Footage of ISIS destroying Nineveh ruins

Some footage was released of ISIS destroying the gate of the ancient Assyrian capital of Nineveh, capital of two empires that once controlled half of the Near East and waged war against the Babylonians, Egyptians etc.

What do they hope to gain from this destruction of cultural heritage that has nothing to do with Islam? Is it just for the news? Can we talk about cultural heritage generally?

Can you post examples of mass-destruction of culture and knowledge repositories throughout the ages. Hard mode: no Alexandrian library.

Other urls found in this thread:–Picot_Agreement

>mudslimes will defend this

That italian treasure hunter that blew up multiple pyramids for no reason

hate to be that guy but muslims gon muslim. guess who lopped off the sphinx's nose cos muh idols.

apprently nineveh was actually where the hanging gardens were, not in babylon:

European and American coalition to wipe these sandniggers off the face of the planet when?

They seek to destroy anything before Islam.

>for no reason

For treasure.


>guess who lopped off the sphinx's nose cos muh idols


But he didn't find any though

I hope you polfags realize that while the west is funding "moderate militants", Sunni and Shia muslims are united on the front lines against ISIS.


Is it weird ISIS destroying historical buildings/artifacts/etc makes me much angrier than them killing people?

I just hate people with a lack of respect for history

Secularists and Shia muslims*

They're obviously doing a terrific job, right?

>Sunnis can't be secular
Spotted the Wahhabi.

Pic related was Sunni and basically told the muslim brotherhood to go fuck themselves.

>just destroying some old ruins

Pffft, amateurs

What a fuckwit you are, ffs.

1) he did it for a reason
2)It was nigger tier irrelevant "Pyramids", not Egyptian pyramids.

They'd be doing better if the west would stop trying to hamper all their efforts. It'd also be better if the source of Wahhabism, Saudi Arabia, stopped getting endless funding and military support from the west.

This shit enrages and depresses me more than anything. Terrorist attacks are one thing, but this... this is on another level. Even if ISIS is wiped out eventually, these ruins will never be recovered... They stood the test of time for 2500 years throughout human history only to be destroyed by barbarians.

He didn't know that before blewing up the nubian pyramids. Also he did find treasure, just not a lot.

>2500 years

Nineveh is more like 4000 years old.

So you're saying AIDS is combating cancer?

Where should Russia stand in all of this?

Russia is helping the secularists, so they're decent. However, like any international superpower, they crave influence. With that being said, Russia and Syria have had a great relationship going back to the days of Hafez so I think things will be alright between the two.

ISIS and Assyria have a fair bit in common. Namely, their fondness of beheading and mutilation, and publicising these to spread terror.

For Assyria, since they had no video, they depicted their atrocities on palace reliefs for all visiting dignitaries to see.

Current president of Egypt is sunni and has mass executed muslim brotherhood members.
Most sunni muslims are just like most christians kind of born into it, and not questioning it.

Taking back Constantinople.

>This is your brain on Abrahamic religion

ISIS is staffed by orphans of the Iraq and Afghanistan war, raised in Saudi funded mosques, armed by Saudis (who buy American weapons), with the aim of eliminating all history in the region so that the Saudi regime can impose it's power, by claiming to be the protectors and most religious people simply because they hold Mecca and Medina (which were given to them by the British lmao).

that's literally what started this whole mess, is white people trying to gank some oil.

I always knew Greece was Slavic :^)

>white people
When will this maymay end.
Its only true when referring to european diaspora thats it and last time I checked Saudimoney and turkish support wouldnt qualifie as such concerning ISIS.

They have to fight against all the money of Saudi Arabia arming terror groups, all the money of the US arming "rebel" groups, and Turkey helping to import foreign fighters. The only reason Israel isn't involved (and there have been pictures of Mossad helping ISIS with logistical support) is because if it becomes exposed, ISIS fighters might rebel against their own leadership (aka Saudi Arabia).

Muslim Brotherhood barely wanted political power until Nasser outlawed them because they were popular. They literally fed and clothed all of Egypt until Nasser came into power. Nasser was aight, but he was flawed, and his consolidation of power basically paved the way for the modern puppet dictatorship of Egypt we see today.


Because Syrians aren't white themselves?

Pic related, retard.

the rise of ISIS is directly caused by the US invasion of Iraq. which was caused by the US installation of Saddam Hussein. Which was caused by the British fucking up the region by drawing arbitrary borders that made no sense to the previously existing political structure and factions.

Which was caused by the Turks being shitty rulers for about 150 years before they lost WWI, so I guess non-whites were at fault 100 years ago.

>where should Russia stand in this
Knee deep in Muslim blood

Old buildings don't advance civilization, science does. As soon as we colonize Mars we should strip Earth of every resource then explode it because the crafts work we created are ultimately meaningless.

