
> The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree.

How billions of people throughout history can claim to believe such tripe with a straight face is both astounding and a telling indictment of the inherent idiocy of the average human animal.

Other urls found in this thread:

I agree.

It's fedoraish but it's still true.


>argument out of incredulity
>not a fallacy
step it up fedora-senpai

Yes, because the Word became flesh.

>Who is the liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, he who denies the Father and the Son. No one who denies the Son has the Father. Whoever confesses the Son has the Father also. Let what you heard from the beginning abide in you. If what you heard from the beginning abides in you, then you too will abide in the Son and in the Father. And this is the promise that He made to us: eternal life.
1 John 2:22-25

>symbolically eat his flesh

Atheists are just a denomination of Protestantism.

But the word is just a word and a word.

Your /r/atheism tier understanding of theology is a bigger indictment of it

>In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
John 1:1

There is no evidence of this "god" existing. Then, by looking at the bible, I also conclude that in the case that he existed he'd be a disgusting son of a bitch.

How people today can claim to believe such tripe with a straight face is both astounding and a telling indictment of the inherent idiocy of the average r/atheism goer.

Thanks for proving my point

Just go back to reading your recycled sumerian donkey porn

>be catholic
>have to tell priest whenever I masturbate or I'll be punished in hellfire

CANNOT fabricate this SHIt

Thanks for proving my point

Please you should read Age of Reason by Tom Paine

>not understanding that Christianity is the continuation of greek philosophy and all its core views are expressed via platonic/aristorelian terms, while the mythological stuff is for plebs
>not understanding that the entire western worldview is based on this synthesis and atheists have yet to replace it without falling back to christianized aristorelianism

Please continue to prove my point

>Being ashamed of telling another dude that you fap
How old are you?

It doesn't alter the fact that you believe that your vengeful spiteful murderous Jehovahgod sought to keep Knowledge from humanity and that when, unusually for an omnipresent being, he (sic) failed in this so he imposed a debt of sin on all mankind.


Are you an ex-Witness or something?

What's also interesting is the fact that I'm getting dubs right now

This meme is very stale.

Atheists don't get dubs.

Damn, that's pretty profound.

Nice retort.
That the Catholic worldview in particular is a large basis for modern western morality, or that it's a large synthesis of greek philosophy, are not controversial claims for modern historians.

>and atheists have yet to replace it without falling back to christianized aristorelianism


Neither is thee fact that that worldview is itself largely based on developments done in the Axial age, but I never see any of you christcucks thank the jews, the egyptians, the mesopotamians or the persians for any of their work

>the Catholic worldview in particular is a large basis for modern western morality
Where is Bernard Law again?

Atheist morality still relies on theist metaphysics, but they are without foundation. There is no law-giver to provide objective rules, there is no systematic metaphysics to justify the concept of "truth" or "justice". Why are we floating in a post-modern sea of uncertainty? Precisely because we have yet to fill the vacuum after thousands of years of ancient ethics.
Some philosophers have been attempting to create a neo-Aristotelian system with all Christian considerations removed, but it is far from reaching down from academic papers.

>There is no law-giver to provide objective rules, there is no systematic metaphysics to justify the concept of "truth" or "justice".

And neither is there in theistic ethics.

Unless of course you want to tell us about all those times you gave away all your possessions to the poor

I didnt know Aristotle was a christian

Well no, obviously.
They call the last 3 digits of their post correctly.

Arian Christianity gets the dubs.

We had a whole thread about this, remember?


my nigga
Justin Martyr all the way

Your point?

Dont cut yourself on the edges. Also nice fedora

OP, you are ultimately correct on this matter, but at the same time this sort of thread just isn't a good idea.

This guy is posting again for example.

>>he still thinks endless posting of bible passages will convince people who don't consider the bible to be authoritative about anything

You are easily the dumbest motherfucker on this whole fucking website, you do realize this yeah?

>what is autism

Aelian is really a lost cause. He possesses fatal levels of autism. He's like a Chernobyl of autism. all we can do is abandon him and hope that one day, the autistic radiation in his brain decays


Even if the study did conclusively show a correlation between autism and atheism this would not preclude someone from being autistic and holding religious beliefs.

Even if you were a licensed psychologist with the expertise to diagnose someone as autistic, you wouldn't have sufficient data to make such a diagnosis based on forum posts alone.

Pretty sure Justin Martyr just considered it a useful preliminary study to Christian theology. Brah.

If you don't understand why I keep posting biblical passages, sorry m'lad but you're the one who might have autism. You truly have eyes that cannot see and ears that cannot hear.


Justin Martyr became a christian because he considered it a logical outcome of late Hellenic phisolophy (Plato, Socrates, his primary passions)

Correct me if I am wrong but I remember him litterally stating this.

I don't have any quotes on hand, but that seems like a misrepresentation. The differences between Platonism/Neoplatonism and Christianity are considerable. Hellenic philosophical language and concepts are useful for expressing dogma and belief though.

what is this suppose to mean - if you're an atheist you are either a dumb rock or a genius?

Yes, for every Penn Jillette there is a SJW bulldyke

This is such a reddit-tier "DUDE IM BEING SUBVERSIVE AND DECONSTRUCTIVE LMAO" argument it makes my blood boil. The fact that being deconstructive and breaking shit down into its most basic parts and then misinterpreting what those parts are is a major theme in literature and culture is fucking sad.

