>Second world wide trade network (From Seville / Cádiz to the Phillipines) (After Portugal, and still it was considerably bigger
>First effective world currency )
>Several mining techniques
>Several sailing techniques
>First european professional army since the days of Rome
>First marine infantry corps
>First novelists
>Military and Naval prominence for two centuries
>Several theological movements, equivalent to modern academia
>Fastest urbanization process in history
>Iberia was the second landmass most affected by the Renaissance
>European discoverers of delicious brown pussy
At which point did their success go sour?
Second world wide trade network (From Seville / Cádiz to the Phillipines) (After Portugal...
Didn't handle their south american steel trade properly, plus the War of Spanish Succession
A culture of laziness.
Give me a break. No wonder North America surpassed Europe economically, militarily, and culturely. Lazy fucks.
when they blew all their money infighting
They also surpass them in cuckness
Charles V, the whole killing national industry and wasting money and lives with his imperial ambitions didn't work too well in the end
Siesta literally means nap. That's literally it. It's a meme that it's something more. Taking a nap after eating is a tradition in all the mediterranean and beyond and in modern days pretty much nobody does it because there's no fucking time.
t. Wageslave
It's just a fucking nap, which is necessary when it's hot as fuck. You can't really do any work outside in summer at midday in a mediterranean country anyway, you might as well get some rest.
/thread. A pity that Miguel died and didnt unite the Trastamaras and the Braganzas into one dinasty.
Siesta is only a spanish thing, not even southern Italy has that shit
if you would nap less and work more, maybe you wouldn't have such a high unemployment rate
>no jobs
>dude just work lmao
>open a fabric in spain
>hire 100 workers
>first day, no worker appears
>"lmao im just taking a nap, dude, relax"
hey there Gennaro
>le meme post
Now fuck off
Thanks to Charles V and Felipe II, they destroyed almost all decent manufactures plus keep wasting money for decades in stupid wars. All the juicy stuff and the unstopsble army that Spain had came from the trastamara house (the catholic kings).
failure to industrialize when the rest of Europe was, because they were too busy trying to hold their empire/colonies together
also their economic system was mainly based on resource extraction and killing brown people, and neither of those are sustainable
>First effective world currency
You mean fucking silver whose reason for being global currency is because its the only money-based currency the Asians fucking accepted?
>First novelists
Japan literally made the first novel (12th Century)
sure bud
Narrative poem.
"The work contains a mixture of prose and verse (commonly known as prosimetrum); serious and comic elements; and erotic and decadent passages. As with the Metamorphoses (also called The Golden Ass) of Apuleius, classical scholars often describe it as a "Roman novel", without necessarily implying continuity with the modern literary form."
Sure bud.
inbreeding is bad, also too many wars with too many countries
A weeab of all people.
>I have no idea of what a novel is and have to resort to wikipedia
weebs not even once
>I am a butthurt spic.
>At which point did their success go sour?
Who says it did? Quality of life in Spain is much, much higher today than it was in 1550 or whatever. What do you want?
You started it. Juan-Miguel Ruiz Albuquerque Ibaurri Rodriguez Y Garcia III
Not him
>Quality of life in Spain is much, much higher today than it was in 1550 or whatever. What do you want?
This is just retarded.
Quality of live in the 1550 was much worse in Zimbabwue than in the current year.
>This is just retarded.
>Quality of live in the 1550 was much worse in Zimbabwue than in the current year.
Ok. Who is saying Zimbabwe should go back to its 16th century glory days?
>Who is saying Zimbabwe should go back to its 16th century glory days?
Your point? You know there is something called technology,it advances through time. Your point is retarded
Robert Mugabe.
I pulled this from a very brief summary of Spanish history in a book about Spanish Civil War.
>In order to continue the Reconquista, the aristocracy needed money, not food. The cash crop which would could provide it was Merino wool. Common land was seized for sheep grazing, which not only had a catastrophic effect on the peasants' food supply, but also led to soil erosion, ruining what had once been known as the 'granary of the Roman empire'. Few people were needed to tend the sheep and the only alternative to starvation was the army and, later, the empire. In the Middle Ages Spain was estimated to have a population of about fourteen million. At the end of the eighteenth centtury it was a little over seven million.
>The backwardness of Spanishc ommercial activity during the seventeeth and eighteenth centuries was mainly due to the way that Spanish Catholicism had maintained an anti-capitalist line by clinging to medieval teaching on usury. The code of the hidalgo forced him to despise money in general and the earning of it in particular. The census of 1788 showed that almost 50 per cent of the adult male population was not involved in any form of productive work.
I'm also reading a book about the Thirty Years War at the moment that went into Spain with some detail and though I don't remember the specifics the gist was that a lot of the money coming in form the new world never made it to the state, Spain itself was not an economic powerhouse and the expenses of maintaining the empire and specifically the war against the Dutch were astronomical leading to the crown regularly taking huge loans and semi frequently defaulting on them.
We spent all our money in fighting everyone. That is too fucking exhausting, especially for a country that had less inhabitants than France.
>ruining what had once been known as the 'granary of the Roman empire'
Africa and Egypt, not Spain for sure.
> In the Middle Ages Spain was estimated to have a population of about fourteen million
By who?
Too much assumptions.
Yes, precisely because of that you asshat
It was the first currency with a regular world wide circulation, what else does it mean
They didn't figure out inflation