Ivan.
Radiocarbon dating is not objective. It's based off pseudoscience. If you have an experiment with a collection of datum that is within one time period, it is baseless conjecture to extrapolate it to time outside that period.
This sounds like the historical version of time cube and flat earth
But he accepts the dating of the Turin shroud.
So you believe the Jews version...the 40 years desert walk and everything?
That is curious, very strange.
Stop Jewingjewinjewing Americans are the onse obsessed with Bible.
Lol no but I don't believe the crusades and Trojan war were the same things
I will say though, I think we should tac on an extra 1000 years of civilization before Mesopotamia and Indus
> he didn't say that Khan was a misspelling of Ivan
I wouldn't be so sure about that.
Look at the Mongols today...a bunch of fucktards who live in really believe that freakin 800 years ago they were smart enought to piss the Chinese empire on one side of the earth and Europe on the other? Nah...but Russkies are smart enough, hon hon....
Je connais la vérité...vous etes des pauvres paysans dans la nuit...
You Russians need serious help feeling good about yourselves, don't you?
It's like you've never seen a Russian. They're as bad of WE WUZ as Indians.
>I will say though, I think we should tac on an extra 1000 years of civilization before Mesopotamia and Indus
If not more imo, I doubt it was quite as overnight as we think, at least geographically. There may have been localized civilizations going much farther back. We haven't uncovered but a fraction of archaeological opportunities.
What does Fomenko think happened before AD 1000? Just caveman days?
Rappel quotidien que l'histoire officiel est de la merde et fut inventé suivant la chronologie fausse de Joseph Scaliger...
>nothing happened during the Middle Ages
>the Middle Ages didn't even happen
An entire chronology built on stupendous ignorance.