What are some effay jobs?

What are some effay jobs?

Teacher, waiter, farmer, artist.

to be real, it depends less on jobs and the individual themselves. like musicians are generally viewed as being effay but think of the difference between david bowie and bruno mars

He asked what jobs are effay

HAHAHAHA, that's funny, because you implied that he misinterpreted the question.



fuck off, this is exactly why I hate cuck libtards. AHAHAHAHAHAHA wait AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA this s exactly why I voted trump. fuck this retarded country I want to see your tears.


Nah just the niggers and boosted Indians

>Calls out how autistic your post was
>Is somehow a libtard

user, please refrain from posting online until you force yourself to generate a second brain cell.

The most Veeky Forums job is being underage and shit posting while the second most Veeky Forums job is being a smug undergrad. I'd say less than 2/5 of Veeky Forums is employed, based on the posts I read


Being a drug dealer without taking drugs (only cig)

Being independently wealthy is Veeky Forums, so working really isn't, unless you're working in a profession that could allow you to become independently wealthy. Think artists and musicians and television personalities (celebrity chefs, etc.). Business moguls, however, can't be Veeky Forums even if they're independently wealthy, unless their business is in the aforementioned groups. Writers are never Veeky Forums no matter how wealthy they are. I think Gaiman could present an interesting counter, but he's probably too SJW to be considered Veeky Forums.

I'd say tailor, teacher, manga artist (only if you're successful), web designer, bartender, photographer, musican/singer and tennis trainer

Only liberals like teachers.

The average age on Veeky Forums is, like, 12 or 13, so of course no one works here.

If that was even remotely true, how would that be a bad thing?

Is it your first day on Veeky Forums?

Yes, it's my very first day.
Also, great job on not answering the question.

what universe do you guys live in that you think teacher (unless you mean specifically professor) is an effay profession?

Lurk more if you want an answer, newfag.

It's ok to not answer hard questions, user. Don't worry, no one will bully you for this.

I think you mean only degenerates dislike teachers, otherwise hang yourself.

are /pol/ migrants retarded


I'm sure it's different outside the US, but Americans either hate teachers outright or think teachers got into the profession for vacation time or because they couldn't make it in a more valuable industry. Why do you think the country is full of charter schools who employ whoever for peanuts? Why do you think congress signed off on Betsy Devos, a woman with no experience in teaching but one with a heap of capital?

In America, the prevailing notion of teaching is that it's unskilled labor, attractive to lazy SJWs.

All boards are /pol/. You should know this.

Thanks for the answer. I wasn't actually aware of this. The attitudes towards teachers are very different here in Scandinavia (and Finland) where I live. I'm studying to become one, and I have to admit that the vacation time is a big reason why I started studying it, since I really value time with my own children (when I get them) during e.g. the Summer break, but that shouldn't be a bad thing. It's not like I don't like the profession at all or that I suck at it,

unpaid intern

Ah, you being from Scandinavia makes sense. I've heard good stuff about teachers and educational support.

America's vastly different. At all levels, teachers don't make much money, they don't get much support, and they're often demonized in popular media. People are prone to thinking that teachers are simultaneously snooty educated poofs and that anyone could teach. This has lead to a climate where many people home school to keep their children ideological pure, and college undergrads look at professors with derision and fear for indoctrination into any number of -isms.

Since Veeky Forums holds the same political compass as /pol/, you'd be hard pressed to convince anyone here that teaching is worthwhile.

>Writers are never Veeky Forums no matter how wealthy they are.
The problem isn't being a writer here, it's that most writers today, at least the successful ones right, are completely un-effay and un-lit. Purely talking as a profession, it's effay.

Any job that allows you to dress the way you want that doesn't involve manual labor or sitting in an office with IT incels

>tfw education major

It's some balls. I'm about to be starting my 3rd year and I hate it. I wanna do something else but feel like I never did what I was supposed to in college or anything to start anew in something.

Fuck, now that existential dread is coming down. I'm feeling like I wasted my time while everyone else was getting their dream jobs where they're fulfilled, or at least on the track to do something important in another 10 years or so.

At least this feeling of dread is pretty effay desu.


Statue needs to get on fin.

Sure. The idea of the wildly successful writer is totally effay.