I'm Syrian, pale as fuck, and often argue Syria is more Roman and Greek than northern Europe.

But apparently skin color doesn't mean white. Veeky Forums says all the time that Slavs and Greeks and Italians aren't white.

that is just one tale out of a gorillion, most known is the french cannonball that hit it.
to name your hypothesis:
"destroyed by a Sufi Muslim named Muhammad Sa'im al-Dahr. In 1378 CE, Egyptian peasants made offerings to the Great Sphinx in the hope of controlling the flood cycle, which would result in a successful harvest.
Outraged by this blatant show of devotion, Sa'im al-Dahr destroyed the nose and was later executed for vandalism.
Whether this is absolute fact is still debatable."

there a billion PROVEN examples of extremists destroying world heritage but that is not one of them.

childhood kek

Well, I grant you the US part.
The brits installing the house of Saud is also a fault, but after they got scarred by the war, the arabs had plenty of time to resist them or remove them which they didnt.
I mean, the Iranians try and I like em for it and the baathists had some positive vibes too.
Im mainly complaining that "white" is a loaded description, as its such a vague product of american identity politics, it doesnt makes much sense in matters regarding the old world.

The french had sensible ideas for colonial borders though-a rarity.

Oh look, more of what caused this! Yay!

Are you posting this from the bottom of the sea?

Seriously though, Anons deny anybody being white other than themselves, it is a meme that has nothing to do with skin color or geneticsm just another crude way to shitpost.

Define civilization.

Some are.

More so by the premature campaign promise withdraw.

Group of human beings banded together.

Why weren't those borders kept when the french leaved? Muh pan-arabism?

A civilisation needs ideals, Old buildings can inspire awe or serve as markers for past accomplishments and places of reverence and remembering.

Basically kind of a cult.
People love their abstract meanings and rites, its part of what makes us human.

That cannot be advanced or delayed.

Nationalism can be great, but these baathist ones didnt accept the "ethnic boundaries" part of it because that would have meant less clay and power for the sake of stability.
A shame.

>Mandatory Iraq
>Mandatory Palestine
That's an amusing naming scheme.

>Nationalism can be great
Name a single Middle Eastern nation were it didn't backfire.

Israel : ^)

Well the cannonball explanation is straight up myth because we have reports of the Sphinx being noseless before the French ever showed up.

So if it wasn't Sufis it was something else but it ain't no Napoleon.

The Tunisians profited from it and even managed to come out relativly unscathed from the fuckfest that was the arab spring.
Motherfucking Ataturk.
Syria may have been much better if parted, but you have to admit that they were quiete prosperous and stable for a levantine state until it blew up along 2012 with a lot of help from outside..

Also Israel, yes.


Yes, but it is still the most widespread tale and most people don't even know it is just that, a tale.

Most likely did it break off randomly due to thousands of years of material stress and people do what people always do when random shit happens, they stick a story to it cause man was it boring before the internet gave us porn and waifus.

Don't be a smartass, you know what was meant.

Not sure, not many that didn't turn into a shithole after their respective regimes collapsed.

Turkey is not part of the Middle East, it's Asia Minor.

>northern scandinavians

Mh, ok, they are aszns.
I just wanted an excuse to mention based ataturk.
belgians are tainted by spanish moorblood and id exclude the bavarians as they are more on the dinaric side :^)

>created by q Studienrat
>literally a junior teacher, not a scholar
well memed.
back to topic now please.

They want to remind everyone what happened the first time Islam washed over civilization. Apologists be damned, the histories did not lie!

except nobody is defending them, but feel free to groom your nonsensical world view.

>the arabs caused it! it totally wasn't us guise!–Picot_Agreement

Nationalism is not what caused the "backfire". Rather, it was foreign intervention. Syria, for example, only had one small scale uprising in the 20th century. Now the country is being torn apart by terrorists whom receiving funding from the west and Saudi Arabia. Iraq was incredibly prosperous until the US invasion.

Since you said Middle East, I'll give you a good answer: Iran. It went from being the lapdog of the US to being a regional superpower defying its former western masters.

>Iraq was incredibly prosperous until the US invasion
yes they were so rich after trying to invade Iran and Saddam bankrupting the country buying weapons and gear for that invasion, to the point that he was desperate enough to try take over Kuwait from which he got BTFOed too.
wow what an economic glory time!

Nice source you got there

Yet Saddam came to power via a CIA-backed coup and he was edged on by the US to wage war against Iran (who do you think supplied him with all those chemical weapons?).

Giuseppe go home

>not on the verge of bankruptcy for the past decade
>crippled by sanctions, a direct response to the theocratic thinly veiled as nationalist powers in the country
Iranian nationalism died when Mullahs hijacked the revolution.

