Im starting a Yung Fib / Stone Rose / Polo thread since none of the threads for the past week have been about fashion. Fuck you for not being aware of the new cali bucks.
Im starting a Yung Fib / Stone Rose / Polo thread since none of the threads for the past week have been about fashion...
Well, judging by the sideways picture its obviously yung fib posting a picture about himself...
Op: prove it
Every few days one of these slips through the shit filters.
Yung fib the next ye
The post count
Holy shit lmao
All the same person
wtf not saging / mercy killing this pathetic thread with me
C'mon man
You are obviously just trying to make noise for your shit soundcloud page
I hate it when people make yung fib threads, no one even knows who that is. Kill the thread!
Drink bleach
Yung fib is just a shit autistic rapper from california who posts on fa every fay to promote his garbage.
And if you want to advertise then pay for a banner ad
Honestly you are the worst type of half nigger piece of shit
I know, Stone Rose is litterally the most
annoying. He just wants free advertising so he spams Veeky Forums literally every other day.
Only rich white cokehead whores from california listen to his crap. Or racist black teens
Honestly i disagree, only fidget spinner flippin csgo playing 13 year olds listen to Stone Rose
Isnt a legitament millionaire from the stock market or something? Or is that someone else
are you really doing this right now?
Arent Stone Rose and Yung Fib different people? I know they are on spotify itunes soundcloud and youtube
Please go away
Well, Stone Rose says Yung Fib is a different person but in the same body or some bs. But they are just the same illuminati idiot.
Yea please i wont go to your soundcloud no matter how many pictures you showWe are trying to have a decent fashion discussion here fag.
No one knows who Yung Fib or Stone Rose are
Literally every few times a week one of Stone Rose's 10 fans gets on here and tries to cause a ruckus trying to make this a meme. Stone Rose or Gung Fib will never be a meme.
Ralph lauren is a legitament brand, idiots like yung lean and Yung Fib keep turning it into nigger trash.
People have been buying those rick owens sneakers for so long now. Its been almost a decade for real
Its too late:/
Uh huh
I think Stone Rose is the worst rapper since drake. Yea he does make all his instrumentals but its all trash. His knowledge of fashion is limited to louis vuittons vetements and polo.
Op: i love that magazine. Im also glad to see the fitted caps coming back. What do you think about these old velour suits? I feel like people will wear them in the future but theycarenlike super hard to find and priceless in mint condition
I honestly could see that. I used to think fubu would retro and everyone thought i was crazy, then it did
I think hoes should just run around with o shirts, hbu? Thats effay
I feel like american rappers have to be so behind on fashion unless bc us americans are so dumb and concervative when it come to that stuff. Like it took us so long to catch on to rick owens and still all you see is weegos. hopefully this Yung Fib they are talking about will be more asap rocky with it.
Thats because you dont get any of his references...
I hope you are wrapping it up soon
My fried told me about this thread we live right by Stone, There are a lot of new pics i havent seen before in here! And if Stone is reading godbless brother keep trappin.
This has all just bee a mess
He kind of looks like a big nose pump
Yea but Stones music is a little bit more lyrical than lil pump i would say. Like when you listen to Stone Rose he does little riddles and shit.
I dont know who any of these crappers are
Stone Rose the florist
I really doubt that
Okay your done nig
I honestly cant wait for the next one.
I can kind of see what you are saying here. Asap was the last great influential fashion rapper i have seen. And kanye i guess but in a different way. American street fashion is just kind of wild west with it. It isnt rare to see someone wearing 3 or more different designers none matching.
go away