Was Joseph of Nazareth the greatest cuck of all time?
Was Joseph of Nazareth the greatest cuck of all time?
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Isaiah 7:14
Stay on reddit please.
Does have his own children with Mary later though (think just the one)
Catholics and Orthodox say yes
Protestants say no
isn't that apocryphical?
Fuck off tripfag
Official Christian position has always been that those were his children from a previous marriage. Why would people removed from him by centuries suddenly know better? "Nah those were Mary's"
That doesn't really have anything to do with Joseph, like at all.
Joseph divorced?
Aside from demonstrating how Christians literally have to change word meanings to get their messianic prophecies, what does that verse prove?
Not him, but I think Christians hold that he was a widower, and that Mary was way younger than he was.
So he got his first wife killed by God, since thats the guy who controls all that life and death shit, then gets his wife impregnated by God without even getting to tap that Judaic pussy?
Hello, I'm Joseph of Nazareth and this is Mary my life-partner and this is Jesus of Nazareth, my wife's son of god.
Joseph just sneaked into her one night when she was asleep after too much wine.
Maria: I think God made me pregnant.
Joseph: Sure he did.
what a mongrel you are OP
>needing to sneak in
pretty sure Joseph just sodomized her whenever he wanted.
do you think baby jesus burst into the room one day while his mommey was getting pounded by that sweaty hairy middle eastern man?
>Quoting non-prophetic parts of the Old Testament
>For alleged messianic prohpecies.
Your daily reminder that the oldest known Isaiah manuscript gives "And I will name him Immaneul" i.e., that the kid is Isaiah's. And of course, it makes no sense to be talking about Jesus to prophesize to a contemporary king. And that the "Virgin" is pregnant now according to the verse, owing to the differing conjugation of her conception and to her giving birth.
So yes, aside from showing that Christians have to change the words around to get their messianic prophecies, what have you proven?
That's not Nietzsche
Adam and Eve are the ones that brought death into the world.
But everything works according his grand masterplan which human minds cannot grasp, so he indeed is controlling life and death and therefore killed Joseph's first wife to cuck him on an extreme level.
That's not the way Christians understand death. Death is a negation. It is the tendency towards non-existence, so God can not be responsible for it.
That is the cheapest cop out I have ever heard.
If the guy is omni-potent, all seeing, all knowing, he knows exactly what nanosecond you get hit by a car without your fault, and by creating the world allowing that state he already planned for that death and your ascension to heaven or drive to hell already.
the toppest of topcucks.
But raising Jesus was probably pretty cool.
Yes, it is generally believed he knew it would come into the world, and that man would sin. If you think this implies that "he set us up" I don't think you have an adequate appreciation for what it means to be beyond being and beyond time (both attributes of God). But don't worry, no man can really understand that.
So God did indeed kill Josephs first wife then.
You suffer from some very unfortunate intellectual deficiencies. I'm sorry, friend. I hope you get better.
If he didn't, there is no master plan, which you just said exists.
What kind of delusional doublethink are you tripping on?
That God permits things to happen does not mean that he is the agent of enacting them.
He knew what would happen because He is beyond being and time, but He did not tamper with free will. Man is free.
God set the conditions for life and the world and basically got the ball rolling, everything after that he left to up to us to decide.
The fact that he knows what's going to happen and allows it to happen is not = carrying them out himself
Once the ball gets rolling, he just lets it roll. If it happens to snowball and crush a group of children caught in its path, oh well. That's the consequence of free will
I think he gets that, he is just being deliberately dense. It's not worth it desu.
>Man is free to get crushed to death by a house collapsing during an earthquake
>God created that Man
>God created the Earth capable of quakes
>God started everything, and since he knew what happens before it even started, he is DIRECTLY the cause of it happening
>somehow free will can exist in this bizzaro world
Either God does not care it happens, or he does want that to happen.
Either way sounds like an asshole.
You can repeat your "the plan can't be comprehended by men" all you want, the average person can comprehend that getting killed without your own fault is a bad thing.
>nnanananananana I can't hear youuuuuuuuu
What do you make of the expressions:
- beyond being and time
- freedom of will
because everyone else here seems to get a very different meaning out of them then you are.
Earthquakes and other natural disasters are a consequence of the Fall when Sin and Death entered creation.
God allows sin to happen because it is more glorious to redeem what is broken than to never become damaged.
>nnanananananana I can't hear youuuuuuuuu
Sorry, I was giving you the benefit of the doubt. The fact that you actually don't get it is the reason I pointed out your unfortunate intellectual deficiencies earlier.
>What kind of delusional doublethink are you tripping on?
It is called organized religion, a powerful drug.
>inb4 fedora meme
Disqualify yourself, go ahead.
>you are too stupid for God
What a great Christian you are.
Earthquakes are a consequence of plate tectonics, your little book club is amusing.
God allows sin to happen because he is Just and allows man to receive the just recompense for his continual disobedience to Him and to reason/wisdom. God's mercy comes into the world through his Word. It is only proper that the Word through which creation was made would also be the means by which it is redeemed. See Saint Athanasius On the Incarnation. I hope I have not misrepresented the views expressed there.
Technically I am not a Christian yet, but even when I was a total atheist (I was not a "new-atheist", just plain old disbelief on a philosophical foundation) I was not as dense as you are being. Please reconsider in light of all the admonitions you are receiving. I merely claim that you misunderstand, but you accuse all of us, and by extension all who hold these of views of holding nonsensical views. Intellectual humility is a virtue regardless of religious affiliation. It is the ability to doubt yourself and to examine other points of view by giving them a just appraisal.
The Earth itself groans for His return.
