
How do you self-employed Veeky Forumsraelis rationalize getting cucked out of almost half your earnings each year? I try, but I just can't do it. For the past few years, I've teetered on what could easily be a very lucrative business, and each time I start earning serious money, I end up backing out because I just can't stand the principal of it.

Do any of you actually believe you'll see a dime of that Social Security? How does it feel knowing you're helping Treyquan buy his new Jordan's? What about funding the police state? Importing thousands/millions of undocumented """refugees"""? Subsidizing illegals that the government literally refuses to deport, and instead gives debit cards and housing vouchers to? The list goes on ad infinitum, but you get the point.

I feel so much better as a man, just living off the land and doing odd jobs under the table -- there's just no value in trying to contribute to broader society anymore. The productive get increasingly shit on while hoards of mouth-breathing parasites multiply like rabbits and run the cities and towns your forefathers built into the ground.

There's also no incentive to raise a family, either. What sort of prospect does the current system provide a man, not a """man""", but an actual man? Marry a whore, lose your kids, lose your house, die at 53 in a shitty motel room because Treyquan couldn't hit JaMarcus with his Hi-point?

The only option, insofar as I can see it, is to simply not play the game.

This post needs to be stickied on /pol/, reformatted into a propaganda poster and put up quite literally everywhere.

Don't complain about things outside of your control. Focus on acquiring more money.

Politics is for politicians.

Even bitcoin shills are more intelligent than you are.


This post should be stickied up your ass.

Not an argument.

/pol/ knows this you fag.
This is literally all they talk about all day long

Yeah but a real life example will make them extra mad.

we discuss this at length on /pol/

but what OP's post fails to note is that to not play the game means you lose the game.

We are all in the game by default.

We all are obligated by government to support Treyquan and his baby momma and her 4 kids. This means they will have food, shelter, and spending money.

But you can use Treyquan to your advantage. Build the low income housing he lives in. Sell him his shitty Hi-Point pistol, sell him his overpriced Jordans, sell him the shitty convenience store food he eats, sell him his overpriced cell phone.

Stop looking at Treyquan as a parasite of your tax dollars and start looking at Treyquan as the idiot consumer who is too stupid to be judicious in his spending habits and instead buys whatever is convenient and cool.

Its like you don't know how to play the game.

You don't know the law. You think you know.
You don't know accounting. You think you do.
You don't know women. You think you do.

You are lazy and a coward if you think you do not have an advantage.

Business taxes are completely flow through. Treyquan pays these taxes through the goods he provides, so the government can take their cut first. Sure you're cucked into being the governments payroll officer, but frankly its menial relative to the legal support you receive.

Taxes and Redistribution simply incentivize or decentivize certain behaviors. Most of the things you discuss are simply constructs.

Sure it distorts the market but its important to take advantage of those inefficiencies like a rational adult and push them to the breaking point.

Immigrants make labor cheap. Hire cheap labor to do labor intensive work.

Taxes too high subsidizing bullshit. Great, work on the bullshit and sell them the crap.

Marriage is a sham don't get married and live the new american dream.