>a vulgar comedian is the prime example of an atheist intellectual

top wew

source on this study please

Karl Pilkington.

top lad, wew

Trolling and/or flaming is a bannable offense outside of /b/

>cosmic Jewish Zombie

Retarded Russell is on the side of the religiontards though, they literally worship him like he is a Saint.

In fairness to the slightly cringey OP. I don't see you refuting the accuracy of a single word.

not sure what yeb has to do with anything but don't you think it's telling that comedians make up a considerable portion of the new atheist vanguard?

>george carlin
>ricky gervais
>bill maher
>penn jillette

atheism is an ideology propagated by clowns which is unsurprising considering that comedians are some of the most bitter and cynical people on the planet.

>worship him like he is a Saint
Second time in this thread: Atheists are just protestants.

Nearly ever word in the entire pasta is a deliberate misinterpretation of actual Christian theology

You mean it is worded in a way you don't like because it is a bit cruel.

I suppose monkeys are whales in the crazy world you live in.

have you taken your medication today, lad?

it had nothing to do with your post i just haven't seen anyone say "top wew" in a while and it reminded me of the twitter guacman bot

No, I mean the words are factually wrong
>His own father
>Live forever if you eat his flesh
>Evil force

All of that shit is not what any Christian believes

I'm sorry that was worded in a way you don't like because it's a bit cruel :^)

If by cruel your mean stupid, then it definitely is

Bluntly put, atheist morality relies on empathy and reciprocity, a concept that long predates Christianity.

There is of course the cultural pollution of Christian values, but let's not assume that all Atheists live in the west.

Just saying "no, no, no" is not even a minor attempt at refuting a single one.

Let's take one word since you are incapable of even starting to muster the puniest of arguments against any of them.


Are you saying this is incorrect and that you communicate with God using actual sound and noises?

>Bluntly put, atheist morality relies on empathy and reciprocity, a concept that long predates Christianity.
So what you're suggesting is that, a modern atheist would have more in common, morally, with say, a Roman Patrician, than a 19th century whig abolitionist?

>Are you saying this is incorrect and that you communicate with God using actual sound and noises?
Apparently, shitposting on Veeky Forums is telepathic too!

What's "own system"

Yes, that one is incorrect
>Confess with your mouth and believe in your heart and you will be saved

That one is just semantics, but it proves that the OP is either going out of its way to be wrong or ignorant enough of Christianity that they don't even know the most famous verse detailing salvation

Something idiosyncratic.


are you saying that the average modern day catholic has more in common morally with Thomas Aquinas than an atheist? modern morality isn't solely the result of christianity

Well, they should

>le hat joke, this will show them

>believe in your heart

In other words God is able to see what is in your "heart" i.e. telepathy.

Oh right? You are claiming you use the Internet to communicate with God?

He can't read minds or "hearts"?

What the fuck are you talking about? Of course it's enough
>Hey you, you believe this
>No I don't
>That's not an argument!
Fucking Hell

Shit boys we better pack it up now, how will Christianity ever recover from this crushing argument?

>are you saying that the average modern day catholic has more in common morally with Thomas Aquinas than an atheist?
Yes. Especially if they're a Thomist.

> modern morality isn't solely the result of christianity
Well, which is it. Does the basis of atheist morality predate Christianity, or is it a result of modernity?

Are you claiming posts on Veeky Forums make actual sounds and noises?

No, it says you have to confess with your mouth in order to be saved

As in if you only confess in your mind aka telepathically then you won't be, because you have to witness in the name of Christ to be a Christian

God being omniscient is not telepathic, either

The words in the shitty pasta are incorrect. There's no way to get around it.

Veeky Forums
>the delusion that you are actually having a meaningful conversation with rational beings on an anonymous image board populated by antisocial teenagers and started by a teenager who wanted a place to discuss Japanese cartoons

There are two brands of retard in this this thread:
(1) OP and the anti-Christians are retards for thinking that they are presenting any meaningful critique of Christianity.
(2) The Christians and anti-anti-Christians are retards for thinking that they are engaging in an actual debate.

This thread is the internet equivalent of a slap fight breaking out on the short bus.

So if I just say "nope" to your post it is a rapier like dissection of what you said and completely refuted?

Okay, then.


Really makes you think, huh? Now im #rockingforDawkings

No he's illustrating that defining "telepathy" as communication without "using actual sound and noises" is misguided.

Jesus communicated with the Father through the Holy Spirit.

>Well, which is it. Does the basis of atheist morality predate Christianity, or is it a result of modernity
first off I'm not the user who said that, I just came into the thread. but I think he meant the basis for an atheist's morality, not the practices. morality has always been about social behavior deemed good for society at large, not some list of rules dictated by a god. and I disagree that most Catholics have a morality close to Aquinas, even though he is much loved by them. few catholics would advocate killing heretics

Dear friends, although I was very eager to write to you about the salvation we share, I felt compelled to write and urge you to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to God's holy people.

- Jd 1:3

Okay. So your entire argument is that "it isn't telepathy because I communicate with God through social media"

Well played user! I wonder how anyone communicated with God before they had Facebook and Veeky Forums and e-mail!

So you're saying God uses physical ears and they are just super powerful, like a bats!

Be clear. Be honest. Remember that's (apparently what God wants you to do).

Say openly and straightforwardly that you think it is impossible for God to read your mind i.e. not telepathy.

We confess with our mouths so our brothers and sisters will hear the truth with their physical ears.



Last chance to openly and without evasion say the God cannot read minds or telepathy has been proven and we are on to zombie.

And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.

- The Gospel according to John, Ch. 3 v. 16

God knows our thoughts through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Verse 19, you mean.