>forced to redistribute more wealth to serf waiter, even though they get paid for their work by their employer
>tipping not communist
why do capitalists fall for communist proletariat extortion scams that force the serviced to pay the serf extra?
>forced to redistribute more wealth to serf waiter, even though they get paid for their work by their employer
>tipping not communist
why do capitalists fall for communist proletariat extortion scams that force the serviced to pay the serf extra?
Other urls found in this thread:
>having such a shitty thread that you need a random fridge whore to attract betas like you
Why don't you just stay at home and serve yourself, or go to a buffet, instead of expecting people to wait on you, if you don't intend to respect them with gratuity? That's what I do. It's not really someone's fucking job in life to wait on me, but sometimes I want a nice, comfortable, relaxed time with someone, and I'll pay someone for the service of serving me. The whole difference is about 15% and if you can't, somehow, afford an extra 15% for eating at a sit-down place, just don't fucking go.
How much trouble is that?
t, proletariat tip parasite
respect, equality is commie codeword for wealth redistribution
fuck off extorting commie scum
the 15% commie serf tax is not optional but extorted
>He isnt even able to properly quote Pulp Fiction
>implying germans watch burger tv
who is this semen demon?
As you probably know, waiters are primarily paid from tips. You could eliminate tipping, but it would have be offset by a significant hike in wages, which would by reflected by large price hikes. At least in the current system you can be a cheap bastard and stiff the poor sucker that the misfortune to run across you as a customer.
I think you're using the words wrong. A restaurant is a private business, not some government institution wherein you're obligated, somehow, to go and get service. You don't need to go in a restaurant. You don't need to give those people your money.
To wit, it's clear capitalism via free enterprise, because you, and however many you can get to follow you, can go be patrons at a place wherein gratuity is not expected. If it's found, by entrepreneurs, the practice of additional gratuity is costing them business, they can, as they like, swap up the business model, and in deed many have been lately as an experimental phase. Some have had good results, some have had bad results. In any event, you're a fucking moron to call it communism. :O)
>System in which the employer can pay his employee less, and the customer pays the employee, who has no say in the matter, based on performance...
>In any way communist.
I know most people have no idea what communism entails, and indeed, think it's the exact opposite of what it is... But really!?
Anyways, obligatory:
Looking at it from a macroeconomic point of view it makes little difference whether you live in a tipping or non-tipping culture.
In non-tipping cultures the servants will renegotiate their wages to make up for the absence of tips. You end up paying about the same amount of money for the meal and services.
All other things remaining equal it is better to have a non-tipping culture. It ensures that the whole amount paid is part of the legal flow of money (i.e. taxed) and makes for a well-defined bargaining position for the servants.
On a personal note: It also gets rid of the near begging fake-friendliness that seems to have contaminated the hospitality business.
Carry on.
The tipped minimum wage in California is $10/hour, same as the normal one, which means a bartender in California will get $10 plus tips. Let's say they get $1 tip on average per drink (would probably easily be more if it's a hot girl with her tits hanging out but whatever). Let's also say they serve an average of one drink every two minutes on a busy night. Again a relatively conservative estimate.
So now you got some fucking bartender making $40+/hour on a Friday night while someone working at McDonald's or doing physical labour carrying boxes at Walmart only deserves $7.25 per hour. Because that's what American society has decided is the right thing to do.
>A restaurant is a private business, not some government institution wherein you're obligated, somehow, to go and get service.
and the payment covers for the everything from procuring the food, to preparing, to delivering the food to the table. when the customer (master) pays for the service, the master pays for the entirety of the service, not in piecemeal.
the issue is when the master (customer) is obligated (extorted) to pay extra (redistribute wealth) to the server (slave)
just cuz the server (serf) believes that they are entitled to the wealth of the master
the server is provided a standard rate of salary from the employer, just like the chef, the manager, the truck delivery guy
the chef knows their position as a worker and does not panhandle for gibmedat and wealth distribution
no one but the server (serf) feels obligated to extort the customer (master) so that the master personally redistributes the master's wealth specifically to the server
b-but user, private taxes do exist in the form of car insurance, health insurance etc
and in the case of health insurance, you are obligated to pay
If you know the person serving you is already making minimum wage or above why are you worried about tipping in the first place? The only reason most people bother is because they assume the waiter/whoever is making below the minimum.
because the customer is literally being extorted by gibsmedat commie thugs occupying customer-facing positions (waiters, bartenders) and bullying the customer to redistribute his wealth to the serf
most times gratuity is included on every check and the servers still feel entitled to ask for more
source: Family owns a few restaurants. I worked to just help out and the idea of giving someone extra money is bullshit but I made 200-300 daily since gratuity was included on every check and people.still left extra for whatever reason.
