>Level III in 2 weeks
>still getting incredibly drunk almost every night despite hating myself the next day
Anyone else putting themselves through this silly test?
>Level III in 2 weeks
>still getting incredibly drunk almost every night despite hating myself the next day
Anyone else putting themselves through this silly test?
nah, but i'm studying for NV CEM test in sept.
That's cool, I hope you're not a hippy.
Yeah mate. I'm doing the same thing. Study for maybe an hour each evening and then get wasted.
The CFA isn't even relevant to my career yet somehow I've made it to Level 3. This is the least motivated I've ever been for a CFA exam. I give myself a 50% chance of passing.
Same feel. I think my luck on the first two is poisoning me. Are you eligible to get the charter if you pass? I'll just have my four years exp when i get the results.
Im studying for level 2.
Anyone have study materials or tips for the exams?
Like important topic :^)
Thanks for any help.
>Are you eligible to get the charter if you pass?
Nah. I'd still need 38 months of work in the industry before I'd become eligible to receive the charter. I don't work in finance anymore and don't see myself returning. I'm not studying for any employer's benefit but rather my own.
Who /LowMotivation/ here?
I have low motivation.
Same thing anyone else will tell you: do EoC questions, topic tests, and mock exams. Memorize formulas.
Yes, low motivation. I would very much like to pass but I won't be crushed if I fail.
Im using schewser Qbank level 2 2016 for practices, do you have any opinions on Schewser study materials?
I plan to do all CFA EoC, Topic tests, mock exams, plus all other materials I can put my hands on..
I aim for lots of practices questions as my main review strategy.
I've only ever used CFAI materials and they've never failed me. Your review strategy sounds good.
Thanks, wish you the best of luck.
I really need to pass this, those exams are so expensive..
I walked out of that test somewhat positive that I failed. Turns out I passed by a decent margin. We have two weeks to go, fuck everything besides drilling a ton of practice tests. I was able to find some Schweser shit torrents. You got this son.
Honestly badass to pass the tests for no reason. What industry are you in?
haha thanks!
Yeah I told friends/family to fuck off and leave me alone. I will be spending all my free times on practices questions.
Best of luck to you!!
I'm a web developer now. I was previously employed at a few hedge funds and institutional offices before realizing I didn't like working in the financial industry.
I think the world would be a better place if most of the intelligent people in finance were instead in science, tech, or engineering.
That last sentence is so goddamn true
You're not wrong, but if you have a talent you have to use it. I work for a firm that is awesomely ethical and I get to help people regularly. I could make at least twice as much if I wanted to exploit CFA exp for money. Not about that.
>I work for a firm that is awesomely ethical and I get to help people regularly.
Nice. I wish more investment firms were like this. A former boss of mine is currently serving a sentence for securities fraud. Another boss of mine isn't in jail but has definitely broken many securities laws.
Seeing a lot of fraud firsthand admittedly had a huge influence on my view of the finance industry.
So is the CFA ethical guide a meme?
Could you have used the best practices of the CFA?
I've seen CFA charterholders routinely break not only the code of ethics but federal securities laws. Mostly wire fraud, securities fraud, and insider trading.
Yeah I see it all the time. The DOL ruling about fidciaries will make a difference. My buddy is a Treasury AML pro so we're planning to start consulting together.
How far are you through it? I am wrapping up about to just be doing practice exams. I've almost done the entire qbank
I am a huge proponent of the DOL fiduciary rule. I think it's a travesty that it wasn't finalized 50 years ago.
Cheers mate. I hope the CFA exam and consulting and everything else in life works out for you. I'm drunk and off to bed.
I'm writing level 2 for the second time...shit sucks. I've done 3 mocks avg score 63% and working my way through those topics tests...scoring mostly 4/6's on average...I feel like im in the same spot as last year
I'm a civil engineer who's bored as fuck at their job. Thinking of taking the CFA exams to maybe give myself another option.
On a scale from 1 to potato, how retarded of an idea is this?
I passed level 3 last year. The best piece of advice I can give is to any candidate is to spend almost all of your remaining time on blue box examples (and prior years essays for level III.) I spent a full month on nothing but the blue boxes and got >70 on every subject of the level III multiple choice session. Set your kaplan stuff aside, it had it's place but you need to focus on the core curriculum from here on out.
OP here - thanks man.
Good luck, man. L3 is by far the easiest, but you can't get complacent. Pass rates are barely above 50% in recent years. Hit the practice questions/exams hard from now until the test.
I'm about a week from the deadline to choose my undergraduate program. What type of jobs specifically are available for people with the CFA designation is it worth to pursue it?
It won't get you a job but it will look good on your resume / application. Should help with anything in finance and accounting.
CFA charterholder.
It's more or less a prerequisite for most buyside jobs. Outside of that, few people have any idea what it is.
Taking Level 2. Have been on and off studying for 3 months. Still cant get motivate myself to do that shit more than 2h a day though. Hopefully I will pass though.
I did level one just to put in on my resume. I'll only do 2 and 3 if my employer requires it. No way am I wasting 2 more years when I'm not even sure what job I want exactly.
what's the real cost Veeky Forums?????
No one ever really passes fucking give up you stupid guys. You only pass when The Institute deems you worthy of paying your dues.. FACT
you're welcome
Are you okay, user?
*goys not guys
No. give up.
>No one ever really passes
Nice try juden
I dont want to sound like an asshole.
But I studied for level 2.
I dont really see what his hard about this exam.
I mean theres is a LOT of stuff to covers, but nothing is overwhelmingly hard.
I'm comparing my experience to actuarial exams, which have less ground to cover but way harder.
yes.. yes..
disregard the nonbeliever
keep trying to pass goys
one day The Institute might have a need for you and give you a charter when you prove yourself fully devout. Until then you might fail band 8 or band 9 oopsie so close. see you next year k? Look JIDF posters had no problems passing so study harder
Are you okay, user?
Passed level I in December but missed the cutoff for level II, studying for the caia exams which I should pass both by march. Not really sure I want to go through the rest of fhe CFA honestly
caia is a meme certification, should have went for FRM at least.
chemical engineer, also thinking about taking the CFA.
I'm meeting with the local CFA president in my area to talk about it over coffee, considering I have no finance background, I think it's a good idea
You will have 0 problem with the curriculum, its more about finding if you like finance.
I have the 2015 material, won't lie the amount of material is pretty intimidating.
its just the sheer amount, nothing is hard.
Any dummie with a good memory can pass the CFA
I am prioritizing CAIA before CFA
I just want to get it done before everyone and their mothers get a CAIA then it will become harder kek
Wise, best of luck senpai,
How hard are the CAIA exams?
user, I'm concerned about you.
Childhood Fat Ass Institute
Chartered Failed Actuary
>Being this butthurt about not being able to do some simple math problems