Hello Veeky Forums, what broker can I use that's actually worth a shit? (aka not plus500 etc..)
I've been waiting for Robinhood and while it really is coming to Europe soon I need a good broker meanwhile. Any suggestions? I don't trust any reviews outside of Veeky Forums
Cucked European
Use Charles Swchab, Morgan Stanley, or Goldman if you are an actual investor. If you just want to waste money with shit-penny stocks then use any bullshit app that you can find on the market.
DeGiro, same shit as Robinhood, since youRe into shit
i've just signed up for DeGiro but haven't transferred any money yet as i read some bad reviews. they have a RH-like app in the works, but i think it's a couple of months away.
i'd be interested if anyone has used degiro and can say what it is like
Interested in this too, can anyone provide info?
>I don't trust any reviews outside of Veeky Forums
DeGiro is some good shit boys, after solid research it's worth it.
Interesting. When I look at the fees section under options, which is what I would be looking to trade, it seems to only mention calls.
Any idea if you can buy and sell both calls and puts? It would seem kind of odd to only be able to buy calls.
Other than that, those low fees are looking pretty damn attractive.
Monitoring. Tell us what you will use.
pick one
From what I can see, the fee applies to "options", both calls and puts.
And yeah, comparing their service/fees to my regional brokers really made up my mind, it's great. Only difference I've noticed is that you need to wire money to your account, can't use a credit/debit card.
Hmm, ok. It does seem to mention that quite a few things are going to be available "soon" like trading on the CBOE. Seems like they're still getting a few things in place. Still looks a fuck load cheaper than anywhere else though. Very tempted to start trading a little earlier than I planned simply because of those low fees. Might just throw in a small amount just to start building confidence. If We had something like robin hood in the UK I would have started like that already.
Actually this is the first time I've looked at plus500 too. What's wrong with them particularly? Apart from the fact that it looks like it's all CFD trading which is all leveraged. I don't particularly want any built in leverage right now. American options provide more than enough leverage for me.
Here, from another thread
Ok, yeah. Doesn't sound like what I'm after. My current pretty legit broker already offers a CFD platform that I'd use if I wanted that anyway.
You can't even chose your leverage. It's random or idk how they calculate it.
I'm interested too. I had to open an account on Sogotrade to be able to trade options.
Only broker worth it in EU is Interactive Brokers, but you need $25K minimum to trade.
You sure about that? I'm currently paper trading on their platform and when I was looking at their info it looked like 10k to me.
It's pretty horrible software though after having spent 2 months on ThinkorSwim paper trade demo.
I really wish I could just use the American stuff. I'd be all over stuff like Robinhood, Thinkorswim and Dough platform right now.
>Only broker worth it in EU is Interactive Brokers, but you need $25K minimum to trade.
wew m8
I'm using their German introductory broker and they wanted a 4k deposited. Even lowered it to 2k now.
I have an account;
it just werks.
Imagine it as a platform where the only thing you can do is buy or sell stocks, because that's what it is. You can also stoploss and all that jazz but you probably know that already.
This. DeGiro is low cost and unlike some fake Euro brokers, you can buy NYSE, without getting fee-raped.
Don't expect to use it for split second daytrading, but it's a decent basic platform.
Yea sorry, they changed it, it's 10K now
If you're under 25, IB is $3K minimum deposit, and lower fees too.