I'm going to france pretty soon and i was wondering how appropriate your clothes had to be, like how much skin can i show. I planned on wearing basics. trying not to stick out so much
I'm going to france pretty soon and i was wondering how appropriate your clothes had to be...
Other urls found in this thread:
too much is haram
some more examples
French people aren't going to lynch you just because you dress like a cheap slut, you know. They aren't even going to notice that you dress badly. We're civilized enough to have terrible fashion taste just like every other nation of the Western world.
inb4 muslims
those don't care about women who aren't theirs
thank s
burka or else you will get raped
No one fucking cares
Simply don't wander around in shitty neighbourhoods if you wear skirts, tanks etc
if you show your legs above the knee you're a slut
wrong. muslims visibly ogle every stupid american bimbo in shorts
>muslims visibly ogle every stupid american bimbo in shorts
>men visibly ogle every stupid bimbo in shorts
Where in france? lmfao, what a dumb question.
you dumb faggots, she's worried about blending in and not looking like an obvious tourist or foreigner, not concerned about being raped or some shit.
french women dress way more modestly than americans, although you didn't mention where you're from. don't be afraid of showing skin in the summer, the two examples you posted are fine although the blue mom jeans are kind of tacky.
this might help
brown people are really blatant about it, like even normal looking brown people, not fat old white men who don't give a shit
Middle eastern dudes seem especially bad about it.
I remember when I was younger and had a shitty part time cashier job and dealt with a lot of middle eastern guys. Almost always blatantly pervy. To them, girls showing shoulders/legs are just walking around begging to get fucked by the first guy willing to try. Almost all of them made comments about really young chicks too (think 12-13)
Aren't you, though?
Be honest.
Aren't I what, exactly?
i live in france and 13year olds are wearing mini shorts and tank tops with maximum cleavage don't worry about showing a little bit of skin (sorry for bad english)
nice try, ahmed
>nice try, ahmed
How did you find out stupid american i'm gonna bomb your entire family and rape you poo poo hole
Wear a lot of white and 0% recognizable brands or pieces if you don't want to stick out.
For instance, the worst look would be Adidas Superstars, leggings, and a crop top. Equally don't carry a Kanken and wear quirky doc martens.
Do not wear your pic related, but there would be nothing wrong with replacing the black with a white top.
French style is very subtle and often seems a little dated or retro, but the more you immerse yourself in the country, the more you pick up their cues and realise that the average citizen dresses with such elan and grace that you'll feel embarassed when you get back home.
Also, it's not a meme. Watch out for Muslims. There are zones you really should avoid as an unaccompanied woman, and if you're with a boyfriend, don't put him in the compromising situation where he has to stand up to an Arab or African - Muslims really do have a gang/pack mentality, and if they can't intimidate you, they'll summon more and more til you're genuinely in danger, and they will follow you.
Also, if you're going swimming, don't let your boyf wear swimming shorts, the French are all homos and their pools have a Speedos Only policy (probably to stop them filling with pubes).
>Muslims really do have a gang/pack mentality, and if they can't intimidate you, they'll summon more and more til you're genuinely in danger, and they will follow you.
nah fuck off. Been making money robbing people and being a delinquent in high school, and I never ever seen a fuckboi needing more that a good highkick to go down.
>how big of a slut can i look while looking for some baguettes to fuck
>follow French fashion blogger
>really slim and cute and dresses modestly
>someone asks her if she ever has the urge to overeat/binge, clearly looking for approval for their shortcomings
>French bitch tells her she never has that problem and to seek professional help if it keeps happening
Laughed for a full five minutes.
No, I leave people alone like a decent human being
When was the last time you saw a white man cat-calling irl? On TV and in webcomics it seems that ONLY white men cat-call, but irl it's a different story, funny enough
Don't believe what this user says. I was in Paris in January and was quite frankly shocked at what I saw - 30 year old fat ladies in fishnet tights and shorts (no clue how she did it, it was cold as fuck) and similar disasters. Literally the only people with class were old folks.
>French bitch tells her she never has that problem and to seek professional help if it keeps happening
That's my kind of woman right there
Whatever you pick, make sure it's modest. Islam has their women dress in garbage bags for a reason, they're very rapey
>30 year old fat ladies in fishnet tights and shorts (no clue how she did it, it was cold as fuck
it's called a layer of blubber, fat people have that in spades
Also OP, don't go to Paris right now, it's completely trashed and taken over by refugees, their garbage, make shift houses and carpets for praying are littering the once gorgeous streets, you'd be better off in the countryside away from the densely populated areas.
links to blog? would like to follow
Her tumblr is the same name.
She's a cute, with a pretty Veeky Forums beau as well.
thanks for delivering