Veeky Forums historical figures

Veeky Forums historical figures


fuck off comme

This proper young Jesuit will make up for your shitty gommy

inb4 adolf

inb4 heavily doctored photo of young Stalin

I think Che expropriated all his fashion cops from landowners, even had a rollie


Mr. Steal Yo Means of Production

Young Napoleon was Veeky Forums af


Check out JFK and Nixon, it's like the "virgin walk/chad stride" meme irl but for posture

not quite a historical figure, but still






do you have the pic of him from the side? it's an extremely effay colorized pic

>no hitler posted
>bunch of communist cucks posted
yeah this board is officially trash

Hitler was a manlet and dressed like a spaz. Go back to /pol/

Fashion icon

better than anything else posted so far

>has lena dunham's knees
>4-5 inches shorter than average modern scandinavian
>tube socks pulled all the way up
>one of the worst combovers on record

Good, then leave. Go back to your board where you can circlejerk about blacks and jews despite living in places with no blacks or jews.

be gentle, these snowflakes need their safespace

>"there aren't enough pictures of hitler here"
>telling other people they need a safe space

Is the guy on the left interested by techno?

Veeky Forums is a safespace for fascists though

Extremely rare even on /pol/, easily less than 0.25% of the posters. Unless you're conflating fascism with national socialism, falangism, white nationalism, and self-identified fascism.

>erm acshually das not fascism

you're forgetting the ancaps which just happen to advocate a state-sponsored holocaust

Fascism has a specific definition with plenty of technicalities. If communism fails to establish a classless and stateless society without hierarchy where the workers control the means of production, it's not real communism. If fascism fails to unite the population and strengthen it under a totalitarian government, it's not real fascism. Mussolini failed fascism by his own definition.

The necessity of unity is what crushes any "fascist's" claim to fascism. In the US, it would be absolutely mandatory for a fascist to be anti-racist or outright anti-race (integralist). Ethno-nationalism in a multiethnic society is mutually exclusive from fascism as you cannot unite the population if you are racist. Rome is an example of authentic fascism, they gave land and citizenship to foreigners of other races and cultures based on military service and merit. If you advocated for a Roman model of fascism on /pol/, you would be called an "anti-white cuck".

Someone post more Mosley please
I like you

this quality post is so out of place here

yeah sure mate, this is like communists saying oh no im a new movement socialist. whatever, you are still an alt right fascist, and this is your safespace

>you are still an alt right fascist, and this is your safespace
As a fascist I side with the progressives (Sanders, Stein, Webb, Gabbard, NOT THE DNC) over /pol/ as they are more fascistic and nationalistic.

>manage to be such a massive faggot that you somehow mention "it isn't real communism" in a post about fascism

Because someone was bound to try and strawman me with that if I didn't clarify it.

