>How do you start a billion dollar security company?
>You know, you steal as much money as you can..
the fucker has so much charisma that people are willing to throw money at him just to see him snort more coke and fuck more hookers.
>How do you start a billion dollar security company?
>You know, you steal as much money as you can..
the fucker has so much charisma that people are willing to throw money at him just to see him snort more coke and fuck more hookers.
Other urls found in this thread:
It's a pump and dumb of a penny stock. People have thrown MUCH more money at companies with stupider reasoning
Google CYNK
Is he a catalyst? Sure. But nobody is throwing money at him because of his charisma, it's just greed.
It has more to do with his last company going from garage to $7b. It's like if Mark Cuban started a lemonade stand, everybody would want in
That guy is finished. He's Charlie Sheen tier. Everything he touches will turn to dust. If I were you, I would stay far, far away from any venture with that guy's name on it.
He has a niche market with no company being in cybersecurity. Especially with possible cyberterrorism attacks on the Egyptian airplane
The company is acquiring stakes in tech companies so it looks like he has a plan. I'd wait and see what he announces before investing again though
>he didn't make at least 2k profit on MGT in the past 2 weeks.
I pulled out yesterday at $5.2 btw :)))
>I pulled out yesterday at $5.2 btw :)))
sure ya did ;-)
news report at 2PM go-i mean guys! get in while you can!
>The company is acquiring stakes in tech companies so it looks like he has a plan. I'd wait and see what he announces before investing again though
Came to post this
Its been a fucking week OP. The stock was hyped, thats all. Now it looks stabilized. Initial investors are still like 3x profit, so why not blow it out of your ass?
Well, he always has the Deadwood sequel to look forward to.
Source or gtfo
This jackass cost me 5k ill fucking sue
external locus of control. Not gonna make it.
>mfw not selling at $5.20
think it's this. honestly idunno
>he's not long MGT
This will at least balloon to $10 this year. Ever wanted to get in on AAPL, FB, TSLA early? Here's your chance. I personally have $1k invested because that's all I could afford at the moment. I wish I had more money to throw into this.
I'll monitor it, if it can hit 3.50 again and stabilize. I'll buy more again.
I mean right now you can't really blame people for not believing considering this thing happened a week ago and there isn't any real PR news or anything.
my thoughts exactly
got in at 0.89 with 1K Shares. Shall I hold on?
I'm holding at 1.05
They haven't even done anything. Literally all that happened was he was named Chief. Just that hype blew it up. Running a company takes time. Give him his first 30 days on the job, and then reassess for the first 90. Then reassess for the year.
Exponentiation takes time. If you're not willing to give it time. then you don't want exponentiation.
to be honest I am afraid that it was simply a pump and dump. We are over the panic and now comes the slow death. I hope not. I hope that this company will grow a lot in time.
Same fear bro.
I said the same thing in the other bread
Look this guy is the first in the space. He has enough resources and cred to put up talented coders on a mission for a long time, probably indefinitely. If they shit out a slightly successful product they're no longer a penny stock.
There's a big announcement friday but also shorting is allowed friday.
If you're worried that this will wipe you out your position size is way too large. Slowly Reduce your position at decent price points
>Look this guy is the first in the space.
he's not
>He has enough resources and cred to put up talented coders on a mission for a long time, probably indefinitely.
He has no cred, he has negative cred for his scams though. He hadn't been in security software development for 20 years now.
>If they shit out a slightly successful product they're no longer a penny stock.
I doubt he'll shit out anything.
Be long on this, please be long. Veeky Forums needs fags like you.
Fucks sake, I'm getting tired of seeing this guy. He's a massive attentionwhore. As another user said this guy is Sheen tier, a dead horse meme that won't go away.
Guys get in on it tommorow were going to 4-5$
Ya kids he gets paid 600k if stock stays at $2 for 10 days.
You all have been cucked.
Basic market knowledge. This is how pump and dumps work dumbass.
>Ya kids he gets paid 600k if stock stays at $2 for 10 days.
>basic market knowledge
shut up you fucking retard, you have 0 idea what you're talking about
iPhone hacking scam, WhatsApp 'hacking' scam. Once exposed he just shuts the fuck up and tells them it was obvious he can't do it, he just wanted to "raise awareness"
McAfee said he bent the truth in order to push back against the official narrative.
“By doing so, I knew that I would get a shitload of public attention, which I did,” McAfee said. “That video, on my YouTube account, it has 700,000 views.
