What is so impressive about prominent cheekbones and jawline? And how to get them?

What is so impressive about prominent cheekbones and jawline? Why do they make people very attractive like Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie when he was young? And can you actually get them naturally? Can training your Masseter muscle can achieve such a look?


>And can you actually get them naturally?

Of course you fucking can't, it's not physically possible to modify your facial bone structure in a natural way

>Can training your Masseter muscle can achieve such a look?

You can, I've actually done it by just chewing a considerable amount of gum at least once a day, but obviously the differences are not really that noticiable

be skinny

Loose weight, it'll improve the definition in your face.

prominent bone structure and sunken cheeks usually signify low bodyfat. it also makes you look older too. If you have good bone structure but some fat in your cheeks, you tend to look younger than you are. Dane Dehaan has good bone structure but lacks sunken cheeks, and thus looks like he's 20 when he's actually much older (except for his shitty hairline).

nigga posts richard ramirez

>what's so impressive about having the bone structure required to be very attractive?

meh, I have prominent cheekbones and a good jawline and I'm still ugly as fuck

Ur beautiful user

Good news: doesn't look like you're physically ugly.

Bad news: you are probably creepy and mentally ill causing your to be repellent and believe you are physically ugly.

Haircuts making your head look longer than it is

Doubt it's possible outside genetics and surgery once you hit a certain age. I wouldn't bother anyway, I got some of the most prominent bone structure around, and it doesn't do me any favors. Would personally prefer smaller chin desu.

God I see your face here way to fucking much just stop phishing for compliments/insults

I won't post it when it's not related

OP should know that not everyone finds that kinda shit attractive, and you could end up pulling a bad, or at least divisive, lot regardless. But I'd be lying if I said I was doing it strictly to impart or whatever


this is the 3rd thread i've seen you in today Mr. Punchable face

Tryin' to act black, white trash.

fuck. not same user but same good facial structure but i fall into the bad news. how to fix? people tell me i got a cold dead stare.

Cheekbones and jawline are the 2 most important factors in determining one's facial attractiveness, granted you don't have any noticeable birth defects.

The reason they're so sought is the same as why beautiful people are sought after: that kind of attractiveness cannot be bought. Either you're born with it or you don't... it sucks, I know, but if it could be obtainable by anyone it wouldn't be nearly as attractive.

The only things you can do are losing weight and taking care of your skin, but you need to be genetically gifted for these 2 things to show any improvements. Cutting fat and polishing your skin can only bring out your facial structure if you have a good one to begin with, they won't dramatically change it.

You're not "pretty" but you are singular looking. You looks like a high fashion model actually. Suit your style with it and everyone will admire you.

Aslo why your brows so fem ?

I heard about Mastiha gum,some kind of hard chew gum that make your jaw workd hard (its painful so it probably work not like regulat chew gum). It gives you a larger jaw. Some people said that they noticed an improvement in 2months, chewing 1-2 hours a day.

Haha I couldn't tell you. My face is a mixed bag in that sense, weird combo of masculine features and some feminine features.

>that kind of attractiveness cannot be bought. Either you're born with it or you don't
>cannot be bought. Either you're born with it or you don't
>cannot be bought.

There's a thing call SURGERY(jaw implants for ex.)


Lmao long time ago I was high as shit and I had a self breakdown of my self image. While stones I sent my pics to some korean plastic surgery website. They said I needed cheekbone reduction.


Read a couple of books like "How to Win Friends and Influence People" as a primer.
Next part is more difficult. You have to get irl friends and spend time with them irl.
Practice mirroring their body language and otherwise using appropriate body language until it becomes natural.
Remember though if you make friendships with undersocialized spergs they will have the same kind of problem you do.
It may even be worth taking acting classes.
>that's a lot of fucking work, i'm not doing that stupid shit.
Well, I don't blame you but there are those that make the case that good social skills are your single greatest asset for gaining success in life.

You don't need that. Cheekbones are very attractives, it's just that you have fat in here. Get your face slimmer drink a lot of water (to prevent water to stock in your face) and you will see that these cheekbones are the bests. They will draw a line to your chin, that really attractive.
But to achieve that you need really low body fat.

takes some bravery to post that, thank you mang


What actually makes cheek bones good? I think mine are alright and get told so but have no idea

>very attractive like Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie when he was young

>I sent my pics to some korean plastic surgery website

>You looks like a high fashion model actually.
>these are the people that give you fashion advise

See ?

Please stay on /soc/

By how you're posting each time you seem to be missing a gear in your head cogs.

Bruh, u hit the jackpot in terms of face genetics.

I bet if I stopped drinking so much soda I'd have better cheeks

punchable face syndrome.