Be honest, how many of you guys are losers, or NEETs.
Sometimes I just come here because I honestly don't have any friends; I think I just vent out my frustration here and blame niggers and Jews for things because it's fun and makes me feel better about myself.
Most of the gamers I play with always yell nigger and Jews, and when I look at their Steam profiles they usually have 100+ weekly hours, me included.
I don't have a job, I pretty much just browse here and cycle between four different games. When I lose I always call the opposing team a nigger or a faggot or something offensive, and it got me thinking about how I always made fun of blacks for living off welfare when I live under my parents.
I've never really put thought into this, but am I the only one here like this? Is the redpill just cynicism, not any real truth?
I'm so fucking pathetic, this place is the only place that makes me feel like I have a voice in the world. I tried Reddit once but then I couldn't hold an argument and resorted to name calling, but here our Id's are reset per thread so I could just post anything without repurcussions.
I don't know, but honestly, is anyone here successful, so I know I'm not backing up an ideal consisting of a bunch of failures. Like proof that you go to a good school or a good job, it would make me feel a lot better about myself, I'm having an epiphany.
Nolan Thompson
>I don't know, but honestly, is anyone here successful, so I know I'm not backing up an ideal consisting of a bunch of failures.
An user once posted he was so bored with himself that he fucked his dog just to feel something else in his life. There are anons that go crazy and start killing girls, to bring some meaning to their existence, there are also just anons that eventually kill themselves.
If you stay here for too long without having a job, that is your perspective.
>but here our Id's are reset per thread so I could just post anything without repurcussions. yes, but try posting anything, there is a reason Veeky Forums makes the money it makes, and it ain't advertisments.
Landon Roberts
>there is a reason Veeky Forums makes the money it makes, and it ain't advertisments.
I thought it barely made anything?
Oliver Reyes
sounds like you're redpilled without the discipline to adapt. You should be saving money for an innawoods happening bunker, going to church to find a qt redpilled gf, and editing refugee happening videos. You should own ethereum, use robinhood for memestocks, and have any type of job. You are living like a fucking nigger yourself, take some more time to self reflect, sounds like you are on your way for change. Playing too much vidya can cause you to forget about the real world. Escapism is sometimes OK, but you got sucked in and it sounds like your life blows m8. I'm just /pol meming in the first part, but seriously, you need to become independent from your parents you fucking baby back bitch boi.
Landon Roberts
>I've never really put thought into this, but am I the only one here like this? Is the redpill just cynicism, not any real truth?
The redpill is many different things to many different people. To me it is just a way to sell stormfag bullshit to people like you. What you should really ask yourself is which things are under your control and which ones are not. Focus to improve on what you can control. There's nothing you can do about niggers or jews, so leave them be. But at this point in your life, if you don't do anything, you'll end up either killing yourself or becoming a tendies story irl. I don't know where in the world you live to give any proper advice on how to do it though, but you should stop thinking that simply going to a good school will get you a good job. Good jobs are rare. Your ambitions must be compatible with your possibilities.
It's nearly impossible for deadbeat loser NEETs to become very rich and successful. A lot of people will come here and say about how they're making millions out of the dao and about how it sucks to be a wagesalve. But in fact either these are born-rich trust fund babies or struggling memecoiners trying to pump and dump their commodity. Or simply outright shitposters. You better off away from here for some time as it may induce illusions of achievement.
Jason Ross
This is the red-pilled lifestyle, with more self awareness in your post OP you have more potential than most normies can ever hope so, just stop being such a lazy goy
Kayden Jackson
I resent the fact that you equate losers with NEETs.
I've worked pretty hard to become financially independent and free from the workday treadmill.
Connor Walker
I think you know what neet means in this context.
If you're retired from working than thst doesnt really apply to you
Cameron Roberts
>I honestly don't have any friends >I dont have a job >blame niggers and Jews for things because it's fun and makes me feel better about myself.
have a word with yourself goddamit. because currently youre no better than a thieving negro. how you can attenpt to even act superior is beyond me. get your shit together and stip browsing /pol/ before you sink so deep into that hole its inpossible to climb out of
Matthew Rodriguez
Im in a weird spot.