>No cook/chef
What part about busting your ass and living on a diet of cigs, coffee, and family meals is not recognizable as Veeky Forums?

Entreatment industry. Producer, manager, agent's blah blah blah. Guaranteed sick parties and good pussy.

I'm the doomsayer from , and if it eases that existential dread, know that I'm an educator too (writing and writing program administration is where I'm headed), and that while education is looked on with derision now, that might not always be the case; industries change overnight. That said, I go into educating knowing that I could do a heap of other things with my expertise and experience (and writing samples) if I needed to. The old adage of teachers being those who can't do what they teach is bullshit, so if you ever need to get out, use those skills for something else.

And I don't know many people fulfilled by their desk jobs, even if they were previously dream jobs. Those that are fulfilled are almost all teachers (and one person who works at Google who I always thought would be a teacher). Everyone else is just wage slaving as account execs or whatever. It's not a good scene.

most effay occupation is homelessness

Neet, drugdealer, pimp....

Bartender, professor, fashion designer, runway model

not him burneyfag. stay losing!

fuck off niggerlib you can't hide behind your shitty computer

go back to leftypol faggotnigger.


I can tell you, at least in American schools, no matter how passionate you feel about the job, It sucks the soul outta you.

Disillusionment in the capitalist system is pretty effay senpai.

Pilot, businessman, army, doctors, maybe architect or lawyer


Don Sutherland was effay in Animal House

i am a waiter it is not cool

i work in a photo lab

its incredibly comfy but pretty dead-end and doesn't pay a lot but at least i can print my stuff super cheap, get good camera deals, do film real cheap etc

Mathematician. Either in an industry or academic setting.

nothing Veeky Forums about mathematics in industry

Only effay job is actual modeling, m80. Any other job, you get dirty or you're in a cubicle/doing research all day.
>inb4 government """"""jobs""""""

Probably the least fa

>dream job

Whatever nerd. You might as well do it. Im not the biggest fan of my major either but it has opportunities for other jobs, and im also getting an English degree too. Im not gonna be a teacher forever. You dont have to have 1 career your whole life. When i get bored or hate it ill just do something else.

Best Buy

Just wear black pants (they prefer non-denim, but they don't really give a fuck at my store), black shoes and a belt. They provide the shirt.

Fast food employee

Model (duh)
Designer (duh)
F1 Driver
Gallery Owner/Art Dealer

I do gardening jobs. Mostly property maintenance like cutting grass, trimming hedges and watering people's flowers. Also includes less interesting stuff like painting and roof maintenance.

>Failed Manga artist
>drug dealer (sleaze core)
>pimp (sleaze core)
>con artist (sleaze core)
>model (of course)
>designer (of course)
>being a musician or playing in a /mu/ approved band
>80's stock broker

Personally I work at a music club so I guess that's sort of effay.
My old coffee shop job was also pretty nice actually.

Working isn't effay.


Make it effay then desu.


you haven't actually been to a bar, have you

Tell me that the Black-Scholes isn't Veeky Forums

*Black-Scholes equation

You got triggered by some slob of a calc professor, didn't you? Mathematics is the most elegant discipline out there.

mathematics is the purest form of truth and beauty you can find in the universe. trying to uncover that beauty if the epitome of being effay. your simply wrong if you disagree

Why are mathematicians themselves then the complete opposite of that

Living completely free of money in the woods while rocking high end folk wear. Everything else is corporate and gay modern slave shit.

I'm a welder/weld inspector. Nothing really Veeky Forums about the job except that my Redwings actually show proper wear. I live in LA and always see people wearing workboots that have very obviously never seen any work.

Only pure maths, and only in academia or some think tank.

You better have a sick neckbeard

is militaty effay?

Mathematics, a liberal arts or a fine art but only if you're just doing it to pass the time before you take over the family estate.


A job that you like doing and that pays you well.
I'm fucking data scientist/analyst. Math isn't fa, yet I like it. And actually work at one huge designer house.
There's nothing effay in being full time artist when you are talentless hack. If you are you won't question yourself if your pretentious look is effay or not, you can easily afford to not give a fuck and get away with it.

tl;dr Finding your talent and being successful is the way.

>F1 Driver
god damn, i wouldnt mind gran tourismo driver job either

only reckless units, like french foreign legion