Weird weapons thread.
Weird weapons thread
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spiked in da groin by a fucking sheild... son, helluva way to go out. how do u explain this to st peter "man u can't come in here ur dick n balls is bleeding all over the clouds, how'd it happen" "a shield.. i got spike by a fuckin shield"
These are fishing arrows from the Philippines,
It's pretty nifty actually,
>Be onna boat.
>Shoot fish
>Arrowhead goes through fish.
>Fish swims away.
>but arrowhead detaches and shaft floats up top.
>See where fish is going/shaft tires fish out and you can just pull the sucker out of the water.
So essentially mini harpoons.
Kusari gama, mainly a dueling weapon, though it might have been used in some other situations
The cock shape is intentional isn't it?
Also used to hunt birds as well, since birds (large ones, especially) often flew away with arrows stuck in them.
Contain your rampant homosexuality user
Also those Indian whip swords
(I have a sort of fetish for unusal weapons):
-That African throwing knife.
-Greek belly bow.
-Roman darts.
-Medieval sling sticks.
-One in a life time scorpion bombs.
-Flaming oxen (also flaming camels and so on)
-Arrows with human dung and rattle snake poison
-That Spartan sulfur flamethrower thing
Black people aren't allowed on Veeky Forums.
I dunno man, this one doesn't seem practical
It's still better than this.... thing.
Well then.
that's an art exhibit, not a gun
even lacks a hammer
seems like it would work perfectly well as a concealed weapon.
Yes, I believe it is.
I want one of those so bad. That's the perfect thing for walking around a bad neighborhood.
Add to this the German wind cannon
Also batbombs
And the list continues