I'm good looking, fit, have a great gf, graduated in college at age 22, speak three languages, did internship in some really good places.
Yet i have no job, no friends, no income and still live with parents (currently 24). I browse Veeky Forums in the hopes of learning something useful.
Julian Nelson
>I'm so fucking pathetic, this place is the only place that makes me feel like I have a voice in the world. Realizing your problem is halfway towards solving it. How about doing something productive to do with gaming instead? Aka - creating them instead of just wasting your time playing them. Unreal 4 site/ Unity site is a good start. Or you can use your clan connections to stream on twitch and try to get some advertisement shekels.
Joseph Williams
Pick up the phone and start dialing.
Hudson Walker
>TFW 22, employed at 55K a year, just graduated a top tier college, have a hot gf, dont live with my parents, have 70K saved, have my own boat and its about to be summer, and just caked +$1500 off MGT in the past 2 weeks.
Feels good not to be OP tb h.
Cameron Robinson
this whole "loser" thing is so relative
what does that even mean? low number of friends relative to who, poor relative to who, no high paying job relative to who, no degree, no hot sex partners?
all of this shit is so absurd. your concept of being a "loser" is completely driven by a mostly self-interested society of idiots
do what makes YOU happy. if having loads of friends makes you happy, go outside and make friends. I don't know why you give a shit if there are other "successful" people here. it's not going to make your situation ANY better by knowing that
don't sit around and bitch about how you're unhappy. fucking get up and fix it
Noah Peterson
what do you do for work?
Zachary Nelson
>TFW 21, earn 223K a year, didn't graduate but made a startup straight from college, have two hot girlfriends, support my parents passively by sending them money every month I collect from my dividends, have 580K saved and invested, have my own apartment on a mediterranean island, and just caked +$72000 off MGT in the past week.
Feels good not to be OP t bh.
Julian Walker
>Is the redpill just cynicism, not any real truth?
What redpill? Did you mean to pkst this in /pol/? Ir /r9k/?
Yeh lots of us have jobs and small businesses etc
Get your shit together , no one cares that youre a loser - youre in charge of your life not us , not mommy - you can blame the niggers and jews all you want but if you look at it from a utilutarian persoective whats that get you? A big fat nothing? Yeh? Then quit it
Quit blaming other people and get therapy and get your shit together
Ryder Brooks
what is your business? and how did you get successful that fast?
Owen Morales
Lol i didnt even lie though but ok mang.
In an entry role right now processing peoples pension plans. Shit sucks but I work at home alot so ive been looking at day trading during those days.
Anthony Baker
95% of this board are NEETS or teenagers posting from their parents McMansions 4% actually have jobs 1% are trust fund kids
Luke Kelly
Kevin Reyes
The fact that you have to ask that proves you're new.
Also nice quads
Nathan Watson
Cooper Bell
Chans are the best source of info on the web. No place catches cultural undercurrents faster than chans. I'm successful and shitpost constantly. I've picked up lots of info here, actionable stuff, plus plenty of funny shit. You do have to make sure to separate meming from irl.
David Davis
I wouldn't say that I'm a loser, but there's a lot of things in my life that I'd like to substantially improve.
I'm turning 30 this year. I feel like I wasted most of my twenties because I was just expecting everything to just fall in place like everyone always told me.
I have a biology degree, and planned to go to med school, but so much shit happened in my twenties that I now feel like it's too late to do that. I wasn't in love with being an MD to begin with. Everyone I shadowed in outpatient and inpatient were absolutely miserable.
Got a fair amount of money saved up and a dying family business that I have no idea how to salvage.
Robert Jackson
19 year old neet here. I have no fucking clue what I want to do with my life. Maybe I should just join the military.
