How do you bring yourself to spend money on clothes?

I've been saving my money for years. I am cheap autist who wants to dress effay but I can't bring myself to spend $90 on a fred perry polo or $650 on a Himalayan Parka. Clothing seems like the shittiest investment possible. It will all get worn out eventually and you'll have you replace some of your pieces. R-right?

How can one be Veeky Forums and cheap?

>inb4 you insult my taste and say it isn't Veeky Forums, no bully



wow thats some gud cosplay

just don't
spend it on cryptocurrency

who said you have to spend 90 on a Polo
or 650 on a jacket
spending more on outerwear is generally a good investment though

higher-quality clothing looks better in person and is generally more durable
good construction, fit, materials etc. will always cost quite a bit

thrifting sounds like the perfect solution for you

side effect of thrifting:
I realized when I found good condition pieces from the 60s and 70s that they've probably lasted 40 years of wear and will last even longer because the original owner spent money on quality materials and production

meanwhile the clothes I buy from kohl's and walmart as workwear (retail) need replaced every 5 years or so

I have mixed feelings about wearing second hand clothes. Any tips for thrifting? Should I target affluent neighborhoods?

why are people on Veeky Forums such massive pussies. just walk into your local thrift store and take a look, go to a few further from you if nothing good is found. if there's a big city near you, go there.

why does this even need explanation?

jacket ID?

>I have mixed feelings about wearing second hand clothes.
that's a mental inferiority. it's magical thinking

Thrifting is far more entertaining than buying retail anyway, it's exciting and enjoyable when you're sprawling through loads of clothes and you find something you fall in love with.

Thrift also comes with little imperfections that make items so unique to you in sizing and wear.

Thrifting as eastern european requires gas mask and high gypsy toleration, not always an option

I would love to trift stuff, but here usually everything is shit tier

>it will all get worn out

Not really. Pants probably will and underwear and tshirts and socks, but a lot of stuff will last 20 years if you treat it well.

it would be expensive if you just went online right now and bought all the clothes you need/want currently. but you should at the very least buy mostly during sales and always keep an eye on second hand sources (if money isn't a non-issue)

patience is the most important thing

and plenty of stuff gets better with age. fabrics like cotton drill, raw denim if you're one of those people etc.

But after all those years you won't be hipster anymore

Why are you looking at clothing as an investment?

I don't

I clearly stated that I am autistic.

You can add another layer of autism to your Veeky Forums if you get really autistic about watching for sales and researching quality/value for money.

Fashion being expensive is a meme:

>basics with good quality to price ration like carhartt, dickies, uniqlo, ascolour

You should learn to create good fits from experimenting with cheap items first anyway, so you don't buy a bunch of shit that may be cool individually but looks shitty on you because you never bothered to think about how it would work with other garments.

uniqlo and ascolor are fast fashion

do not buy fast fashion
