What is your favorite Michelle Carter look? This is mine because she looks other worldly, Like an elf from LOTR

What is your favorite Michelle Carter look? This is mine because she looks other worldly, Like an elf from LOTR.

whatever this is called

Such a cute pout

shes balding and looks like gollum

fuck this bitch

>just fuck my shit up

She ugly


get back in the truck

balding due to stress

poor girl :(

i just want to save her and runaway with her and hide out in Montana or something

where she will tell you to go kill yourself?

wow you guys are so edgy

tfw no gf to tell me to get back in the truck

You're all fucked up

plus she's ugly you blind fucks

she's really not

she's beautiful, just an ugly personality, but I'm like that as well so who cares

she's Veeky Forums af

>she's really not
>she's beautiful
she's literally balding and has rat ears. no wonder the bf offed himself

>ugly personality

Sounds like someone who has no clue what the difference between love and lust is. Beautiful has to do with the soul, not the body.

>she's literally balding and has rat ears. no wonder the bf offed himself

my sides

goddamn excellent


She's ugly and balding and the only reason you people are drooling over her, is bc she's psychotic and probably miserably enough to give pathetic existences like you a chance.
The bf is better of dead if this bitch actually managed to drive him into suicide.

Having a girlfriend who tells you to kill yourself is the definition of being effay

who is Michelle Carter?

Could someone post her glorious side view profile?

Can someone post her nudes??

This thread is full of some pathetic ass weridos, lemme tell ya.

suicide is Veeky Forums desu


How do you go from this...

to this

omg that receding hairline, why sentence her at all. She has endured enough

Gimme dat


to this...

[spoiler]shes pretty qt[/spoiler]

Gollum! Gollum!

>Beautiful has to do with the soul, not the body.

Kinda both tbqh, but I get you. I've seen 9/10 girls that have lost points in my eyes due to cunty personalities.

fucking hideous

>tfw no evil sociopath gf to psychologically dominate me

shutup bitch ur sense of humor is boring die lmao

my precious core

Her features, alone, are a death sentence. Somehow they sync up to make a murderous cutie

This is poor quoting etiquette. That is the entire reply, why even fucking quote it.



all of the above

she's balding because of the hormones from taking birth control from such a young age

Do you think she cuffed those pants? Do you think she's wearing DM 1461 monos?

A+ post

r8 my fit

forgot to post pic im drunk

Slacks and boots are fire

she looks like irma grese

>she's being sentenced to prison
imagine the stress thinking about destiny and laqueefa fingerbanging/faceriding you for the next 10 years

You're a faggot, I would flood her pussy with my cum. These pics of her crying are giving me a boner. Her boyfriend was a pussy faggot, she did everyone a favor by egging him on. She dindu nuffin, leave her alone.

Fuck, I'm unironically in love with this girl now, I wish I never saw this thread.

>no elf gf to bully losers with

Conrad I...


how can you not think thats cute fuck me

Thats actually a cute fit but wtfffffd is up with this bitches face its like cara delevigne fucked gollum wtf my nigga id be running if i saw this shit

what the fuck is going on with her hairline? no wonder she's a psychopath

no wonder she could only get an online bf

why the fuck does she have male pattern baldness hahaa

This girl literally got more Veeky Forums as her stress increased and appetite decreased from the trial.