Seriously what is the damn appeal to a check mark logo on some fucking sneakers.
What the fuck does this do for people. I see this shit everywhere and after talking to a friend
What the actual fuck? These shoes are made in third world and cost less than 10 bucks to make yet people pay retail of over 20 times that.
What the fuck is so damn meaningful behind the Nike brand as a whole and the insane crowds that gather for their products.
They aren't anything innovative at all and above all else don't show any kind of unique sense in fashion. Nike is a go to for any dumbass who doesn't know shit about shoes or how to wear them with a fit. Not to mention they arent comfortable nor do they last longer than 2 months
Jason Watson
William Morris
Nolan Garcia
>What the actual fuck? These shoes are made in third world and cost less than 10 bucks to make yet people pay retail of over 20 times that. my goodwill and ross always has their shirts for $5 bucks or less.
don't care for their shoes tho
Nathaniel Baker
>WEW See, no one takes it seriously when someone actually is criticizing a shit level brand that is global. As if it's wrong to call Nike out on their shit
Nathan Davis
What's wrong about it? A couple of guys got college degrees, made a business, made good business choices and got rich. Don't hate things because they remind you, you're worthless.
Carson Miller
this is deep...
David Ramirez
Shut the fuck up. They use children to labor and make shoes to little to nothing it's the pararices they out into action in their company but in your eyes that's ok cause it isn't mature to criticize a company.
I'm hitting on how trash the products are as well. They do not justify the prices and resell prices. Defend that dumbass
Henry Edwards
do you honestly think any clothing company sells shit for what its actually worth? Do you even know what profit fucking is?
Isaiah Fisher
So you're literally ok with being conned. You fucking dumbass, get out of my sight
Jason Carter
How long is OP going to get mad over a checkmark?
Aaron White
do you not understand my post? Every single business will sell shit more than it costs to produce so they can make a profit you fucking idiot.
Logan Smith
>They do not justify the prices and resell prices. Nike has no control over resell prices, what are you even trying to say here.
Josiah Allen
>be OP >buy counterfeit Nikes
I have 2 pairs of Airmax shoes and they are comfy as fuck, and the leather 90 is durable AF, the other one too, though I don't take it out when it's raining outside.
I also have 2 pairs of running Nikes and they are also very good.
>cost less than 10 bucks to make yet people pay retail of over 20 times that
You realize this can be said about almost anything?
>aren't anything innovative at all
What do you have in mind, adjustable coilovers under the heels?
>don't show any kind of unique sense in fashion
Buy some gay ass shit then to be unique, not everyone wants to stand out like some fucking peafowl.
Oh, and a legit question. What similar pair would you recommend instead of an airmax 90?
Dylan Morgan
First off everyone wants to be unique and stand out in a crowd cause everyone wants to be their own person dumbass.
Secondly, Mr.Nike Representative. The air max is one of the most uncomfortable sneakers they've made. You meme's well with that bullshit, if you want actual good shit I recommend you see an artisan instead of some fucking company mass produced nonsense that doesn't even conform to your foot.
>Every single business blah blah blah wants profit blah blah blah, I'm not an idiot for giving money for shit that cost pennies
Dude you never heard of non-profit businesses before have you. No before that, you never heard of basically economics. If you're ok for being fooled and conned and then promoting that shit like its ok. You're an idiot and not worth being on Veeky Forums in the first place. I FEEL YOU USE THAT EXCUSE to justify buying heavily priced bullshit
Somehow that check mark validates to these dumbasses that the product is good. That's the main problem here
Blake Kelly
>Making limited quantities to ensure high level resell >Making higher quanities to ensure lower resell >Doesn't have control over resell market of their own goods
You're literally a dumbass
Connor Jackson
I'm sure this whole thread is bait but you realize it's like this with every brand, not just Nike. What about all the times when Nike (or Adidas, or Reebok, or literally any other company) makes limited quantities and the shoes don't sell out? Or when they do sell out, but the resell value is equal to or lower than the retail value? No company can control what people want to resell their products for, and in reality no company gives a shit about the resale market because none of that money goes to them.
Angel Perez
> everyone wants to be unique and stand out in a crowd >sneaker artisan
Off urself
Josiah Perry
Idk man I think they can look pretty good. I think youre upset at something else
Gavin Moore
>Not to mention they arent comfortable nor do they last longer than 2 months nah, these are comfy as hell. I get mine at Kohl's when they're on sale or clearance. Usually about $50. They last at least 6 months before they're no longer"new" and I use the hell out of them for biking/tennis.
I don't wear them to go out unless it's like the grocery store or something.
Sebastian Ross
No bro Nikes are one of the worse brand with shoes. Adidas is worlds better
Dominic Morgan
>Nikes looking good They are literally basic bitch level