Where's the dumb money at Veeky Forums?

Where's the dumb money at Veeky Forums?

Where their financiers tell them to put it.

betting against the stock market

Sitting in the bank.

Investing in shitcoins.

Dumb money and Veeky Forums are synonyms m8.

real estate

Investing in the stock market at all.

Crash in the next 3 months

ez money in bitcoins bruuh

Says the poorfag wagecuck

Oh god, that would be awesome for me. I want to invest like 250k in a shitton index fonds like 1-2 year from now. Small crash now would be amazing.

Why do you think this will happen?

>Crash in the next 3 months
>"Stock market is a meme" meme
>Not being a swing trader(holding a positions less than a month)
>Crash is a bad thing
>Not shorting in the beginning of the crash
>not buying nice blue chips with dividends in the end of the end of the crash
>not taking advantage of lowered real estate prices getting a mortgage and renting out the house to wagecucks who will pay out your mortgage and maybe even there will be some of that rent money left for you each month

A crash would be fucking glorious, even that old fag Buffet said that his biggest profits were during crisis.

the casino poker table

>muh good as new 110 year old bungalow

>not at the pokie machines

40 million shorting Exxon Mobil, while it keeps hitting new 52 week highs.

we have a winner.

i started poker a few years ago (essentially online) and saw the potential money making of it.
so many half rich, thank parents, kids trying to win big time and capable of "investing" much.

instead of being like 99% of unskilled poker players and trying to win big time I give my money to poker players and take a % on their gains.

few websites have popped up here and there those last few years for people to invest ridiculous amounts.

not saying it's a sure deal but u have a decent chance

The oil rich Arab nations in the Gulf.

Everything I've read says this is the smart way to do it.

I'm right here. AMA.

being bullish. call options on the dow jones. 185 DIA september expiry. and you? what is the smart money doing. as an insider, do you have any hot tips for us?

But what's gonna drop and then rise?

Dumb money on the left.