Hey Veeky Forums to all the adults, what would you do if you had the chance to start all over at my age? (Just turned 18, just starting life)
Starting life
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Ty for best advice
save as much money as possible instead of wasting it on stupid shit like video games, beer, fast food, girls, and cars. live poor as fuck but put money away.
That's my goal as of right now, my other goal being to go and get my certifications to work from a vocational/tech school. I intend to proceed from there and go to university, get my aa degree, then continue saving money up religiously.
work 60 hours a week for a few years and sock money away like crazy. Learn a trade and become an expert in that field. Become a consultant. Chillax
Not go to college
That's basically my plan, then move out of parents place when it's doable and realistic and I have a nice amount of money saved.
You wouldn't go to uni at all after saving some $$??
I wouldn't change a thing.
I dropped out of college at 18 and got a McJob for a few months.
At the same time I was practicing playing Blackjack in any spare time I had when I wasn't working.
Literally the same minute I turned 19 I wash showing the security guard at The Fallsview Resort and Casino my I.D. with my father.
Took me over an hour to work up my nerve and sit down at the table.
$400 the first night.
Consistently make ~$2000 a week playing a fucking card game.
Can you ever even consider making more than 40k a year at that point?
That sounds sick, but do you consider that wise for the cultivation of your future/what will you be doing when you're older?
As long as he's saving he's fine.
How many young adults can make 8K a month with no debt? I'm jelly, and that's pretty sexy
Are you talking minimum wage chump change? Or do you mean after I go through vocational school and get my certifications, then find a nice job with nice pay and save religiously?
don't go to college. Read free shit online.
I'd stay in school even though I make six figures after dropping out.
Put money into a Roth IRA earlier.
That's pretty much it.
What is "a Roth IRA"?/ what is the most wise way to invest early on in life.
>what is the most wise way to invest early on in life.
By putting your money in a Roth IRA and investing in index/mutual funds.
Why would I never go to college? Is it just myth that I'll make shit money p much forever if I don't get a higher level education like an aa degree?
Again I ask, what is that? I really am like an infant child looking on the horizon of the world and not understanding what the best decisions to be made are.
you will get shit money if you do graduate, it's a retarded rat race.
>Is it just myth that I'll make shit money p much forever if I don't get a higher level education like an aa degree?
Yes. I grossed $103k last year and didn't even work for 6 weeks. Easily would have topped $115k if I did work. I am a college drop out, but I wish I stayed in. There is room for advancement without a degree in my industry, and I like the industry, but it isn't for everyone.
Are you illiterate? I gave you a link that thoroughly describes what it is.
But since reading what a tax advantaged retirement savings account appears to be too much work for you, I find it remarkable that you've made it through 18 years of life.
Of my entire group of HS friends, the one who did not go to college is making the most money.
He's an electrician, and is currently making about $100k a year.
My current job requires 0 college training or degree, and I'm on track for over $50k this year. The degree was a complete waste in my case.
It depends what you want from college. If you want experience and shit like that then you will have it and probably graduate with shit degree. However college can be a great place to learn things and improve yourself. It is what you make of it
I apologize, I'm doing other things and just didn't notice it in my busyness. Clearly not illiterate though.
That makes sense, I would like to go to tech/vocational school and work directly after I get all of my relevant certifications in Computer Systems and Information Tech. How does this sound on paper?
I think it sounds more realistic and manageable to at first go to tech school, work, save money, then go to uni and focus on a degree. On paper does this seem like a solid plan?
I'd go study for a STEM degree instead of falling for the study what you like maymay.
Fucking marry/lock down a grill while you still young. And I say that as a 24 year old. Their baggage rises exponentially with age, and depending on your career path, you will most likely never meet women so casually ever again.
Look at Schkreli. 30 year old millionaire and lives like a NEET.
I dont know how your system works. I am not a burger. In my country there is highschool. After that you either go to college or uni. College is for those who are not very bright but still put effort, they can get some manager tier qualification. Uni is for smart people.
No idea how us system compares to this.
I thought locking down/marrying was financially one of the worst decisions I could make early on in my life. mfw we divorce 10 years later and she takes half my shit? I'll fucking kill someone before my money is stolen from me because I wanted to get my dick wet.
You are not a burger? Well I'm a recent high school graduate and I'm focusing on getting my certifications to work in the PC engineering/networking field. Go to uni after for an aa degree and work work work while I save $$ (Vaguely)
On a second note, I never want to live like a NEET, unless I really have an insane amount $$ saved up in my accounts and never have to worry about money again. Again, if any bitch thinks she's getting in the way of my being successful she can literally and figuratively shove it up her ass. No I'm not a virgin, but I don't care enough about relationships to give two fucks whether or not I live alone. Hell I prefer the idea of living alone.
I would have slayed alot more pussy. I'm in my 30s now, and God damn I miss 18-22 year old bodies.
I started in early high school and got a relationship with a nice girl and all we did was fuck. Maybe 3-4 times a week. Just fucked for about 8 months. It's all out of my system. I just want to do well in life.
Get a job, save and live like a hermit. It's not the best of plans but I would be in a much better position if I'd done that rather than trudge through college aimlessly.
That's my plan, what are any other realistic plans for a high school grad??? All I see right now is work, school, and savings. Investing as well but that's a whole other convo.
Thats fucking awesome.
Also bullshit, no-one is this cool.
mirin' detected
I agree, no one can consistently make that much money in terms of a career.
What is a STEM degree?
Thanks for the good kek m8y. We got a clever one here.
prenup so they dont take all your shit, also shop around for a rich girl and wait for her parents to die
Cultivate some kind of a skill. It doesn't have to be something you hate. Just make sure that you make a portfolio so you have the option of maybe branching out to other work or having some kind of creative side project on the side. It won't print money, but it might lead to other opportunities you may not have had otherwise.
This is what I'm looking at. Some sort of skill/trade that I have certifications and education/experience for making me a solid amount of money every year while saving. Future is a whole other topic.
It's Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics
>Just turned 18, just starting life
what have you been doing for the past 18 years?
hookers and cocain
Mathematics, finance, or actuarial degrees are great to have.
Do more in college than just getting drunk. Like figuring out how to make money rather than just search for endless puss.
Also I wish I had more short term girlfriends and not stupid ugly one night stands
Start at CC instead of going straight to uni for the college experience meme. Work part-time and save money while doing so.
He's probably just underage, and looking for some advice.
Depends on your plans for the future. Gotta get good grades and/or get valuable experience to make the degree worthwhile in the wrote collar world.
Electrician is hard work, labor intensive. Your friend will need to save to replace knees/get back surgery when he's ready to retire.
Not a bad way to get experience for (some) engineering or architecture jobs, though.
I mean you can, but not as a card counter at a casino. If he were pulling $2k a week off the house, he would have been banned from all the casinos within driving distance by now.
What industry?
Travel more famelam
I wish I would have started a credit card at 16 to start building credit.
>he doesn't know