Please fucking help me.
I don't know how to make myself look decent.
How do I fix my hair, skin, face, etc. and what colors should I be buying in terms of clothes.
As of now I just wear tshirts, jeans, pull over sweaters, shorts, and a pair of vans. I need help.
Please fucking help me
Shave beard and buzz hair.
Grow beard and grow out hair
buzz hair and grow beard
Buzz Grow, Hair Beard
As you can see in pic related, my facial hair is shit.
I don't think I could ever go back to that.
What I have right now is just stubble from laziness.
you're actually qt user
clean shaven, dye your brows. yes, dye them. you look good though, better than most that post here. brown dye.
You don't look too bad here. Just tidy your hair up a little, keep your facial hair to a minimum (I'm talking about light stubble at most) because contrary to what people around here think the "grow your beard out" rule doesn't apply if you're ginger unless you're trying to specifically appeal to the small subset of women (or men, if that's your thing) that fawn over ginger men. Incorporate more dark and navy blues into your wardrobe because they contrast quite pleasantly with auburn and ginger hair/facial hair.
You don't need to worry about appearances so man, people are going to love you no matter what since you are your own look.
I thought your ice cream truck thing was really cool.
Honestly, you dont look bad at all. I dont know what to say much in the way of advice but a shorter haircut on you would probably look good!
The real problem is that I just don't know how to style my hair in any way.
For years I've had my hair longer and have just straightened it like in this picture, but I've gotten tired of it never looking the way I want it to.
personally i feel like the swept over bangs look is kind of juvenile and takes away from your appearance. do you have any inspiration you can post to help us get an idea of what you want to change?
You're actually handsome, so fuck you
I was thinking the same thing, dude.
My inspiration is literally me as a kid.
I loved my hair back then, when it was straight and shiny and easy to manage, but as I've gotten older it has gotten curlier, dryer and more matte, despite using good quality conditioners, using leave in conditioners, and also applying things like argan oil.
This picture is how I wish my hair would look.
No bullshit you are very handsome and you should be confident. You may not look good forever so embrace and enjoy it :)
Unironically grow it back out like this.
Long hair is pretty nice on you
Grow the Beard AND the moustache. Grow hair and comb it back.
I've seen much worse on this board, there's really no need for you to worry about your hair.
hey ed weasley
fucking kek
As a fellow ginger, I feel your pain man. fucking normies with brown and blonde hair have no idea how hard it is to look fashionable/sexy with pale skin and fucking bright red clown hair.
dress ironic
see Spooky Black
you look like a final fantasy character and i mean that as a sincere compliment.
You are actually quite handsome. I like this length on you, let your barber cut some texture in it with a razor. Also, I think a clean shave would look best with that kind of style.
Now, what kind of wardrobe do you have? Let's just begin with some good basics, good shoes and a pair of sneakers with some good pants. Then just wear a couple of t-shirts without prints for starters, you probably have those already anyways.
maybe keep hair a big longer on the top, shorter on the sides? if styling is hard, maybe just go for a buzz. your facial hair isnt all that bad; the only problem i see is making it look more even. maybe a goatee type thing would work? i dunno. and style wise; dont buy clothes unless they make you feel confident. try buying pieces that make you feel happy about the way you look. maybe dont decide on a style youre goong for; just go shopping and whatever you really truly like, give it a try. hope this helps
It's your fucking haircut. The side swept bowl cut on a grown man is cringe as fuck. Woman repellent. Look at pic related and tell me honestly, is that a good haircut? That's what your hair looks like and it's fucking shit only a beta pussy loser would wear.
You need to add some texture and volume to your hair. Style it. Look at men with similar features (pic related). As of now it looks like you run a flattening iron on your hair everyday, and that ofc makes your hair look flat and boring as fuck.
This, red hair has so many different colors when its layered and textured properly, not just one solid color.
I think red hair is the hardest color on men to make look good, but if you get it right you stand out the most by far.
Grow your hair. Shave that beard. Wear blue and just black and white, no prints or text on tshirts etc. Here's a good outfit to start with
Sweep bangs out of your face or cut them. If you keep them grow out the rest of your hair. Your facial hair looks nice.
Your music is shit, Ed.
fucking lol'd
honestly you look good in this photo, if the hair was a bit longer it would look great
dang, you're like a better looking version of myself
shave your beard and get a better haircut, or at least make it so it doesn't look so flat and deflated
Hey man, I've dealt with same thing, just gotta go for something. Long hair is in right now, would be really interesting to see long red hair like that.
Otherwise get your bangs off your forehead, looks a bit odd.
Might be only for photo but look a little more lively. And what other user said about navy's is on point.
Haircut on the left only looks good on Asians, Rapmons haircut is much more acceptable for a Caucasian man.
I tried to make it stand up a bit today by putting some product in it. Any better? If not, do you have any suggestions for giving it more volume?
Keep your hair like this , and be clean shaven. Maybe dye your brows if you want to. I think your facial structure is pretty good and that you look good.
don't do this. you look better with a forehead, bangs look bad 99/100
keep it like that
looks good
looks nice
don't forget to smile!