Am i pretty? please be honest

am i pretty? please be honest

Just go to /soc/, idiot.

its the nose right? The nose kills all of my plausible aesthetic value :(

I honestly could be an 8 or a 9 with a smaller nose

You looks dead inside
try smiling, ans fuck off to /soc/ as teh other user says
It's easily the most beta board on the site so I'm sure you'll get the attention you crave.

idiot? excuse me....

Im already dead.

Yes, now go away

like average? Hot? Gorgeous? wtf am I

give us a picture where you aren't pulling some dumb ass pose and maybe we can actually give you something constructive

otherwise fuck off to /soc/


you could pull off heroin chic

ummm lol idk

Yes you're an idiot. There's a whole board for this.

You're a blonde girl with blue eyes who's not overweight and is also young. That makes you attractive to just about every male on the world. You're not model material if you ask me though

why not?

You're unconventionally attractive which is the best kind if you ask me, but you're also demonstrating that you're very insecure and hungry for attention

nailed it

you immediatly become unnatractive when you made this thread.

shallow narcisistic sociopath..

your nose is too broad and upturned

you're really cute tho

this is annoying
I am going to call you ugly so you can leave


Yeah, you're pretty... pathetic :^)
Joke aside, you'd look good (above average) if you weren't putting on a stupid face. Also get some sleep?

is that way, roastie

really? But I'm not an 8 or a 9, right?

Dunno, maybe it's the shitty pictures or maybe it's your nose or you facial features in general. You also look a bit unkempt, like a drug addict.

subjectively 6 to 7/10, cute eyes and nice skin but nose is a bit big (a problem I know all too well)
now get back to /soc/, this isn't fashion-related

Could be worse right? I could have a crooked nose, or a bump, or a large beak nose. MY nose is small just kinda wide.

a 6? :(

my profile is go

Well for one thing stop taking pictures at night with artificial lighting if you wanna be called cute

When i try...

i change my mind..
giraffe mode

Shit that looks much better

well i am over 6 ft...that swan neck tho.

Chelsea Manning?

am i a 9 then? had a guy called me an average plain jane. I died inside.

tall women are unnatractive

then all models are fucked.

Over 6 ft? I'm not too sure about your nose from the front, it does seem a bit too broad but then again models like Cara have unconventional features too. I don't get the point of this thread though, do you want to be a model? Did you have any pictures taken? I'm assuming not otherwise you would have posted them

different tastes

Dunno, if I learned one thing on tinder is that girls can look very different in pictures than they do in real life.

might as well embrace my huge nose

That's probably your best choice. Top models have such manjaws that you wouldn't normally call them cute yet they look great on the runway. Your lips and eyes are 10/10 though.

would you kiss my little potato nose? Like if we were together and i wanted to get my nose done, would you let me? Or would you be happy with my potato nose? At least i dont have a huge beak nose? right people?

that's because phone cameras suck and almost always make people look uglier than they really are
9 is a bit of a stretch, these pics so far have been 6 to 8

:(...with a smaller nose i would be so much prettier. I hate myself. a 6? wow..that hurts.

Look, I still don't get it. Is this thread about you being insecure or about you deciding whether to try modeling or not?
If it's the former please go to /soc/. If the latter, I don't think your nose will be an issue, especially with you being tall. But yeah I would kiss it.
I've been with girls with worse noses for fucks sake it's not such a big deal, I bet it doesn't even look weird if you bothered to take a proper picture with a real camera.

nah you're fine

what can I say? you're attractive to pretty but not stunning?
beyond the 8/10 mark it's all about personal preference anyway. better work on your style, interests and personality instead of getting a nose job

>beyond the 8/10 mark it's all about personal preference anyway
This, it's literally impossible to be a 10 or a 9 to everybody. If you can't deal with that fact you might as well stop asking for people's opinions. Also you're on Veeky Forums which isn't the best place to ask this considering people call Gisele Bundchen or Olivia Munn ugly to give some examples.

thank you sweetie. I dont even hate my nose. It's something unique. It matches my rather large eyes and somewhat prominent cheekbones.

i think I'm stunning.

>i think I'm stunning.
Lmao. Everyone here is being too gentle. You look like a fucking tranny.

>i think I'm stunning.
Well then there you have it, just don't get mad if people say that you aren't. You're attractive for sure but stunning is subjective so I wouldn't take it personally.

Kill yourself you insecure attention whoring faggot

You're not a fuckin 9 or even close to it

You are an average fucking blonde girl and if you cannot deal with that, then you've never been told "no" in your whole life

Stupid asshole

You're blind

why am i unconventionally attractive?