Parker Cooper
This has got to be a troll Veeky Forums is filled mostly with upper middle class whites who are happy with their lives. We hate niggers because they are in fact a different species and therefore inferior. No matter how low you sink you are ALWAYS better than some fucking pavement ape. I currently don't have a job, but I know my life is better than any nigger. I've actually gone out and public and told niggers to their face they aren't human. The chimps don't do shit back
Landon Martinez
>Chans are the best source of info on the web. No place catches cultural undercurrents faster than chans. >I'm successful and shitpost constantly. I've picked up lots of info here, actionable stuff, plus plenty of funny shit. You do have to make sure to separate meming from irl.
Ian Phillips
give examples or else it's hard to believe
Colton Jones
>Most of the gamers I play with always yell nigger
I'm black and, honestly, I don't like 95% of the black millenial kids in America today.
Literally everything has to be about race and blame.
I can't have one normal conversation within the black community where it doesn't end up shitting on white people and blaming other races for all of our problems...
Veeky Forums is actually a pretty good place to vent...
Veeky Forums is one of the only sites left where mods allow every voice to speak their views...
it's pretty refreshing if you're open minded actually...
Nicholas Bennett
Agreed... Veeky Forums is a unique place on the internet.
Every other site is literally moderated to the point where you get the same point of view parroted over and over...
This place is one of the few places left where you hear some unique and some opinions that aren't censored to shit.
As a black guy myself, I really don't understand this new white mentality of silencing other people's opinions... even if they do come off racist.
personally, the way SJWs stereotype and try to "speak on black people's behalf" is even more insulting and racist than just plain old ignorant racist people who don't know any better.
Andrew Cox
>No place catches cultural undercurrents faster than chans.
This. I see hundreds of white faces in my office daily and I know for a fact most of them are super nice to me simply because I'm black...
It's tiring hearing bullshit political correctness when you know these people are just lying to you and don't want to reveal what they really think about you...
Imagine if the world hid their views of you from you... how would you feel? I know for a fact more than a few of my black colleagues suspect favoritism and perks because of quota/affirmative action.
Is asking for people to be just honest too much in 2016? Are we so PC that we're no longer capable of being truthful?
just venting my own insecurities i guess...
Brody Allen
>Is the redpill just cynicism, not any real truth?
Jeremiah Perez
>personally, the way SJWs stereotype and try to "speak on black people's behalf" is even more insulting and racist than just plain old ignorant racist people who don't know any better.
That's because most Veeky Forums SJWs are shut-ins.... unemployed starbucks rejects living in their parents basement in the suburbs
Their idealized version of blacks is only from what they see on tv and what they read on tumblr.
Most SJWs are actually ignorant as hell when it comes to subjects on race... no real difference between them and the racists... just 2 sides to the same coin.
Matthew Hughes
After applying to 6 jobs (this week) I finally had a semi successful interview on Wednesday.
My employer said that she'll call me again for a 2nd interview, even though I dressed well, spoke fluently and gave her copies of my hs diploma.
Lastly, has Veeky Forums always been this racist ?
Dylan Ortiz
Look at all these blue pilled cucks OP.
Look at all the random meme shouting of "nigger" and "jew". How many of those people do you think will ever be truly successful?
Do you think this is indicative of a mature, rational person who attempts to make clear minded unbiased judgments?
You have hit a hole in the wall in your paradigm. Now you need to make a choice.
Do you want to wake up and truly open you mind to the world around you? Do you want to educate yourself and move up in society and improve you quality of life? Or do you want a third option that doesn't involve either of those situations?
The only thing holding you back is yourself...
Hunter Phillips
I've been very introverted my whole life so I've never been, and probably never will be a normie. I've been NEET twice for about 6 months each time, and I was ashamed of it. Overall I would probably be considered a "loser" but I'm trying to get better. I had a phone interview today for a good job, hopefully they'll call me in for a real interview.
Connor Cooper
>Lastly, has Veeky Forums always been this racist ? Yes Veeky Forums has always been racist as is any website that's been around for 10+ years. The foundation of internet culture is hatred, pornography, and disgust. That's why porn sites, hate sites, and shock sites are so popular
Nathan Rogers
No true, originally Veeky Forums was racists more ironically than anything else, now it's just shitpost here shitpost there nigger nigger double nigger