According to a public SEC filing, McAfee has a consulting arrangement with MGT Capital—he’s the “Consultant” cited in the following excerpt. The “Management Consulting Agreement” states that if the stock price of MGT Capital “is equal to or greater than $1.00 for each of ten consecutive trading days on the NYSE MKT exchange, then Consultant shall be entitled to receive a cash bonus in the amount of $250,000.” The deal gets even sweeter: If the stock price “is equal to or greater than $2.00” for ten consecutive trading days, McAfee gets an additional $350,000 cash bonus, all to be paid within 30 days.
The MGT stock is up, because people believe him being a cybersecurity guru that knows shit corporations like Apple and Google cannot comprehend. If this is true and he really is a cybersecurity wizard mastermind that can outplay billions of dollars of continous consecutive research that Google and Apple have invested into their projects, while he snorted cocain and rescued teenage hookers from sexual slavery in thailand, then this company has a future. However from a rational point of view, FUCKN PLEASE?!? this ain't anime ffs.
I am not here to make deramps or defamation, I don't give a fuck if you earn or lose money, but I do give a fuck that you consider the information, because that is what Veeky Forums is all about, information, it may all be shit worth, but at least it is here to be a warning if someone considers it.
link to the filing that isn't just a screenshot of a text editor or eat shit
Says the person who replied to two different people thinking it was the same person. You can't even check post IDs, why would anyone take your word on knowledge of the markets?
>he doesn't know how to view SEC filings
See here's the thing. You guys could be right and end up a total flop. At most I'd lose $4000. But if he is some magical cyber wizard, or even more realistically has ownership of some really valuable IP then I'd be losing a lot more than the $4000 I put in.
Section 2.c for you TL;DR bergs. Good job falling for a pump and dump dumbasses.
Gettin' cucked and can't even handle it.
And since you called me a retard...
I'd like to let you know I made $700.
Who's the bitch now?
inb4 user goes crazy in Belize kills his neighbor. I made over 2 grand on this stock this week btw
>when is LINE coming back Veeky Forums
I'm dumping 6 grand to short this shit
Remember that just because it's flawed, doesn't mean it'll fail. If enough people blindly buy the stock then it'll keep going up. See the general population of Veeky Forums and their penny stocks as proof of this.
>I'm dumping 6 grand to short this shit
you underestimate idiotism, don't do that you'll get squeezed out because of "fck yeah merica"
can you short this now? i'm getting SEC rule 201 pop up on my browser
Thanks user. I'm glad someone has some sort of reasoning.
i made $540 on it but im not bragging like an absolute poor retard spic
Negativity killed Peter Pan, user
He aged when he stopped BELIEVEing
Cuckman strikes again
I made $3800 lmao
Wait. Are you saying ceo value bonuses aren't a thing in other companies?
Are you legitimately retarded?
Not in penny stocks tard. Are we forgetting this guy is a drug addict and hasn't worked in the industry in over 10 years?
>drug addict
Who cares? He made me $1200 in 2 days.
Did he pay you $1 a piece for 1200 blowjobs or $10 a piece for 120 blowjobs?
I highly doubt this scenario but perhaps he paid you $100 per blowjob for 12 total blowjobs? In any scenario good job, faggot.
He called me retarded.
Needed to re-integrate my autistic trading abilities.
99% salt
Congratz. When did you get in?
Friendly reminder that anyone who made any money off of marks with this is a criminal who deserves to go to prison just as much Degenerate McAfee up there. I'm looking at you, user.
Come get me, faggot.
Karma's going to show up when you least expect it, son. When it does though, you'll know.
well, thanks for the post, all sane points.
I'm out, I made my profit anyway, ain't gonna stay in this shit anymore.
also there is something in me that just can't reason with a pedo running a successful company, cunnies and coke will distract him too much
>hes that mad he didnt make money on MGT.
Lmfao ahahahahahahahahahaha WHAT A SPIC!
You made money off of people, not MGT. People that you lied to, in order to fleece them. At least be clear about what you did, and who you are. I'd respect that more than all your lame justifications.
No actually i bought at 4.5 sold at 5.2 then rebought at 4.8 and sold at 5.3. Thus making $750 profit as i used a decent amount of cash. I didnt lie to anyone i simply played the game of stocks.
Planning on doing the same today just need to see which stocks look good.
Stay mad though you poor little NIGGER.
Yeah it's always NIGGERS SPICS and FAGGOTS for you. That's your go to response. DOesn't matter what you say though, this whole thing was a pump and dump and you participated in it, so if you didn't like, which I doubt, then you rode on the coattails of those who did.
Either way, it all adds up to the same thing: you sold what little soul you had for $750.
For real tho that's what he did but that's stocks
Lol getting mad at someone playing stocks-you win some you lose some calm down
And you're probably 19 and think you're going to get rich off penny stocks, have a Donald trump bumper sticker and blame immigrants for the shit economy but ignorance is bliss
No, there's legitimate stocks, and then there's bullshit. You know damn well that's the truth, so don't play dumb.
