Who are the top 10 most intelligent people of all time.
Pic related, Von Neumann, definitely makes the list.
Who are the top 10 most intelligent people of all time.
Pic related, Von Neumann, definitely makes the list.
1. Albert Einstein
2. Nikola Tesla
3. Leonardo Da Vinci
4. Isaac Newton
5. Jesus Christ
6. Stephen Hawking
7. Galileo Galilei
8. Adolf Hitler
9. Charles Darwin
10. Benjamin Franklin
>8. Adolf Hitler
Back to /pol/
I'd bet that there were at least a couple geniuses who were born into hunter-gatherer or illiterate agricultural societies and had no chance of making an impact on history, because the tools simply weren't there.
Out of the people we know of, I'd have to include most of the really good physicists and mathematicians.
Newton, Maxwell, Einstein, Fermi, Bohr, that sort of thing.
Jesus of Nazareth was a literary character.
Kurt Gödel is the number one, second would be Pythagoras, third Karry Mullis.
St. Thomas of Aquinas
Isaac Newton
Kurt Goedel
All make the list in my opinion.
>5. Jesus Christ
Either a fictional character, or not really a person. Either way doesn't belong on the list.
Karlheinz Stockhausen, Goethe, Kurt Gödel, Ted Kaczynski, Martin Heidegger, Werner Heisenberg.
Top 3.
1 bismark
2 tesla
3 churchill
4 robspeirre
5 woodrow wilson
Robert Oppenheimer
John Moses Browning
Clarence Johnson
>A Jew is number one
>Hitler is 8
>Omniscient God is only number 5
>a jew is one
>a jew is five
>an omniscient god is only number 8
Da Vinci
von Neumann
Honorable mention: Leibniz
>name 10 of your favorite people you know from pop-culture, anecdotes and reputation instead of their actual works,
who you deem intelligent by no scientific scale other than your personal bias
Fixed that for you.
so who's your favourite
>lists Western canon
moot, Einstein, that one user one time, some other user, the guy who cleans the public restrooms at the local Burger King, Hawkings, that crazy math Russian who declined the Fields medal, my mother, my cat who can open doors and Newton.
>A carl sagan sensationalist is one
>a jewish god is 5
>A jew is 8
1. alexander the great
90000000000000000000000000000000th- caesar
OP asked about intelligence, not overinflated egos.
Can you imagine all the doctors who possibly could have discovered the cures for all the various cancers if they weren't sent to die at 17 years old in the various wars throughout history.
1. Einstein
2. Newton
3. Maxwell
4. Faraday
5. Elon Musk
6. Darwin
7. Richard Dawkins
8. Degrasse Tyson
9. Bernie Sanders
10. Dirac
Literally batshit. hilarious though
From my PI:
>Really any Nobelist is going to be a really fantastic speaker. Other than Kary Mullis
I can smell the b8 all over this one
That scale has no sense if Cyrus is not #1
1. Mewtwo
2. Goku
3. Naruto
4. Shadow
5. Richard Dawkins
6. Neil DeGrasse Tyson
7. Me
8. Sephiroth
9. Yugi
10. My friend Josh
Underrated post.
Oppenheimer and Johnson literally changed the world
Bernie sanders what are you a liberal
Even /pol/ agrees, invading Russia wasn't an intelligent move.
dis sum gud b8
No mention of Carl Friedrich Gauss?
its a meme thread, don't take it seriously.
This is a no bait post.
1. Von Neumann
2. Riemann
3. Grothendieck/Nash
4. Tao/Erdos
5. Lurie/Atiyah/Baez
6. Gauss/Euler/Dirichlet/Fourier
7. Wightman/Streater
8. Dyson/Feynman/Schwinger
9. Goldstone/Higgs
10. Euclid/Archimedes (free space)
Maybe not most intelligent, but most acomplished
von Neumann
>Von Neumann
any man who helped develop the a-bomb can't be that intelligent
I don't know, probably someone like Aristotle for influencing fuck load of stuff. This is such a tedious question. How do you put labels on intelligence, especially if half the people that are being mentioned ITT are from all sorts of fields, and even some mythical figures.
1. Da Vinci
Everybody else
Tesla and Atanasoff,both count for five men.
You forgot Brian Cox
It depends on what you mean by 'intelligence.'
If we would rank people solely by IQ, then our best bet would just look at the population today, then just take the people with the highest IQ from that lot.
If we look at "creativity" or something then I think a lot of the people proposed are overrated. Like Einstein, Pythagoras, Da Vinci, Darwin, and all the other memes. These people often invented things which were "in the time" so to speak. The theory of evolution has been proposed for aeons but there were no solid evidence for it, and so on. The same could possibly be said about calculus due to Oresme's/Brahmagupta's work.
