What are some unique details about Manifest Destiny? Any juicy details about the native genocide that I didn't get in public school?
Manifest Destiny
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It was just a concept used to justify expansion. Every major power ever in history had it in some form, this was Americas version.
I explain it as American version of Spanish Colonialism, but that's good too
I heard on the last episode of Genealogy Roadshow that the Indians took their African slaves on the trail of tears
What's confusing about that?
It was but i do think many genuinely believed it as their right.
/pol/tards don't count.
"I was bitterly opposed to the measure, and to this day regard the war, which resulted, as one of the most unjust ever waged by a stronger against a weaker nation. It was an instance of a republic following the bad example of European monarchies, in not considering justice in their desire to acquire additional territory"
-U.S. Grant
friendly reminder if it wasn't for the hubris of the American people they would have several million less mexicans
talking about back then
He's right. In fact, Indian Territory fought on the side of the Confederacy while being a slave holding state. Same with the Arizona territory and almost New Mexico territory (but Union troops who were there to guard against native raids quickly nipped that idea in the bud).
wtf i hate natives now
It was a war like any other war, the """natives""" were belligerent to the new settlers for generations before they were able to retaliate and passify the region from those roaming bands of thieves and warmongers.
Many tribes allied with them for trade, and many were hostile and desired to steal their resources. The new settlers were like any other tribe, only more distantly related to savage cavemen.
Do you really hate them or did you just realize you support the Confederacy? It was natural for the natives to ally with them, they wanted increased regional sovereignty, while the union wanted to make the federal government stronger than ever.
>Many tribes allied with them for trade, and many were hostile and desired to steal their resources
A few
>Goes out in a head dress and complains about the white man
>Drives home on roads in his car goes into his non-tent house with air conditioning says hi to his grandmother who's been saved several times by Western medicine turns on the lights turns on the TV turns on the computer goes on the internet and complains about white man some more
White man so ebil
Muh sacret land
but then we'd just have them spilling into Oregon, Colorado and Louisiana
I don't think it was unjust. Go to any reservation and see why. Imagine that spread out across the entire country. The Europeans utilized the land better and achieved great things. The injuns weren't worth much historical mention.
>small reservations that are a result of a compromise after many years of abuse and influence of European conquerors are an accurate representation of pre-colonial American life
You're the dumbest motherfucker I've seen post on Veeky Forums the past two weeks and that's saying something.
>the Cherokee owned slaves
Well now I feel bad, we stole land from the civilized ones
Settlers were told the natives had ceded the land in treaties but in reality the US federal government failed to renege on their part of the deal to provide them with money and support economic activities. Starving angry indians would then attack the unsuspecting settlers and the government would use this as an excuse to retaliate.
In one instance a certain Andrew Myrick embezzled money promised to the Dakota and when confronted by them remarked "so far as I am concerned, if they are hungry let them eat grass or their own dung". Later during the Dakota war they attacked his settlement, killed him and stuffed grass into his mouth.
So access to technology makes genocide ok?
Hold on, let me call the Boers and tell them they oughta be thanking anglos for water and internet instead of complaining about concentration camps.
>Generalizing hundreds of tribes and their interactions across all 50 states
Yeah, nah. Maybe out west the Sioux are pissy because they can't be savages and rape each other, but over here we're pretty happy Euros came over. The Iroqouis would have annihilated us if they hadn't.
everyone was genociding everyon back then so anglos developed technology and brought civilization to the savages
that is why genocide levels are much lower nowadays, they noble anglo doesn't ask for gratitude, they did it because they are good people, but it wouldn't hurt to say thanks and to admire the superior culture that accomplished these great feats
wtf I love natives now.