Soooo are native americans asian?
Soooo are native americans asian?
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Kind of
No, they're American.
How different is a American black guy from an African guy?
Some native American languages may be related to North-caucasian languages, which may be related to Urartian and Hurrian. Really interesting.
An African can be:
1. North African Berber
2. North African Arab
3. North African Oriental Jew
4. East African
5. Sub Saharan African
6. White Boer
7. South Asian merchant
about 1/8
And Nahuatl + Mayan religious rituals are the same as Siberian ones, while they even retain the same name for their primary entheogenic substances. I'm pretty sure the hypothesis of Amerindians being dislocated siberians passing to the continent through Alaska is as legit as it gets.
I meant sub Saharan african nig you autist
More like very distant cousins I suppose. depending on the tribe, some have more resemblance than others
Native Americans are descended from Asians who migrated to the Americas. They are similar genetically and that is why they often look Asian.
Some European and Amerind in the admixture, but not much.
No, they are African. Asians are Africans too.
are all African my friend
Even the whitest guy in the world?
Everyone has BLAKED dna
yes even him
*baba yetu starts playing*
No, that would be like saying everyone in the world is African. They are descended from groups that migrated from Asia, but they aren't Asian.
>believing in the out of Africa hypothesis
>not SSA
Remember, not all of East Africa is Ethiopia and Somalia. Even then they're still considered part of that region.
Also, you forgot to add Pygmies, Khoisan, and various other almost extinct hunter-gatherer groups between East and South Africa
Better question: are native americans non-Western?
There is no legitimate science connecting them.
The only connections made are "loose" at best.
If you go back far enough, yes.
>nat geo
>some uni
Give me something believable.
>People in Asia are "asians"
You know, what you posted doesn't connect them with asians but that distinct northern peoples.
They are more akin to Europeans than anything.
I'm talking Inuits.
>North African Arab
What's this bullshit Arab are not from North Africa you dumb ass they came during 8th century you fucking lil punk !
Amerindians (Natives) are in America since more than 30k years ago stupid fag !
>Also, you forgot to add Pygmies, Khoisan, and various other almost extinct hunter-gatherer groups between East and South Africa
Those are classified as Sub Saharan afaik
No theyre american
Not much, they were taken from west africa.
Homo Erectus from Asia migrated to Americas before.
So yes, Native Americans share ancestors with Asians.
Dené-Caucasian is a bigger meme than Altaic and is cooked up by a marriage of the two worst kinds of people, those autists who can't accept language isolates and force phyla that make no sense and the ubiquitous WE WUZ EVERYONE ideologists who want to draw up fictional genetic empires across time and space by stating that hardly understood language A and hardly understood language B are both related (by virtue of both being hardly known!) and that they in turn are related to their conveniently personally close language C by virtue of some unique feature (that crops up in different languages across the world) like vowel harmony or agglutination.
Dené-Yeniseian makes some sense, but that's Ket and the Na-Dené languages and it's congruent with current models on Beringian migration. Everything beyond it is fanfiction, unless you're in cloud-cuckoo-land where Japanese is Altaic and Sumerian is Dené-Yeniseian.
>They are more akin to Europeans than anything.
Unsubstantiated meme peddled by people who are ignorant about historical linguistics. You need a list of regular sound correspondences between two languages in order to purport that they are related. No such list exists for any North American language + Caucasian language pair.
but what about finns?
>Love reading and learning about Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, Kenya and Madagascar.
>East Africa
>Never includes any of this shit.
Expect meme answers based on 70's Anglo academics.
Identity is such a fagged-up thing, honestly. I'm tired of "oh I'm this" or "oh I'm that". No you're not, you're just some dumb fucking asshole like the rest of us. There's not a god damn thing special about where you came from, only what you do with what you have in your hands. Shut the fuck up and get busy.
they were turkish
Of course not, they're descendants of the Israelis that settled in North America, rebelled against God and were cursed with dark skin.***
***Or not, the Book of Mormon actually happened but on a rather small scale.
Or not at all,cunt! Take that billy hocus-pocus of Veeky Forums.
Soooo are white americans european?
Do native Siberians rip out peoples' hearts so that the sun keeps shining? How about stabbing their dicks, collecting the blood on a rag, and burning it while they hallucinate their ancestors' ghosts that appear out of the jaws of a vision serpent?
No they didn't, Erectus never made it that far up north. Don't tell me you tell for the multiregional theory bullcrap.
They're descended from the same proto-Asians as modern East Asians and Ainu, but not descended from either of those populations.
Source: my ass
real answer: native americans came over here AT LEAST 12,000 years ago, which would be ~600 generations, 15,000 years ago seems like a reasonable estimate for the when the first men came to America which would be ~800 generations. So calling them their own race seems pretty fair but we should acknowledge their mongol relations.
native americans are from something that existed before caucasians and mongoloids differentiated.
Afrikaner you mean