>false claims do not need sources
>debunk-posts which can be googled within 10 seconds need one
a swing and a miss, maybe next time.

>Iraq was incredibly prosperous until the US invasion.
This is bait right?

>Turkey is not part of the Middle East, it's Asia Minor.

Asia Minor is in the middle east.

I don't think so dude. When I saw that video I was enraged, but when I see them killing someone I'm just like, "Well that sucks but whatever."

The Middle East has no absolute borders, and the majority of definitions do not count it to it.
Feel free to keep your opinion.
It is like arguing where the eastern border of Europe is, it will totally depends on who you ask.

Iran was prosperous even in the 80's during the war.

And it somehow grew despite international sanctions in the 90's.


Yes thanks for proving my point.
Look at what the Iran-Iraq war, which was fueled by pure Nationalistic powers and greed, did to it in the 80s.
Americans arrived a decade later at which point the economy stayed more or less in that shit state.


>Look at what the Iran-Iraq war, which was fueled by American desires to punish Iran, did to it in the 80s.

As for the economy, it would have risen if Iraq were given ample time to repair its oil facilities. The US, however, did what it does best and started the first round of what would eventually eternally fuck Iraq.

Tripdubs shouldn't fight yo. And by apologists I mean the people who say Islam didn't destroy antiquity, and actually preserved it. Never mind the fact that nothing which is alive requires preservation.

Oh you are one of those guys.
America the great Satan scapegoat and so on.
But what do I know of Iranian and Iraqi history my family just lived there for the past thousand years or so.
Protip, don't fall for the memes.

You Assadfags are pathetic.

Lets be fucking clear here

Russia is airstriking againt assads rebels

The u.s. is funding rebels to fight against assad

Isis is pro assad, and only attacks rebebls and kurds

Iran is pro assad, and is funding their own militant group to kill rebels. They also allow isis to use their black markets.

Saudi arabia and isreal are helping the united states fund the rebels, because fuck iran.

Kurds are trying to use the chaos ti declare independance, turkey only cares avout killing kurds

But muslims are not unites

The u.s.a.f. targets isis and not assad because it pisses less people off when isis dies

>impliying russia&co. don't bomb the shit out of ISIS
>impliying all the "rebels" left aren't ISIS collaborators

>destroy all remnants of culture in the middle east
>future americans arrive, take one look at the dump, see nothing of value, and enslave/genocide them just like they did to the blacks
great plan ISIS

Jihadist defense force detected.
Stop skewing the facts Ahmed.
Everyone knows that Putin's gotten tired of sending contraband oil trucks to hell trying to get across the Turkish border.
IS Jehbet and Islamic Front are Turkish Saudi proxies while FSA is American.

And this is why people that bitch about repatriating artifacts should shut the fuck up.

Why? Putin loves controlling black markets. The u.s. likes sanction power. Thats what the conflict is about.

syria is such a messy fuckhole all these statements are correct even though they contradict each other at times.
it is basically a free-for-all deathmatch with shifting "alliances", backstabbing and propaganda.

No he doesn't he's the non-degenerate saviour of Christendom unlike Jewbama.

"Just for the news" is kind of the right way to think of it, but I wouldn't be dismissive of the intent.

The destruction of historic cites and artifacts is meant to enrage the west. It's not that ISIS fears these dead cultures or their philosophies- it's Western Culture which reveres history through museums and archeology. When ISIS destroys archeology, they are destroying what we hold dear.

This is the "belief through another" concept. ISIS knows that the objects hold no power, but they know we hold the objects in esteem. Because we give them the "power" or archeology, a kind of historical aura of significance, that is why ISIS destroys them. If our culture did not value archeology or history, ISIS would forget about the ruins, or maybe just use them for practical purposes (like romans tearing down pyramids to build roads).

Check out Zizek's view of the Taliban destroying the Buddha's of Bamyan, same kind of situation.

To respond to OPs challenge of citing other examples of mass cultural destruction- China has two great examples. The first is "The Burning of Books and Burying of Scholars" and the second is the Cultural Revolution.

Pic related, chinese scholars being buried alive while their ancient texts burn.

>Isis is pro assad,
Are you fucking retarded?

>But what do I know of Iranian and Iraqi history my family just lived there for the past thousand years or so.
Pics or it didn't happen

Black markets ordain unethical behavior but they aren't degenerate.

Realize that isis doesnt take themselves too seriously. They know they are mercenaries using memes to justify sacking cities and whatnot, and they will disband when the pay isn't sufficient, that is when iran seals its black market routes to end the conflict.


You want me to post pics of my family on Veeky Forums?
Yes hang on I will get right on that, what could go wrong.

tfw when it became real

The christians did the same thing to pagan temples in europe.

Two wrongs do not make a right.

Fuck radical Abrahamism.

Fuck radical anything.