Oi vey! Bitcoin is crashing!

Oi vey! Bitcoin is crashing!

How low will it go?

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Bitcucks on suicide watch

Ethereum will replace this shit. Bitcoin was taken over the Chinese, they have more than 51% of the mining power. Drop it now if you don't want to get burned. Eth is the future

It's just because ETH is booming, which will stop after DAO pre-sale.

Also, a minor correction is not a crash.

Not if you take a look at sentiment, which is way bad in bitcoin right now.

You can feel it is going to go down, everyone in bitcoin is pissed off and buttfrustrated

>everyone in bitcoin is pissed off and buttfrustrated
That's nothing new.

Yes but its literal emo tier depression right now


R/bitcoinmarkets daily discussion thread

Seems fine to me.

Just a couple of people bathing in FUD.

Just get the fuck out. Why are you even here you stupid faggot?

Dude, fuck off. Seriously. Keep your childish shit in /b/ and /v/.

Lol it was good while it lasted.

What's the reason behind this dip? Just some pump and dump hype or something deeper? Also I heard that the block halving is soon and its a good time to hold (not sure why)

The DAO is pushing ETH up a lot, which is causing people to move their BTC to ETH to try to ride the wave. It'll be over soon, and the money will come back.

This time, it's terminal

Call that a crash?

For bitcoin?

How new are you?

>this is only the beginning



Its still crashing. 442 now.

People are realising the halving will be a flop because its all PRICED IN

Yeah, sure it is.

Why wouldnt it be? Anyone out there not heard of the FAMOUS HALVING that will magically cause a BUBBLE?

Yeah, and the bubble hasn't been formed yet.

Most people don't learn about these things until the price starts to spike up, and they do research.

Look at Homestead release for ETH for a good example. Pic related. We're still in the green area for BTC halving.

What are bitcoins and ethereums market caps?
Where can i see accurate comparisons of the the two coins side by side?


Bitcoin dominance now under 80% the switch to Eth is on.

ever heard of something called 'google'? you fucking faggot

Lol, some coins have market caps less than 150 dollars. We should pump one of them kek

Not at all.

'Bitcoin dominance' was much lower last time ETH hit it's ATH, and then it dropped a lot.

If i recall, BTC was at 6 bill, ETH was at 1 bill.

>Created by malnourished commie Autist
>Yet another meme pump and dump altcoin
>Eth shills in full force when one single entity is pumping the price, getting ready to dump his bags for bitcoin before the halving
>When eth drops $1 a day soon suddenly the eth shills are no where to be found

>Eth, bitcoin 2.0

Yeah, naw

No shit. People are panicking now because they realize the halving isn't going to do anything. The halving was the only reason people were even still bagholding bitcoin. Eth will be the next to tank when they realize the DAO was just hype and no substance. Cryptos are a fucking joke among finance professionals.

>among finance "professionals" on Veeky Forums

desu, i'm sure a lot of 'finance professionals' buy into cryptos, as it's a very easy way to make a lot of money fast.

i'm completely new to trading, and have made many BAD mistakes, but i got my $80,000 investment up to $190,000 with ETH this year.

Well done but..


You would have made more just buying and holding.

Well yea, that too.

Yeah, of course. But hindsight is always 20/20, and as i said, i made stupid mistakes.

Don't talk you fucking snippet parroting salesman. I only hold ETH but Bitcoin is here to stay. You have no clue what you're talking about.

I've been on Veeky Forums for almost 8 years now. I go to Plebbit to read crypto news and discussion. I'd rather read valuable information where cunts pretend at least to be civil and intelligent. This place got flooded with 9gag chucklefuck teens years ago. You're probably one of them. Oldfags left a long time ago, probably went to Plebbit.

>bitcoin is here to stay

Yes, but at

Naw. To all of it.


Fucking BTFO

I get what you're saying, but you're conflating civility with intelligence.

Sure, the Reddit crowd may be more politically correct. And they may be better "educated", in the conventional sense.

But if you're looking for against-the-grain thinking -- truly great critical thinking -- Veeky Forums is the spot.

I figure that Veeky Forums draws those in the 99th+ percentile, but also those in the 10th-30th percentile. Reddit gets everyone in between. I guess Imgur gets the ones who are actual retards.

I only go to reddit for crypto subs, i am a Veeky Forums oldfag since fucking chanology. Fucking wasted my life on this website so fuck you


>Taking advice from slavs
>investing in a Russian scam
rest in kekkerinos

>I figure that Veeky Forums draws those in the 99th+ percentile

>but also those in the 10th-30th percentile

Stay poor and mad


I only said crypto. Only crypto. Also helps at literally everyone involved in Ethereum's development posts there and answers their questions. That will never happen here. I'm not conflating shit, I even said *pretend* to be civil and intelligent. You're doing a shit job at getting across your counter-argument to an argument I didn't even make with your poor reading comprehension.

I don't give a shit about the rest of Plebbit I don't even know how it works, again, I only go there to read crypto because there's actual discussion there on the objective nature of crypto. There's none of their leftie opinions.

>everybody on Rebbit likes cryptos!
Have fun with your little circlejerk.


>How to ride a crashing train.

Now ethereum is crashing too. Topkek.

topkek are you crying yourself to sleep every night cause you haven't invested back in January when we told you so...wait don't even answer. Yes you are.

Hahaha. Such hostility. Its not like I told you your dog died.

We will see who laughs once I become a millionaire.


>ROGER VER and TIM DRAPER are selling their stack!

They are preparing for the Ultimate bitcoin crash

>tim draper
Poor guy. He bought most of his bitcoin at $600+. That is a $6 million dollar loss. Just another bitcuck casualty I guess.

Its going under 400, because the price is way too high. People are going to freak out when they wake up poor on Monday, both ETH holders and BTC longs will vomit.

as someone in the 99th percentile, you're mostly right. I'd say reddit does allow some discussion to exist at high levels, though. it isn't all trash

but when you have an idea outside of the hivemind, reddit's echo chamber really ruins it for independent thinkers unless the community is full of highly intelligent people (which really doesn't happen unless the sub is microscopic)

Reddit will stick to political ideology over reality. Veeky Forums gets a lot of smart-ish people and a lot of human trash.

Very true - endless summer and all that.

Thing on Veeky Forums though - are you going to spend the time to articulate a post thatll be gone in hours?

woohoo time to buy. Thanks user'

not yet
i don't buy above 420

It's not crashing you dumb nigger

>as someone in the 99th percentile


crash -> finding ground -> sidewalk -> upwalk -> time to sell -> sold to early -> crash -> repeat

Buy it when it crashes, sell it when it soars. Bitcoin sounds like a money maker to me.

in retrospect it's pretty obvious where you should buy hold and sell but right there in that moment when you actually know it can lose all value any time it's not that clear.