Didn't mean to tag you above and either way it's stocks
Yeah I get you didn't mean me. You know if I could just pull up one of the earlier MGT threads I would easily point out how much falsehood and bullshit was spewed on every other post of those threads. People saying anything to create the false impression that MGT was only going up, up, up. Cause that's how pump and dump fraudsters make money. That's what I'm talking about. Same old shit.
You are that fucking mad. LMFAO.
I like his anti-seurveilance stances. He has a good interview about his opinions on the NSA, panama papers etc.
Sorry you lost or didnt make money bruh bruh.
Cant wait to snort a couple grams of cocaine today after work from all the money I made on mgt! Thanks again Johny Mac!!!
You better get a ball, cause you're gonna need more than a couple grams to soothe your mind.
Yeah right. I'll believe whatever an anime watching faggot like you says.
Why does he keep rubbing his ears and nose?
>inb4 coke
>Why does he keep rubbing his ears and nose?
it's signals man, so we know when to dump.
Just started looking at this:
>MGT Capital Investments, Inc., together with its subsidiaries, acquires, develops, and monetizes assets in the online, mobile, and casino gaming space. The company operates through two segments, Gaming and Intellectual Property. It operates Slot Champ, a social casino platform; and owns the United States patents related to casino gaming systems. The company has a strategic alliance agreement with M2P Americas, Inc.; and M2P Entertainment GmbH to market and exploit MP2s gaming technology in North and South America. MGT Capital Investments, Inc. was founded in 1979 and is based in Harrison, New York.
Founded in 1979? Why is it worth spit?
Can someone actually explain this?
>reverse merger - getting an IPO under 10 dollars is a steal
>john mcafee
>cybersecurity and cyberterrorism concerns growing
>niche market with no strong monoply company taking it
>pioneer of cybersecurity and made 7.7 billion dollar company
>acquisition, VCS and mergers look like they're starting now
That's the "Uptick Rule." It just says that you can't short on a downtick (price movement downwards) on an upward swinging stock. You have to place your "sell short" order on a movement up in price or a even move sideways in price. It just prevents shit from sliding down hill and turning into an avalanche really quickly.
i was replying to YOU and included grey tag in quote because thats who you were defending
my god people this fucking stupid actually exist
you only managed to make 700 dollars? this your first time on the market bud?
Damn nigger you're still mad the next day? Take a xanax. Check out this SEC filing that outlays McDaddy's role in MGT and his value-bonus (which is included in section 2.c)...
Basic market knowledge should tell you that if something is too good to be true then it is. Said knowledge should also tell you to do some damn research before handing your money over to a company that still has a stock price under $10.00, especially one that has a max-chart looking like this:
Calm down and do more research next time guy.
There is no reason not to despise illegal aliens cuck
Not that anyone who plays the stock market has any logical reason to be ashamed of themselves, but with your logic people who play poker and bluff to win a hand r literly wrose dab HIBLER!!!!!
This is you bitch.
>damn nigger you're still mad the next day?
>ive been spamming the refresh button waiting for you in the meantime, heres my response that i just copy pasted from when i was shitposting earlier in the thread
what the fuck are you even going on about, never seen somebody so insecure after a stranger makes fun of his "basic market knowledge"
>what are you talking about
>what the fuck are you going on about
>more questions because I don't know how to admit I was wrong on an anonymous online image board about business
Cry moar faggot
wrong about what exactly? i called you a retard after you replied to somebody else, and you've seemed to enter some fit of retard rage
>implying this is an image board about business and not a nerubian cake farts
kys retard, you've not received 1 positive response this thread
You're as dumb as they come.
I can't even.
$700 is money I didn't have before.
Lol are you willing to hemorrhage waiting while retards keep buying it?
Every one who has positive responses are all collectively about to lose their investment in MGT so enjoy cocksuck, I'll keep my negative responses and my principal intact while you and the rest of these rag-tag band of bergs agree with each other.
>300M+ shares traded
ITT: NEETS crying over 100 shares
Thanks bro.
It's funny how there's so much emotion in this thread
Whole stock is driven by emotion
thank you very much. I was the guy who got in at 0,89. Now sold at 2,77. I made $1800 profit in a week, which is great for me.
The guy is going to make an anouncment over the weekend to keep it above 2$ for thd 10 days, i took a loss today but ill wait for monday
>The guy is going to make an anouncment over the weekend
What is going to anounce? That he believes that global security is an important issue in todays connected society and that his company will develope applications that will protect you from third-parties using your webcam and your microphone.