When I go out, I don't tip unless that person does something like suck my sick or bendover or something.
But user, it literally is their job to serve you. They get paid, to serve you.
Tipping is just offsetting the employers costs, the employees will be paid at least federal minimum wage regardless of whether they get tips or not.
>meal is good
>tip the unskilled petty gibsmedat commie that brought it
>not the skilled and humble person that made it
Tipping culture is the most perverted thing I've ever fucking seen. Just the fact that you legitimately have to fear consequences like having them spit in your food etc. is fucking mind-boggling.
What is wrong with these people, I don't give a shit if your boss don't pay you enough, that doesn't justify putting a knife to peoples throat screaming GIBSMEDAT
trump supporters
servants are there to bow down and to serve their master
Well because servants are servants and we are paying them for their service. I don't need to treat someone like the queen of England to ask them to bring the dishes while I am paying them to do so. fuck their tip-begging entitled spoiled serf asses
Seems more like a capitalist scam so you don't have to pay your workers as much, and instead have your consumers pay.
In the US, the tipped minimum wage is only about 2.15 an hour.
Yeah, fuck people trying to earn a living for themselves, right?
Spoken like a true degenerate. Watch while he regurgitates the opening scene of reservoir dogs to mask his lack or regard for other people.
It's very simple for me, I was raised in the culture. It's gratuity. It's a polite gesture used in a culture based off of making polite assumptions. You give it if you feel like they're having a hard time, or could use a boost, or if they did well. Most of us tip on principle, almost every time. It's a fair assumption that in a lot of places, especially high volume restaurants, at least one of these is true.
This right here.
Why do you think Chinese immigrants and such are setting up restaurants and not applying to normal jobs?
>It's gratuity
>It's a polite gesture
But only if the tips are NOT a crucial part of someones income.
Americans often aren't worried about each other's bottom lines on a day to day basis.
You can get a regular in a store who tips well every time but never do they inquire about a worker's personal wealth. That's because of two cultural vestiges from olden times:
>Tight-assed Anglo-protestant table manners. Don't ask about their money bobby, it's rude.
>Tipping being much more ubiquitous in the middle of the last century as an exchange from upper classes to lower classes that signifies a gratitude for service.
Basically, you only worry about that shit in political debates, or in emotional appeals to better lawmaking. We expect people to use the tools they have whether it be charity, welfare, or family, for their own support. And if they can't, they're more or less a bum in our collective eyes, and their plight is their choice.
Though it really just depends on the kind of person you are. Cunts like those above will try and frame everything as some larger narrative to get a raise out of us. But it really depends on who you are personally and how you see it.
>those legs
My pants just got way tighter.
>tipped minimum wage
According to a common labor law provision referred to as a “tip credit”, the employee must earn at least the state’s minimum wage when tips and wages are combined or the employer is required to increase the wage to fulfill that threshold. [1][2][3] This ensures that all tipped employees earn at least the minimum wage: significantly more than the tipped minimum wage.
while dishwashers, cooks get etc paid minimum wage with no enforced communist wealth redistribution (tipping)
Meanwhile I have servers brag to me how they made 70k last year extorting their idiot "masters". Then complain about how they want a real career but they don't want to earn less than 70k.
i worked in kitchens for 3 years. the kitchen staff (including managers) makes about $10-12/hr on average
the dumb whore the refilled your drinks makes $50-75/hr on average
sluts literally work 4-5 hour shifts and spend most of it smoking cigarettes outside and get paid $200-300
tipping is bullshit proletariat scam
Why is this on the history board.
T. Fat landwhale
historical vulnerabilities of humanitarian wealth distribution practices m8
>people trying to earn a living for themselves, right
these are literally petty servants w/ no valuable skills
see do you give the dishwasher a tip?
do you give the floor cleaner a tip?
tip people for holding the door for you?
tip Walmart greeter for smiling, greeting you?
tip cashier in Walmart for placing your merchandise inside a shopping bag for you?
tip McDonalds workers for cleaning the table and picking up the tray after you?
tip cleaners for cleaning bathroom and other facilities for you?
tip the truck delivery guy who carried the food to the kitchen at the restaurant feeding you?
these people trying to earn a living for themselves and your fuck them over!!
>being extorted by worthless servants
>not beta
you are the one bowing down to the demands of your servant and licking their asshole clean
any master with dignity and self respect would not fall victim to the extortion scam of their servant
We used to.