If we would look at Newton from an amodern viewpoint, he would become pretty creative given his borderline mystical/theological writings.
If we would look at him from an Enlightenment standpoint, he would be borderline schizophrenic, due to this theological writings.
Looking at it from an enlightenment perspective would probably buy into the "renaissance myth" about the middle ages (which basically developed in enlightenment historiography) and would lead to some "paradigmatic geniuses" instead of valuing people in their own right.
Some good candidates are thus (no particular order):
Newton (due to his physics, calculus, theology and history)
Leibniz (due to his calculus and philosophy)
Euler (due to his massive amount of work in a lot of diverse fields)
Lagrange/Galois (due to their work which lead to group theory)
Kant (due to a lot of new influential ideas)
Ibn-Sina (philosophy/medicine)
Gödel (logic/philosophy)
Foucault (debatable)
Chomsky (debatable)
Socrates/Plato (due to the introduction of forms as a viable teleological explanation)
Turing (his work on computers/philosophy)
Aristotle (syllogism)
Sometimes it takes a great mind to find easy concepts, and that is my main tool of ranking these.
Some other:
Ramanujan, C. I. Lewis, Gauss, Russell
Edgar Cayce
Edward Leeskalnin
Edward Shrodinger
Edgar Allen Poe
Edith (from the Book of)
Fun fact; Cayce said in a reading about his most powerful past-life as an Egyptian, that he found a way revert himself back to youth through sheer will power. In this same life, he marked his followers with a blemish somewhere on their bodies, so that they will always find each other when they reincarnate.
Good argument.
I said they were debatable.
Personally, I like their work.
"genius" is evinced by what someone does.
I think it's just a term for extremely high neural processing power.
>meme terms
Innate intelligence is mostly a lie, you know that right?
Yea, it's funny that literally everyone knows who Einstein is but the layman has probably never heard of Von Neumann before. No doubt the smartest man of his generation.
Well, you could accomplish something impressive even in the past without being remembered. There should exist a guy who invented mathematics and such things on its most basic level. He could be a genius, but we doesn't know for sure.
I wouldn't be surprised if there were some Einstein tier thinkers in Sumerian or Egyptian history who helped to develop their written language back when the people writing were just anonymous court scribes.
I really doubt everyone was going around having no concept of number and then one day some guy realized it.
> Ramanujan
He is a sham! Hindu Gods literally solved equations for him.
Why not? Numbers are invented all the time. Zero was invented in India for example. To us it seems simple but it wasn't obvious for people of the past.
People had a concept of "not having things" though, and relative quantity. Plus literally every tribe we have ever found have counting numbers.
>shadow over yugi
I have no evidence obviously but I'd assume the ten most intelligent people ever probably died on a farm in the boondocks or something similarly pedestrian. If intelligence is even an objective thing idk.
Foucault was brilliant.
Pretty autistic but yes tqbh
sad that music doesnt have any value
Alejandro Jodorowsky
:) great reasoning.
1. Abraham Lincoln
2. Karl Friedrich Gauss
3. Isaac Newton
4. Albert Einstein
5. Slavoj Zizek
6. Donald J. Trump
7. Werner Heisenberg
8. George Washington
9. Oswald Mosley
10. Alcibiades
Most of what you guys are listing are just time travelers. I think there's some number like 4-600 around at this very moment, mostly rich people and military officials depending on the service they went through. I know the guy personally who's being Putin, for example. It's pretty easy to tell an organic achievement from a replicated one, you guys should pay more careful attention these are literally all people who dropped out of educational services.
Johann Kaspar Schmidt
My sides are in orbit
You're telling me the guy that created Western culture wasn't a genius?
How is Neumann 1 and Euler tied for 6?
1. Richard Feynman.
2. Newton.
3. Martin Heidegger
4. Ludwig Wittgenstein
5. David Deutsch
6. Paul Dirac
7. Aristotle
8. Lucretius
9. Parmenides
10. Stirner
Literature and poetry:
Rumi, Victor Hugo
Philosophy and Logic:
Plato and Frege
Meme smart:
Hawking, Einstein, Darwin
Pleb detected. Go back to r/classicalmusic
2nd this. Also Marcus Aurelius, Machiavelli, Sun Tzu, Confucius, Ghandi, Daniel Quinn, Edward O. Wilson, Martin Luther King Jr, Teddy Roosevelt, Alexander Graham Bell.
>top 10 lists of things with no objective measures
fuck this shitty cringe board
>t. Freshman
You will understand the body and depth of von Neumann's work one day.