How does effay wear their beanies? Any proper or objetively good way of wearing them?
Pic related
Proper way to wear a beanie
All of tthem
the first way
second can look good, but it seems that the beanie is too small in this case
thrid always looks shit
First only
first way looks like you are trying to hide retreating hair line
3rd if you don't wanna look like a balding dork
You might just be insecure, user
Middle if warm, right if cold.
Never left, or at least not me I guess, I look like shit with no hair showing.
first and first only
why the fuck are you wearing a beanie if you are not covering most of your head
if you are going for the manchildren douche look then go for the rest
how insecure you got to be to think like this lmao
The first way is the closest to correct. The other ways look super douchey.
Do you only wear hats that leave your hairline exposed so people will know you're not bald underneath?
Number one is pushing it. I pull my beanie down to cover my forehead and ears entirely. Two and three are somebody I would make fun of
>if warm
You are that faggot that wears a beanie in warm weather aren't you?
oldfag here from when the 90's were cool (the first time)
DESU senpai, #'s 2 & 3 are utterly shit-tier. 3 is closer to looking good, but still looks absolute shit.
These looks just make me alternately cringe & rage. Beanies should NEVER show the hairline underneath, it just looks fucking WRONG.
#2 looks like the biggest fucking beta cuck softboy with no balls or masculinity at all. Zero sex appeal to that shit. #1 looks traditional & proper. #3 is close, but weak as fuck.
All you millenial faggots need to get this look right. You look like a bunch of femmy douche bags. Pic fucking related.
Another fucking pic related
Third Fucking Pic Related. Get the message yet?
Fashion is not about utility. It's about iconography, each piece on your body makes a statement. Women don't wear heels because they want to look taller or...grab things they can't reach, they wear it because it's fashionable, trendy, says a lot, and it's pretty.
it's about both. Most fashion starts off with utility. The Iconography comes from the lifestyle of people who make the utility into something of beauty or class.
High Heels were made to make a woman's ass look better.
Peacoats & Sailors.
Bomber Jackets & Pilots.
Motorcycle Boots.
Ties & The working man.
Rain Jackets.
Denim & Cowboys.
etc., etc., etc...
Ok there Donald Trump, try not yelling "WRONG" to the top of your lungs.
High heels were made so archers could aim better horseback by sticking the heel in the spur. Women began wearing them as a feminist statement (key word: STATEMENT). That was back then, when people thought if you drowned with a rock tying you down then you were a witch. In contemporary fashion, it's a statement that has outlived its utility because we have no need for that utility anymore.
The only reason I wear a beanie is to stop cold air turkey-slapping my brain via the ears and forehead.
I don't see the use of 2 and 3.
imagine being this ignorant of history yet still thinking you're correct
imagine being so presumptuous that you make everything you say sound vastly superior to what the other person is talking about because you're so vastly insecure about yourself that you mask it under a smokescreen of false knowledge and faux-wisdom that you use to feel completely superior to everyone else when in fact you're so afraid of being left out that, but it backfires because no one invites you anywhere and you spend your time alone in your room, on a chat board asserting your pretend dominance over people who could swallow you whole and not flinch.
Why you playin'?
cool story bro. That's 1/8 examples I may have wrong. What about the other 7?
My point stands. Oh, and by the way, you inadvertently prove my point correct. High heels were originally made for a utility.
So I guess you're still WRONG
Of course you're going to come up with some clever and witty remark which NO ONE except you, because you're so special and unique, could have thought about. Meanwhile keep jerking off to the image that you'll be someone of importance.
See what I mean?
I rest my case. Now get off of my board.
imagine that you are no longer a samefag, samefagging over and over because you're an insecure internet shut-in trying desperately to get some status by trying to be a know it all about fashion. Imagine what it would be like to not eat cocks every night. Imagine.
More Examples of how a Beanie *should* be work for all you millenial Pony-Boys...
Bonus Beanie for all you Veeky Forumsgs
>the biggest fucking beta cuck softboy with no balls or masculinity at all.
You know a bunch of buzzwords thrown together aren't going to make a coherent sentence, user
>All you millenial faggots need to get this look right
Yes because my and only my opinion is the only way to look good, plus i'm gonna blame millennials because they're a different and inferior generation to mine which is objectively the best generation ever.
Give me a break you oldfag
"I use caps and beaten to death words to look like i'm a big boy and i mean it!"
Yeah, cool. I get it. You guys are way too internet cool & modern cynical savvy to ever consider that I'm possibly making a valid points:
Beanies look better covering hair.
Clothing often starts as functional.
You young fags crack me up. You think that by putting up an air of 'seen it all' when you actually haven't that you are above criticism. You're not. You're just a lost generation, like everybody else.
The sad part is that there are a lot of young millenials that I see around that are good looking guys who ruin their attractiveness by being overly boyish in their presentation well into their mid to late 20's. Looking like a man is a good thing. Little boys don't get laid, men do. If you're going to focus on style, at least wear things that don't make you come off as a douche. That's all I'm really saying here.
But you guys are way too cool to be addressed unless I can come across as more of a cynical edge lord than you. Sad really.
beanies are palladium-tier, 99% of the world population laughs at them
I mean sometimes it's kind of cold. And you're not gonna wear it with your ears out if it's atually cold.
Once I traveled south (I live in the southern hemisphere) to a place where there was snow but no wind, so I just wore it like the middle picture.
I sure am not gonna take advise from Mr. Veeky Forums incarnated over here.
Alright I think both of you are the same retard, so I'm gonna adress you both.
Most if not all clothing articles are originally made for a practical reason, but that doesn't mean jackshit, because that doesn't mean they can't just be worn because they look fashionable.
What's the point of using a tie? Who cares if the way you wear the beanie is unpractical? It doesn't matter.
>imagine being this self centered, snobby and elitist about a generation and fashion (something so subjective as any form of art)
get over it grandpa, you're old and all you do is complain and sugarcoat your generation
Shut the fuck up.
This board, and this thread, could not get possibly worse. The future of Veeky Forums is dead.
I heard the only people who wear beanies are balding numales? is this true Veeky Forums?
is this the cuckcore thread?
If you're a skinny numale, dont try to rock a beanie.
pic related is the only way you should wear a beanie
lol relax tough guy.
>feminism existed at the same time as witch trials
>HIGH HEELS in their current form were used by archers on horseback
>boots with heels no longer have utility
first one imo
but if you have long hair its fine to let some go through
>not mentioning the fisherman look