>Please reconsider in light of all the admonitions you are receiving
Nice bandwagon.
>you accuse all of us, and by extension all who hold these of views of holding nonsensical views.
I do just that just as easily as you accuse me of being dense for thinking otherwise.
>Intellectual humility is a virtue regardless of religious affiliation
Clearly a strong suit of the posters here.
"Believe what I believe otherwise you have mental deficits."
Hypocrisy at its finest.
I'm not asking you to believe what I believe, only to try and understand it. When I was an atheist I was perfectly capable of comprehending these rather simple arguments. I simply rejected them. It's not a "bandwagon" to take in negative external feedback and consider it critically. Common sense should tell you we probably have a reason for admonishing you. Understand what that reason is before rejecting it.
>implying I don't understand them
I reject you based on what you say.
I fully understand the premise you base your apologies for an either illogical or cruel God on.
And as I told you, you need an absurd amount of doublethink to uphold such a view,
which is precisely what all that smokescreen about the "beyond time and space and man's understanding" is.
Don't you mean "spiritual pipe dreams?"
Smokescreen since you claim God is beyond man's understanding in the same post you claim you understand how his creation of free will and how people should live work, which is another level of hypocrisy that is simply mind numbing.
If you think they require double think you believe they are contradictory, and if you believe they are contradictory then you believe they are meaningless because a contradictory point of view is effectively not saying anything, and if you believe they are meaningless then technically they are not "views" at all. Ergo you do not understand my views since you do not even acknowledge that my views exist.
"Beyond space and time" is not a smokescreen it is a basic and necessary metaphysical postulate that even the neoplatonists found indispensable in their doctrine of the One.
>you claim you understand how his creation of free will and how people should live work
Demonstrating and explaining this is a whole 'nother issue. We can't even begin to scratch the surface of that if you can't even make it past this preliminary stage.
I'm not even the person you're arguing with, but simply because we cannot comprehend God in His entirety does not mean that He is a complete mystery.
>Ergo you do not understand my views since you do not even acknowledge that my views exist.
Nice reversal of causality.
Using that logic the only way to understand your view is to accept them as true, which is probably what you are aiming for.
>it is a basic and necessary metaphysical postulate
The whole thing cannot work without the explicit statement that you can't fully grasp it.
But wonder oh wonder you get to pick what parts you can grasp, like don't fap on the Sabbath, and which parts you don't grasp, like why random shit happens for no reason.
If this were ANY other topic than your personal religious views you would cry smokescreen harder than I am currently.
see second part of see the whole post.
>does not mean that He is a complete mystery
You're trying to bring this guy in to the deep end of the pool when he doesn't even know how to swim.
* second part of
Oh thanks for the ad hominem, already grasping for straws?
>you can't fully grasp it
intellectually, but it can be grasped in a sense. No point in going down that road right now, though.
>the only way to understand your view is to accept them as true
Wrong. You could still reject them by claiming that the entity I claim exists simply does not exist for one reason or another. But you are saying that he couldn't exist because he is nonsensical.
No, I'm speaking from experience because I was on "your end of the fence" once. You are too sensitive to criticism.
You can cry whatever you want all you want.
>But you are saying that he couldn't exist because he is nonsensical.
I am saying the entity you are believing in is either not worthy of worship or does not exist for the reasons stated.
You are ignorant to criticism, how is that better?
Insightful post that added a lot to the debate, well done.
>or does not exist for the reasons stated.
You say it requires double think, i.e. you aren't saying he DOESN'T exist for the reasons stated but that he CAN'T exist for the reasons stated.
>You are ignorant to criticism, how is that better?
Well, I'll consider it but my experience tells me otherwise.
This isn't a debate.
>Well, I'll consider it but my experience tells me otherwise.
Just because you claim you were an Atheist once and are not one now doesn't mean you automatically got an open mindset.
If anything it sounds to me like you chose comfort over truth, which modern Christianity excels at.
>you aren't saying he DOESN'T exist for the reasons stated but that he CAN'T exist for the reasons stated.
I never said can't, that is your prejudice projecting intent into my words.
The group of people not believing in God is extremely heterogeneous, so don't assume anything.
Yes as far as you alone specifically are concerned, it is just another meme pic dump, the ultimate defence line of people who have no thoughts of their own and have to copypaste what they think fits their mind.
At least the others here give a shit about their views, you are just a lazy leech living off them.
What are my thoughts compared to God's wisdom?
>If anything it sounds to me like you chose comfort over truth, which modern Christianity excels at.
I actually yearn all the time that it would just be proven false to me because it is anything but comforting, and because just what an extreme change it will entail in the way I live if I choose to convert. I could potentially be cut off from many friends and family. Not to mention I would love for any excuse to participate in all the pleasures life has to offer, and that I'm actually a very proud person (not intellectually, otherwise I would have never been a very good student) and I don't like the idea of God telling me what to do. I want to do things my way. My natural sympathies as far as religion go are far more toward occultism and paganism since they allow a greater scope of human freedom (in a sense, but in a sense Christianity is more truly free, but that's another issue). I'm risking a lot. At least give me the benefit of the doubt here and don't assume I'm being insincere when I say these things. I assure you, I am not.
>I never said can't
That sounds like the implication of your arguments to me. Doublethink = contradictory = can't exist
In any case, I have to be up early tomorrow. Good night to you, sir.
According your own scripture, nothing, so even those memes are extremely presumptuous in the eyes of your creator.
I admit, you are a pretty chill person and more fun to argue with than I expected.
I wish more discussions about religion were like this and less angry screaming from both sides.
Keep it up user and may our paths cross some day again.
I must sleep now too, rest well.