Hey, I'm a rather cut and big guy, I have been working out for a few years, and the last few months I have had an urge to try steroids. I know most of the pros and cons, but what I don't know is how much extra mass I should expect. Anyone with personal experience?
Take it to Veeky Forums and prepare to say goodbye to your testicles and hello to a lot of acne
Pretty much this. I take 400mg week of test-c and my testicles are like raisins
Go with 500 mg test-e/wk for like 12-16 weeks as a first cycle.
And take AI
How in fuck do you guys live with yourselves?
You know women don't even really care that much about big muscles?
Your damaging the family jewels for no reason.
the only friend of mine who took steroids turned into a huge loser. He got terrible acne and started acting like an annoying girl, getting upset and wanting to fight everyone. He lost his girlfriend and many friends. But at least he had big muscles!
I'm an in-shape guy who used to have 20lbs more of muscle. Women definitely care about muscle, but having some muscle and nice abs is good too
Roiders are worse than Robots.
I've done a few cycles, balls always come back to normal. I did steroids because I like banging hot dumb bimbos who are obsessed with their looks, and those type of girls like big muscles
Someone say big guys ?
What is your weight and height?
>You know women don't even really care that much about big muscles?
>Your damaging the family jewels for no reason.
What do you need big balls for? They're useless. You still have the same size penis, but bigger muscles. Why the hell not?
I have done a cycle of Test-P at 350mg and 450mg alongside anavar first 4 weeks and superdrol last 4 weeks.
It was fun, when in bed with a girl I was an aggressive unstoppable sex machine, they all loved it.
I gained about 30lbs of Muscle and Water, and barely any fat. Although I lost half of that when I PCT'd off. Im happy with my weight now at 215.
The biggest benefit I got from test was the boost in motivation. I told myself I'd learn to study without adderall or any other study aids. I'm also going for a STEM degree and the semester I was on cycle was the semester I got the best grades, presumably because of the motivation and study habits. My outlook on life changed too, I became more assertive and realized what isn't worth my time.
I'm happy I did a cycle because I kept the assertiveness and I am more confident because of my new outlook. Balls came back 100%
>He doesn't b&c
Lmao what the fuck are u doing
Is that you Bane?
don't need to, I'm not that passionate about bodybuilding. I did it mostly out of curiosity. I'm also fucking 20 so shutting myself down for years isnt the best idea imo
Imo it's worth it to just blast and cruise. You're going to be spending ridiculous money just on PCT for cycles and you're just going to be going back and forth, waste of time.
maybe, but I want to wait till im at least a bit older before I start using again.
>tfw can buy HCG over the counter at those faggy health shops
who'd a thought there'd be /fraud/ meetup on Veeky Forums
yeah you probably suffered low test due to high estrogen in our foods , that causes depression and lack of concentration which then causes peopel to get mis diagnosed and get aderall prescription
also third fit thread i see on biz , starting to think it deliberate bots
It's because steroid usage corresponds with a desire for success so it's natural there'd be a business overlap