
Why does x look like such a faggot?

It really kills the vibe of his music knowing I could literally push this manlet over and make him scrape his knee and cry

Even the 13 year old tranny looks like it could put up a fight against him....

This is just sad

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Because he has been overexxxposed and become tumblr tier

How would being over exposed affect your height?. He's like 5 foot 3, he'd look pathetic no matter the circumstances

he started off tumblr actually lmao

I'm 6 foot 4 and after seeing pics of x I can no longer to him serious as an artist

It's a shame because he's pretty talented but being so small ruins the vibe of his music imo

I liked it for it's aggression but knowing I could literally hold this little squirt down and make him kiss my foot really kills that vibe for me

who gives a shit.

you're just as sad bitching about some kid in a Veeky Forums thread

Nah I was a fan I just find it hard to enjoy his music in the same way now I found out he has the body of a little girl

I guess it could be his too safe, family friendly vibe.

This guy was 3 inches shorter than xxx


>this guy is more successful than anyone on fa will ever be
>anons undermine him because of his height

I shiggy diggy

Manlet detected


>t. manlet

Which one is smarter, Downey Jr or Vaughn?

Also, are fast talkers superior?

Can we stop making threads on this faggot already

Manlet rage is glorious

C'mon guys, I'm not a fan of X but I can give him props. Someone link his fight videos - that lil nig can scrap better than 90% of this entire website.

>h-he can fight better than you guys!
nobody cares you fucking retarded faggot, go back to plebbit

op made this same exact thread on /mu/ what a fucking faggot.

>x is skinny I could probably beat him in a fight
>nah hes got pretty good technique hes scrapped quite a few guys bigger than him

do you have brain damage? that guy was literally discussing the threads topic and answering ops question, what are you even trying to fucking say

his """"""music"""""" is trash and so is his style and personality

lets be real here, dude can only beat on women that are around his height

Is 6'0 manlet tier? Asking for a friend

What's with the constant shilling of this guy on Veeky Forums lately?

any 6'+ faggot could whoop his manlet ass