>fridge whore
I hate when /tv/ memes leak but I demand we make an exception for this.
>b-b-b-but they get hired for less than minimum wage!!!
Yeah, they are illegally paid less than the state dictates, and by tipping you are supporting this criminal practice.
Don't tip, and the waiters working for less than minimum wage will get other jobs, or push for a raise, and with less people wanting this trash job employers will be forced to adjust.
remember taxes started out as a form of charity, give to the proletariat. ancient religions asked something like 5% tip to the poor.
this form of wealth distribution was based on the generosity of the masterful.
now we have an entire servant army of customer-facing communist revolutionaries holding a knife to the customer's throat and demanding tips.
The whole point is that in practice waiters earn chump change compared to those other jobs, and hence need (read: NEED) tips in order to earn an actual wage.
Don't blame the waiters, blame society, you uncritical hack.
>source: Family owns a few restaurants
Of COURSE this shitfuck comes from Money.
Who'd have thunk someone well off would feel offended and extorted by a completely optional tip.
Take it easy, Argyle, you'll still have 401K in your 401K whether or not the serf gets paid.
Because if you don't tip, the employers will have to pay them more. And they don't want that.
>these are literally petty servants w/ no valuable skills
People have to earn money to go to school and acquire skills. Are you dense, pampered, or both?
We only tip because everyone knows The Owners are too busy giving themselves pay bonuses to reinvest a percentage of profits in fair wages.
Yea. Just let them eat cake. That should suffice.
>now we have an entire servant army of customer-facing communist revolutionaries holding a knife to the customer's throat and demanding tips.
So melodramatic
Jessica at Outback Steakhouse isn't a BombRollingRed, no matter how much you want to believe she is.
Said thing is waiters that earns massive tips support it so solidarity is down the drain
>Earning a living by being a waiter
Get a grant from the state and go to uni or trade school. Let some other student/teenager be a waiter.
>Muh greedy capitalists
If you can't afford an education, get the state to pay for it, it should pay off in the long run. If not take a loan, it will pay off. Otherwise sucks being an Americuck.
>If you can't afford an education, get the state to pay for it,
MFW getting the state to pay for anything is regularly demonized by people like OP.
>I don't want to give you money through your job to send you to school
>Instead I, along with everybody else, will pay the state to put you through school
In Australia, we look down at people asking for tips.
We do not like beggers as such.
*Cafe waitresses are beggers in USA seemingly, which is wrong.
A tip should be given only if I want to give it - and you should NEVER expect that tip.
You have a boss that pays you - I am not your boss.
Do not rely on me - Speak to your boss.
>the server is provided a standard rate of salary from the employer,
No, most tip taking workers get paid less than minimum wage before tips.
>the chef knows their position as a worker and does not panhandle for gibmedat and wealth distribution
Nor is he allowed to. (Literally, "get back in the kitchen.")
>no one but the server (serf) feels obligated to extort the customer (master) so that the master personally redistributes the master's wealth specifically to the server
Because the employer has undercut the server's wages, without his say, forcing the customer to supplement them directly.
...and even if it was as you described, it would still be nowhere near communist.
Communism is where you have a series of communes based on area of production, each where the workers therein have direct control over the means of production and the distribution of the resulting resources. The only way this would be communist, would be if all the workers gathered together at the end of the week to decide how much they each were going to get paid.
Only if you are poor, prevents us from having to pay you in tips when you are 40.
This is how it should be everywhere.
And get paid for it at the end of the week.
Don't like the low pay?
Give the jobs to the people who are supposed to have them, teenagers, ect, and find a better paying job, fuckwit.
>Do your job and get paid at the end of the week
>Depsite cost of living increasing far faster than actual wage
>Retirement age increasing, school tutition increasing in the hundreds of percentage, population increasing, full time jobs decreasing
Man you really have this economy thing all figured out. People just need to get better jobs. Who'd have thought that?
think of it as guillotine insurance
back in da day, when people out and about in da street
street life is the only life they knew
the curb was they pillow
shit wasnt sweat
they made ends meat
hustlin was the sound of the beat
now you got worthless commies thinking they entitled to the butter of the hustlers
naaaaahh, fuck dat
yall herbs aint gettin my butter
better learn the game and start da hustle
time to fap
Every restaurant I go to, I explicitly ask if I can waive table service. "I'll go put in my order and pick up my food myself. Thanks." Of course, I often get told that's not an option. "Okay," I say.
No tip. Fair is fair.